The Yakuza are good guys who protect their neighborhood

>The Yakuza are good guys who protect their neighborhood
I fucking hate this cliché. Why do so many anime and manga white-wash the Yakuza and other criminal gangs so much? Real crime syndicates are murderers, thieves, drug dealers, extortionists and human traffickers. Where does Raku think all his money comes from?
The Mafia and Chinese Triads are similarly white-washed.
This isn't a happy ending, crime wins and nobody is punished, they in fact become more powerful.

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Mangaka like keeping their heads

I still consider that episode of Clannad with the gang war the stupidest thing I've ever seen

Watch Outrage and Beyond Outrage OP

It's weird. Japan is known for being very conformist, yet in their media they'll glorify criminals and make them heroes.
In Western media, you'll often get sympathetic criminals, but at the end of the day, the fact that they're criminals will either be treated as a tragedy created by circumstance or a serious character flaw, a sign of moral decay. Organized crime and petty crime will still be treated as bad things that hurt society, as something that must be fixed.
There is no way that a western work would ever treat the main character deciding to accept his criminal heritage while at the same time becoming a civil servant as a good thing. Just look at The Godfather. Michael was supposed o be the good son who was going to go legit and become a Senator, but ended up following his father's footsteps, which lead him to become far more evil and vicious than anyone in his family.

Western culture is based on Guilt-Conscience

Our sense of right and wrong are based on that little voice in the back of our heads saying something is righteous or sinful. A crook isn't inherently evil, he's made evil choices.

Japan's culture is Shame-Honor. Right and Wrong come down to "will the neighbors agree this is good/bad?". If everyone suddenly accepted child rape dungeons no individual would bat an eyelash. A person is either good or bad, choice has nothing to do with it. If a socially designated "good" person does wrong then it's still justified. If a socially designated "bad" person does good it doesn't mean shit.

Mangaka aren't well known for their intelligence and the target audience of their works are teens. Those who are not bright like them tend to like feeling like they know "the truth". Same reason why delinquent manga is a thing when in reality they just bully nerds and steal shit so they can be cool. "Yakuza are good, delinquent guys are good, they just don't know the truth." That's what they like to believe.

its just manga you sperg. Maybe you should go to /lit/? or Sup Forums?

They don't want to die you see

If you were born and raised in oriental Asia, it would've been a part of your culture you wouldn't bat an eye about.

It's something about a legend about five monks that survived a massacre and triads are the groups they created for revenge and protecting country. Some consider the payments a way to rever them.

Mafia and chinese triads are alternatives to governments and differ mostly by government sanctioning itself and having to uphold a facade of benevolence because social unrest.

And last but not least
>realistic depiction
It's just a romantic comedy manga with a lolcrimesyndicate flavor to setting. It's not meant to be a comment on society and organized crime groups.

That can't be it. There's plenty of Japanese media that portrays the Yakuza as ruthless killers, yet I'm pretty sure that their authors are still alive.
And that still doesn't explain similar white-washing of the Mafia and Chinese Triads.

They're full of shit. Organized crime likes to keep a low profile, they won't fuck someone up for no reason, and they won't fuck a cartoonist up over fictional stories. The heads keep their guys on a tight leash, where I live they're banned from taking uppers like Meth because they get aggressive and start bringing heat down.

edgy Chuunibyou

You have to understand that for hundreds of years the Yakuza were basically a secondary security force created by organized peddlers and merchants that did all sorts of shady shit.

Yeah they killed people but they did and do protect their neighborhood(and generally telling people crime is from letting Koreans and chinese into the country) and to this day still hold festivals and celebrations especially for kids and families to enjoy.

>Yeah they killed people but they did and do protect their neighborhood
I'll just say: Junko Furuta.
Stop deluding yourself, they're nothing but monsters, just like all the others criminal organizations around the world.

Its kinda true.
Theres basically no petty crime cause theyll fuck you up but they stick their fingers in every sort of buisness. If you a regular dude and not a buisness owner/manager you wont really notice em

Thats worse because they make the small businesses go broke which are the primary source of jobs for most of the population. If they only deal on other areas instead of racketeering it would be better for everyone.

Those faggots were wannabes

I raise you blake's 7;
Protagonists include a political dissident charged with paedophilia, a software engineer who attempted to hack a bank, a pickpocket, lockpicker and petty thief, a smuggler, a terrorist, a murderer, a hired killer, weapons designer that produces for anti-government groups, and a turncoat.

Most of them are entirely unsympathetic, almost all of them are treated as heroes or at least anti-heroes, none of them are supposed to be fixed or cured.

The chink mafias are overrunning the yakuza in Japan, it's kinda hilarious.

They glorified the military thugs called the Samurai, I don't see why this is any different

>why does fiction use common elements of the romanticized past
Who knows?

>implying yakuza are bad

You're right, they are worse.

Who do you think keeps the industry in business?

Thats because japs don't have souls OP :)
those gooks are right next china in terms of being inhumane savages which no sense of social responsibility or empathy only embarrassment at their caste or status, if pedophilia became accepted in japan every 3rd person would be doing it, because they dont have any inate sense of good, only popularly reinforced ediquite

>where I live they're banned from taking uppers like Meth because they get aggressive and start bringing heat down.
How do you know this?

He's the meth dealer.

Those were high school kids, not Yakuza, you retard.

They glorified them after they weren't around though. The whole "my honor" stuff became popular by the time of the Edo era, when Samurai were pretty much doing nothing. Bushido specifically only comes from the post-shogunate era when Samurai didn't even exist as a class anymore.


t. south korean

But that doesn't work in a modern setting. The town in Nisekoi has a very effective police force with a super SWAT Team and everything. You don't need the Yakuza o kick out unwanted criminals when the cops are already there to do it.
Quite frankly, I don't get why they don't just arrest the Yakuza and Mafiosi, the Yakuza Boss assaulted the Chief of Police and gave him a permanent scar on his face. Plus all the gunfights and assorted mayhem. Even Interpol should be on this shit.

>being south korean takes away from that fact
In terms of emphatic humans it goes like this

S.koreans>>SEA>>>>>>>Indian>>>>>>>>>>>Anglo white>>>>>>>>>>>other white>Japs>C*inese

I left blacks and arabs out because I've never met them.

Jesus christ Worst Korea is so pathetic

Blake's 7 is a different kind of work though, and there aren't very many like it. It was basically supposed to show that even bad people can do good things, but that doesn't mean they're good people.
More importantly, what they were doing wasn't organized crime, it was rebellion against an opressive regime. They were doing good, the Yakuza and other real-world crime organizations do not.
You'll be pretty hard-pressed to find works where criminal organizations are treated as good guys doing good things.

The genre and demographic target are more comfortable with this kind of Yakuza.

Because the yakuza keeps all the filthy sand (((people))) out.

organized crime is a bunch of assholes

instead of robbing you blind like freelance robbers, they bleed you dry by requesting insurance from you, which is increased near celebrations.

jap detected

they also bash white/black otaku filth that come over occasionally. We get blamed for it.

But Japan doesn't have an immigration problem. Very few people want to go there.
It's one of the reasons their birth rate is so low.

Is this a bait thread? Plenty of anime and manga depict yakuza as evil sons of bitches or at least a generic bad guy character the protagonist saves a character from.
>people don't complain about Nazis being fetishized in anime
>hurr durr why are these tribal, decentralized mobs GLORIFIED

It's not a situation as big as USA or some European countries but they do have lots, and the yakuza are the one who let them in usually. Some are starting to consider immigration as an actual future solution for the lack of workers, though.

Yes, plenty of Anime/Manga portray the Yakuza as evil, but there's also a disturbing amount that portray them as sympathetic and necessary good guys that help their neighborhood. Same with delinquents.

Mostly comedies, same as western media.

>a disturbing amount
No more than what you see in Hollywood and TV. Al Capone is a pop culture icon, the mafia is often the hero's clandestine allies, etc.

Or Imperial army depending on the setting. Well iv seen this mostly on shonen manga/anime though. Every seinen iv seen has portrayed them in negative light.

It could come down to ignorance of shonen audience(kids,neets) and the fact that mangakas want to sell their shit.

Show which targets unmature people is bound to have unmature things in them like not showing controversial/nasty history of ones homeland.

The difference is that in Western media, criminals are still treated as bad guys.
Al Capone is a pop culture icon the same way Darth Vader is.
They're not treated as good guys who do what they do for the good of their neighborhood. You'll occasionally get ones who claim they are, but they're always shown to be either wrong or lying.


I think Nisekoi is just a bad comic

There are lots of Yakuza stories that portray them as dirtbags in the end. Even something like the Yakuza games, Kazuma is constantly trying to get out from under having been a gangster once, but constantly gets drawn back in, and everyone other than him is either crazy or evil.

jesus, kill yourself

It's a comedy. Also a bad romance series, though.

You're taking fucking comic books way too seriously, nigger.

>shitty romcom
I'm surprised you managed to get this far in Nisekoi without having a conniption over the normalization of female-on-male violence or something. Kill yourself.

It's a bad comedy and a bad romance

Dude can draw decently though

This. Trying to critique and throw fits about the moral/social implications of fictional worlds not meant to convey those messages is some of the biggest fucking cancer in modern media.

I kinda like it when it focused on the comedy to be honest, also in the rare occasions the romance actually moved forward,

>everyone other than him is either crazy or evil.

Not everyone. Just most of them.