Time to worship your Goddess, Sup Forums!

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This is the church of Nagato, friend.

No point in forcing it


So what happened on Tanabata?

Usuall stuff.

What would've happened if the timeline didn't split up 'n all?

Literally who?

How new can you be?


I'm halfway through the second last volume, don't spoil me "kudasai"

This faggot is the neo Sup Forums?
Is like saying you like music without recognize The Beatles.


We got The Complete Soundtrack of Haruhi Suzumiya.

Good choice, friend.

What style is this reminding me off and where did this come from?

I want Ryoko to dominate me!


Who are them?

> Haruhi will never shine upon you with a "I haven't even BEGUN to get in trouble" smug.

heil Haruhi

No, thanks. She's a bad, annoying, egotistical individual that only tries to make her peers miserable.

Disappearance made Nagato best girl

>I haven't even watched the show and I'm parroting what basic bitches on Sup Forums say

Nah, I watched it. Kyon not beating her when he could was the worst. Everyone should have made a punchling line at that moment.

>It's another ESL newfag makes a fool of himself to be contrarian episode

Shouldn't have woken up for this shit


Yeah Kyon's knee-jerk reaction would've done a lot of good

Oh, that other thing?

So soft

Nah, she's pretty fit

I know, was talking about her cute butt

Wouldn't know

Nagato's face is way too expressive here

It's the human version

Though it varies in size depending on the image

Seriously? I was sure satellite drew their eyes differently

That is 100% correct.

Will we ever get the sequel we deserve Sup Forums? My faith is wearing thin despite how good disappearance was. I cant hold on forever.

It's like it's 2009 again

>Time to worship your Goddess, Sup Forums!

God is dead desu~.

My faith will never waiver.
Disappearance Yuki gives me new life every time I see her.

No thanks, she's shit on all levels.


I worship Haruhi's butt.