
haven't caught up with prison school in ages. has it messed up with this tournament arc or is it still decent?

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Tournament arc has been going for months. Manga is on hiatus

it's definitely the low point of the manga

nope, manga is still ongoing every week.

whats wrong with the tournament arc?

literally zero progress for 30 chapters.

is it still just like, one fetish pandering after another?

a chapter literally came out today.

224 is out today

I wish they would fucking end this arc, it's getting boring now. Don't get me wrong it had hilarious parts but I feel they're just dragging it now


why is urinegirl so perfect?


you mean Meiko? :D

it's a shame since one of the good things about early prison school was the solid brisk pace

it's not the kind of series that is aided by slowing down since it runs so much on novelty

What's going on in the manga is heartbreaking.

There is new spin off manga about Meiko they said in august will appear.
>source mangahere news.

Is meiko the most popular among the nips?

>yours truly

Everything Meiko related is super disgusting. Couldn't stand that bitch right from the beginning.

Already came out.

man i love that game where you get to fuck blondie and cow tits. I hope more positions are relased ^_^

What game?

enjoy anons sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=2072219

whats the matter user ? Did you get beat up by a girl ? that's ok, you can talk to us :)

The art is fucking amazing in the manga but I couldn't ever seeing it getting good again, I finished the manga where the anime ended kinda just a rinse and repeat situation.

I hope he tries to do some adventure manga and just let PS run its course.

I want hana's feet in my face

If there isn't another lewd Hana and Kiyoshi scene coming up, then I'm dropping this manga.

Absolutely nothing has happened in months.

I wonder why. Has the author run out of ideas?

So you actually enjoyed it when she destroyed Guan Yu or everything that happened in the horse battle? Everything about Hana is related to piss and it's not nearly as disgusting.


I've never read the manga but i've heard good things is this actually a decent manga or is it tu love ru levels of cock tease bullshit?

The only decent thing to come out of Prison School recently was



>telling me what to do
who do you think you are pal ?

the manga quality is actually getting worse imo
it's not as detailed as it's used to be

so, this is the state of Prison School thread now

nah dont mind me, i am just trolling - haven't even read the manga. I just watched the anime and play the ero game. Apologies for derailing an ultra-super-serious thread about an ecchi comedy.



>Expecting progress in Prison of the Three Kingdoms : Legend of the Plastic Bottle

Is it online?

It's totally lost its focus right now. I'm sure the manga will end as soon as the winner for the cavalry contest is decided.