X stands for "cross", cross stands for OW THE EDGE
Tales of Zestiria the X
cross stands for crossover you dingus
So here's BURN for Ameri-Burgers
Why the fuck didn't they just show this instead of I WANNA BE WHITE
Will the shows actually cross-over, though?
I can't imagine Velvet so much as stomaching Rose the sociopath
So where exactly is the show going from here? It's nearly halfway done yet they've just now switched storylines. How can they possibly work this out?
Yeah its pretty fucking stupid
They want to make sure to the viewers this is just advertising for the games
Even more so than usual
It's two cours, ya morons
Show ain't halfway done
Is this worth watching?
Just watch it and decide for yourself. It's only 5 episodes, you got nothing to lose anyway.
hell, if you watched that zestiria ova from awhile back you can skip the first 2 episodes to boot. those 2 eps were just a repeat of the introduction tutorial.
>Tales of Zestiria anime
>5nd episode is about Berseria
>6th will be about Berseria as well
>there can be more easily
>show is 12 episodes long
>Berseria is not even out yet for another week
Bandai is officially worse jew than Nintendo. The most blatant product placement in history.
Who is the reflection?
Because supercell is better.
Where is Rose
We need more Rose
Baba please.
Don't get your panties in a bunch, fujo. It's a split cour.
Plus Zestiria sucks and I'm only watching for the Berseria advertisement, which has been vastly more interesting.
>Zestiria sucks
Yes, but its still about Zestiria. Pacing in this Berseria episode was garbage, they could've just make a full anime about Berseria with proper development instead of this half crap.
You don't know shit.
They're not going to spoil Berseria before the game is out and this Zestiria disaster was years in the making.
This whole thing is a soulless advertisement, but at least for two episodes it's advertising something I'd want to buy.
The title of the anime isn't "Tales of Zestiria", it's "Tales of Zestiria the Cross"
Has been from day one.
Its 'ex' tho
Last episode Ceres fucking said "Cross"
>This is it, Velvet!! I think we finally became Tales of Zestiria ze CROSSU
I just wanna see Sorey meet the chuuni woman.
Daily reminder that during Velvet's time Shepherds or doushi were just traveling priests that communed with spirits.
>the X
>pronounced "za kurosu"
So is that all she had to eat, for like, three years? Werewolves?
She's basically a garbage disposal for demons.
No, Artoruis kept her there so that she would grow stronger and kill him when time comes.
That sounds incredibly stupid.
>Chuuni Edgelord meets Ruin Autist
What happens?
It's a jap thing.
>They're not going to spoil Berseria before the game is out and this Zestiria disaster was years in the making.
That's where you're wrong friend. Next episode is confirmed a spoiler for Berseria. As in it hasn't even been shown in any of the PVs yet.
Sorey subjects Velvet to a game of ten thousand questions.
Is this yaoi?
Not for another week.
Next episode features a woman eating another woman
You tell me
>This is it, Yuri!! I think we finally became Tales of Vesperia
The girls in the party are the only thing keeping it from being Bungou Stray Dogs level of gay. Even then its pretty close.
Every thread
Where's your proof that it's two cours? Wikipedia says it's only going to be 13 episodes.
The title is "We're so fucking Jew we are trying to push two products half-assedly instead of pushing one"
>crossboarder in charge of not being stupid
>where's your proof
Now do me a favor and fucking kill yourself
>Why the fuck didn't they just show this instead of I WANNA BE WHITE
I predict the OP for Berseria will be premiered worldwide at the end of episode 6
>Citing wikipedia
How does it feel being retarded?
>oh wow it'll spoil the first hour of the game hurr durr
Will our flat goddess appear in berseria arc?
Goddamn she's so hot, when is she appearing again?
From your own fucking link. I'm pretty sure you're the one who should off yourself you damn frog.
Honestly they should've just made it about Beseria. It's not like people wouldn't spoil the game within a week of it coming out.
>Cet été formera une 1ère saison de 13 épisodes, suivi de l'hiver 2017 qui délivrera une 2ème saison de 12.
Not that user but it says first season is 13 episode and then the next season starts in 2017.
>"Cet été formera une 1ère saison de 13 épisodes, suivi de l’hiver 2017 qui délivrera une 2ème saison de 12."
>"A first season of 13 episodes will be released this summer, followed by a second season of 12 episodes during the winter of 2017."
Fucking idiot
>It's a "Retarded Burger doesn't read" episode
Seriously, do yourself and your country a favor. Kill yourself. Fucking kill yourself
At the very least they should have been smart enough to leave out White Light
Or at least use it in a Zestiria episode. But at least it gave us japanese guys having nam flashbacks, which is always fun.
Actually mildly upset that the Berseria episode got crapt on because they had Kamui Rose OP
True, but they should have expected that. If you throw a bait that big, they're gonna fall for it.
>Zestiria sucks
Quints never lied
Who is this and when will she show up?
A wasted character, and probably two episodes before this cour ends.
Every character in Zesty is a wasted character.
How do Japanese women take Berseria?
I feel like development got fucked up somewhere along the way and they had to re-do a lot of shit before the release. I know about Baba and his waifu (I hate Rose too), but she might have been introduced as a possible solution rather than a monkey wrench. Like they were having trouble with the story and couldn't salvage most of what they had planned, so Baba steps in and says "I know someone who would be willing to work on short notice if we need to scrap this". Thus we get Rose AND Dezel, leaving everyone shortchanged. (I think Zaveid was supposed to join the party after playing hard-to-get and Dezel was never a character until the revisions.) Thus we end up with too many characters doing nonsensical things and everyone feels like wasted potential.
That's my fanfiction and I'm sticking to it.
I always feel bad for all the artists involved in a project that get their work ruined because of terrible decisions of others.
Dezel was part of earlier promotional material though, waaaaay before Rose was revealed.
No Dezel's character has been far longer than Rose.
They already had an entire team dynamic and everything already set up, but then Rose came around and messed everything up.
That's true and it gets worse when you realize that there was probably more planned for the game that was very interesting but it was ruined by greed and waifufagging.
I wonder how Dezel and Alisha would have gotten along.
This would make a prime example of the dangers of waifufaggotry.
episode 00, the very first episode
>Artoruis kept her there so that she would grow stronger and kill him when time comes.
>yfw when this turns out to be true
It really is.
As far as I can tell he got promoted for it, too. He's no longer "Producer" of a single title but now manages the general Tales of brand. I don't know how vidya works but that sounds like a step up from where he was. Now he can ruin the whole franchise instead of one title.
It probably is considering how the first Lord of Calamity might have been a respected leader.
>every relationship to Lailah is "under contract"
Lailah's the worst
What the fuck? I was never a fan of Tales series but that doesn't bode well for this franchise.
He wasn't promoted, they invented a new position for him, that kept him off of the active projects so that they could save face.
Might that be an example the Japanese practice of prompting troublesome people to get them out of the way of productive workflow?
It's a "puppet promotion", so he doesn't further ruin anymore games.
It's still a promotion. Death threath are justified.
So it's a deal where he gets a fancy title but no one listens to what he says? Hope it comes with a pay cut too. Though I guess being hated to death by fans and damaging your career late in life is already punishment enough.
I wonder if we'll ever get a "tell-all" from someone involved in Zesty's development. It'd probably be fascinating since the only sources of information on how it came to be are official PR pieces and fan speculation.
Alisha is cute
So Tales of Zestira not worth it?
The anime or the game? I pirated both so it doesn't really matter to me, but it's okay, both of em I mean.
I enjoyed it enough to finish it once and almost finish another playthrough before getting burned out. It's definitely average, but it's not the steaming pile of shit it gets made out to be sometimes. It took me months to finish because it never really hooked me in to playing it but it didn't turn me off either.
Elementals Trials music was some of the best I'd heard from vidya in a long time, especially Lailah's. youtube.com
Fuck I hated the water trial.
Yeah, that shit was obnoxious. It was cute and charming in a way the first few times I got teleported back to the start but that was just some old nostalgia from days when you fought games rather than played them. After the third time or so I got sick of that shit. Best boy had the worst dungeon.
Water and Fire were the only ones that felt like a trial.
She is too cute for relevancy.
Earth trial was the worst for me because I spent forever just figuring out where to fucking go.
Too bad nobody got fuck all of enlighment from any of it. It felt worthless.
Earth trial was the easiest for me though.
Literally how?
>Oh look the minotaur is scared of you and will run away the moment he sees you.
>you were just given the a ability to turn invisible
What ever shall you do?
Actually more akin to a demotion.
Velvet is 10/10 MC. Her smugness is too much.
The more I think about what could have been based on what's going on now, or seems as though they really did plan for there to be more sequels and side stories for the world of Zestiria. They even created an opening for it by giving Sorey and Mikleo the dream of seeing other continents. In addition by giving Alisha the dream of keeping peace on the continent and making it known that her growth isn't over, and giving her no love interest, they opened up her story for more exploration.
Considering how Sorey, Mikleo, and Alisha became popular if not for Zestiria being shit, they would have succeeded in making a new cash cow.
Fire trial boss made me realize that you can't survive in this game if you don't armatize. Also made me realize that the AI is stupid.