Spot the main character Sup Forums
Spot the main character Sup Forums
obviously it's the 2nd row, right isle seat.
She's late.
Do you even watch anime?
this guy gets it
They're not even japanese.
What's the difference?
They all have a nice tan.
What is Okinawa?
The invisible loli outside the window
Main character's dad.
Lets try again.
Main characters cannot be chinese.
They are all chingchong gooks
Girl behind the red MSpaint hair.
Monkey looking guy in the center is MC's pervert best friend.
Actually I think pervert best friend is the guy with the towel around his neck.
>record scratch
>well you're probably wondering how i got here
>it all started when I was a young boy
>teenage wasteland starts playing
Puma bag girl is a tomboy voiced by Sawashiro.
Who of you got mc seat in school? I did
towel hiro
Das pretty rayciss of you nigga
> Are they all amateur porn stars?
Damn, my first reaction to 3D school uniform has something to do with those low quality pseudo-schoolgirl videos.
Teenage pussies.
Our hero is skipping school again, the seat in the back is empty.
Ninja ofcourse.
Genki-chan in the blue and white jersey to win da school life harem
Right here. Whoever sits in this chair is the MC. The guy/girl is clearly out fighting ghosts, or demons, or rogue paramilitary squads trying to take over Japan.
He/She will show up by the end of the day though. Covered in blood most likely.
Summarize the plot.
You guys level are way too low.
She's the MC and the transfer student will sit behind her.
Who is inchou? None of them have glasses.
bottom right, with only the hands and knees visible.
>the always ignored inchou
can't save the world by sitting in class all day. gotta have those training arcs.
This dude
Obviously voiced by Hiroshi Kamiya
That unhappy fat girl in the middle seems so horribly out of place
FIll it up Sup Forums
You have no idea what really good stories are. Go away.
What did he mean by this?
MC is taking the picture
…and it's hentai MC.
Spot the MC
Why aren't they facing the blackboard?
It just looks like that because everything is mirrored on the eastern hemisphere. If they were below the equator, it would be upsidedown too.
Second from the left up top.
Back row, in the corner next to the window, looking wistfully out while music plays in his head.
>His class didnt have a board on both sides, with back one being green/black and front one white on which you write from a marker and could also be used as a screen.
Get out of here, grandpa
Last row on the right ISIS-chan or front row on the left if it's some sports anime
it's just two students bent over, right?
I laughed.
nobody cared who i was until i put on the mask
Kim Katagiri's brothers?
Since this is said to be an 80's picture, I'll be guessing their super moves in a street brawl instead
>Upper Row, from the Left
Falling Coins Spin - 5-Point Accupunture Kick - Tortoise's Headbutt - Futuristic Neck Chop - Silent Shadow Boxing
>Bottom Row, from the Left
108 Joy of Pain - Lightning Wrist Breaker (MC) - By The Sea of Fujiyamahara
A long time ago I asked one of my friends how to differentiate between Japanese and Chinese. He said that Japanese women have bigger ass.
Is this true?
Probably because better nutrition and hambarga hormones
The fuck is with this ugly ass gook class? Looks like the cast of aku no Hana
>Pink girl a whore
>Tomboy chan left from red hair a best girl
>Towel kun far left is best bro
>Would putty fuck a fatty
>Donkey face chan, get out
>Brock behind donkey = class previous
>Bottom right = class clown
>Pig face sportswear, we know you've got a track meet coming up but put your uniform on
>MC absent as is fighting the seven deadly sins in Schrödingers box
>Red a card game master
Brock = class pervert
That is quite a rapid change in breast demographics.
What the hell do they feed their women over there?
Spot the mc and his rival.
Front right MC, Front left rival.
I wish this style came back.
The guy next to the front right is the best friend who dies in the second to last episode.
>cromartie high school
Jotaro obviously the MC
Plot twist: The MC was his own rival all along
Plot twist: The MC's rival was the MC all along.
Spot the main character.
How can I look as angry as the guyon the left?
Threaten the guy next to you to stop showering for a month.
Not everyone can look as beautiful as us white people
Though im pretty mad how they're superior than us on everything else tbh
>it's just two students bent over, right?
Yes. See: the white shirted shoulder of the girl behind.
Sayaka, 3rd column 2nd row
Holy crackers!
>empty seat
It's the student at the front doing her jikoshoukai.
They don't have whiteboards or digital whiteboards in Japan?
Second seat from the back, next to the window. Easy.
The same thing americans eat
Hormone filled fast food ehich accelerates secondary body growth instead of rice and fish which only plebians eat
Can it really be anyone else?
Typical post-madoka mahou shoujo.
The shepherd has obvious symbolism.
One of the dogs is a cat.
Give the series a name.
Good work, user
I've got it switched around, front left reminds me of Sakuragi from Slam Dunk, then you have the aloof rival on the front right.
Yeah, about that
I once was a main character in this show called "The life of user".
But it was a total flop, nobody is really interested in watching it, I half-assed my role, the plot halted to a crawl and I lost all motivation to save the show anyway, so now I'm just an irrelevant side character posting on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board while everybody's watching the popular hit show "Humanity: The important people".
I'm glad it will never be an anime.
All their school budget went to mitakihara town.
gb2d, anime boy.
Are Chinks and Gooks really as horrifying looking as this thread makes them seem?
These guys look cool, i'd have a lot more respect for chinks if the bad boy in uniforms came back.
Every anime has the mc looking like a god damned woman lately.
>what is Darker than Black
Protip: the MC isn't black.
What are those, desks for ants?
These guys.
Ms. Allahu Akbar in the back
This guy gets it.
Haha, yep. She's the awesome protagonist.