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Shingeki no Kyojin
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Annie is love
Annie is life
I will love Annie until the end of times and longer
Annie a miracle of the universe
Annie might've done some things wrong, but she's still a beautiful person inside and out
Reminder that we won't recover from this /snk/ = STUMPED
Why do nips hate Annie? Is it because she's so beautiful?
They belong together.
I want to swallow Zeke's baby batter.
I hope Annie wakes up and obliterates EMA.
They hate her because Japanese actually have brown nips while Annie has beutiful pink nipples like white women are supposed to have. All in the nips yo.
>The Touyou in Snk world is different from the Touyou in our real world
What a joyous day. Earthfags and Turkshitposter finally BTFO.
Wait, so yummy curry is confirmed non canon?
More birthdays
This is the first time I've heard her clan referred to as Touyou. Did that just get revealed in the guidebook?
Why are you still posting Annie the irrelevant fuck. Post Armin now.
What kind of nips are they? Are they puffy? Are they small? How big are her areola?
A request from yesterday!
I love Annie.
Look at all those characters with no birthdays but one for Anka.
I think so.
Thank you Mrs.
I know user. Maybe we'll get them someday. Also for some reason page 1 of the heights/weights/birthdays thing is there twice on baidu, no page 2. Strange.
>tfw got a timeout from the shill mods
Arminbros too hardcore for this general. Don't worry hotpockets, i'll play ball for now for all I want is to post about muh Armin.
Couldn't Isayama just come up with random birthdays for the others? I doubt it's relevant anyway but it would make some fans happy.
It has always been touyou. It usually gets translated to asian or oriental.
>All the fucking translations so far are about Ackershit and muh Manlet because all the translators are eruri fags
Well then, it's time for me to take up moonspeak so I can be the Armin translator we need. I'll do it for muh armin.
What the hell is a touyou?
Beautiful. Thank you for drawing this.
That would have made too much sense. Now to find page 2 of this thing.
Why do Zeke and Reiner share the same birthday? Are they related?
Mikasa's clan dude.
Take one for the team, my nig.
I know, it feels weird that some of them are blank, like it's so important and can't be revealed yet.
If Grisha and Zeke are twins, then that could be a surprise I guess.
Yes, they're twins.
>Traute's birthday is on Valentine's day
Cute. I bet Kenny used to take her someplace nice to celebrate.
Here's another request from yesterday!
Taking a break from drawing now, but you're quite welcome to send me more requests.
You're welcome.
>my nig
Careful with that lenguage my Arminbro. We all know that's not allowed in this thread.
Go for it. Pls
And then talk about Uri all day.
So Sasha and Jean confirmed for ultra-irrelevant since they weren't featured even once in the guidebook (aside from the highschool AU drawings). At least there was one page talking about Connie's village and his mom.
Armin a shit.
Page 2 is probably veterans so I'm surprised it wasn't the first to be scanned. Muh manlet and all. (I know we know his birthday, but still)
What do you think this stepfather stuff is all about?
Thanks. Poutstoria always puts a smile on my face.
What is there to talk about? I'm glad they didn't waste pages talking about Sasha's favorite food or Jean's morals.
How much time does the manga have left? I don't wanna get all deep into it by the time I'm good enough to translate this stuff it's all over anyway. If I put all my effort into it, I think I could get it in at least 8 to 9 months. Is that enough time?
That's hilarious ma'am.
No it's not. Only retards on Sup Forums think so. Who cares what Sup Forums thinks?
I love Mrs. Smith! in a sexual manner
How many pages are there in the book? Did Isayama really need to answer all this shit?
You're welcome! Glad you liked it!
Come on now. You know that's an inappropriate thing to say about a lady. You can say you love me and I'll be flattered and think you're utterly sweet, but don't say things like that! Especially so soon after losing my beloved Erwin.
>I don't want background info
See for yourself dude
this is what her nipples look like in canon according to Isayama.
Kenny's weight is 120kg, What the fuck, is he made of lead?
I bet Mrs. Smith's nipples look just like that.
Bone density.
This is way too much stuff. And I can't even read any of it.
>this is what her nipples look like in canon according to Isayama.
lol really? What about down below? Is that canon too?
More Ackermann in the gudebook means less of it in the manga.
Queen Historia "lezbo bastard" Reiss is a shitty leader and not my leader and probably puppet as well.
Do you also do magic tricks or is that all?
Wow, Arminfags intelligence on full display here.
Is this canon yet?
>YHfag pretending that Historia is lesbian by shitposting in reverse
Poor form mud.
>If Grisha and Zeke are twins
Why would he make 3 characters have the same birthday?
People can be born on the same day you know.
No, I just really don't like Historia. She really IS a puppet to the military. The people inside the walls are kind of cucks desu.
Hisu is bi.
Yes but this is fiction and I don't see why an author would make 3 people have the same birthday.
To congratulate you on your trips.
The Queen is a degenerate. Just what we needed in these times when humanity faces the threat of extermination by the titans. Just fuck my shit up.
Yes. Only Ymir can kissu the Hissu.
I wonder if this is connected to the canon story or just something that Isayama made up for the AU. Either Annie is mad at the stepfather for replacing her actual dad, hence the 'unable to reconcile' part, or the dad she loves has been the stepfather all along and she's just temporarily tired of him like she was in her Lost Girls backstory.
Yes. Soon.
But her lover is someone of extreme importance. I'd say that counts in her favour.
Has rayray drawn Titanmin yet?
Annie is adopted pure devil spawn?
Armin is a better Historia if we are honest here dudes
Indeed. YH is really cute and I'm glad Isayama made it canon.
Not with that ugly pig nose.
The author of Hetalia had two characters (Matthias/Denmark and Berwald/Sweden) have the same birthday for about 2 years just for shits and giggles (because the fans though they were twins) until he finally changed it to their national holidays. It's pretty rare for an author to do that unless it's plot relevant, but I don't think there's any correlation about Zeke and Reiner having the same birthday. Could've just been a brain fart.
Ymir is a cunt mate. But then again so is Historia.
Fuck off. Hisu is way better.
This is absolutely vile. Please do not sexualize the Annie.
i didn't know isayama likes yuri i always thought he only liked yaoi. it make me happy actually but i have a question... do u think it's a good thing for us yumikuri shippers?
Her dad is from the walls. He fled with his daughter and met the warriors, who adopted her into a pure warrior family.
I think you're projecting here, that's for Reiner only. Armin has femenine aryan genetics. He is for breeding.
Ymir is sassy and Hisu is feisty which is why I and I'm glad Isayama love them together.
Armin does.
The only relationship he’s ever given mutual romantic focus to is Ymir/Historia, I’d say this is very good for this who like the pairing.
Very accurate, as expected fo Arminfags.
I want to rape Armin until he's drunk off my cock and then I want to beat him with a belt until he dies from internal bleeding.
>do you think it's a good thing for us yumikuri shippers?
Of course. He likes yuri too as he had said on his blog.
Why does this tranny always draw Armin fat as fuck?