ITT: Characters who have had sex
Non-virgin characters
She's just a Steph, she can't have sex.
Must have been tight.
It's me, Goku!
>you will never pop steph's cherry for bullying purposes
You're lying.
Where are the proofs
I love her but its true.
Darn you Kakarot, always one step ahead of me!
OP is lying Steph is a pure girl. In fact purest in NGNL.
>picture unrelated
What else do you think she does in bed with Arata?
>Implying Misaki hasn't raped him several times and he's none the wiser
So why isn't this a milf thread yet? Post moms, faggots.
That's why.
Did she make a hundred different men? I think she may have, tbqh. Maybe even double that. Or, if we assume she is as slutty as she looks, than she can make to 900.
one good walk
Fuck no!
Nope. Already broken in by his alternate self.
Fuck yes!
Gets a pass on a technicality. Her hymen reforms every time.
Everyone in this image
Kannas not welcome.
>Non-virgin characters
>ITT: Characters who have had sex
god op is so fucking retarded.
>implying Vegeta wasn't fucking blue-skinned space bitches before he came to Earth
non-earth virginity doesn't count.
Yes, because he had sex with Cascade and no one else.
No one on this board right now except me
is that actually confirmed by the author or just speculation?
Get out non virgin
Confirmed in doujins.
Otaku CAN get laid.
I'm right there with ya.
I can't believe that. Steph is just too naive and socially awkward to have ever kissed someone, let alone had sex.
>head canon
A very fertile family.
Would you walk her home gently, Sup Forums?
>Non Non Virgin
Honest question. You participated in this thread and you still don't consider killing yourself? Why is that?
We're all already fallen.
Woah. Who would have guessed.
>implying Lilith doesn't have security cams and is 24/7 stalking Arata making sure he's not fucking the other girls
He could've fucked Yui so many times already
So did this big bad wolf in the forest fuck her?
My keks relapsed thanks to your post user.
Do you have original screencap?
It's beyond autistic to consider killing something that was dead inside for years.
It made her act like a dog yes
I knew it, it smelled likef cuckery when she got back to the carts.
How to tell if your 2Dwaifu is pure
>Is she in an Anime where she is a love interest of the Mc?
If yes then she is not pure, she got that Mc dick.
>Does she wear a 2 piece swim suit in any beach fuller episodes?
If Yes then she is a total cockslut
I fucking hate Rin, seriously, such a whore.
he got fucked in the ass once
Thanks user, that goes to the stash.
>this happened well over a year ago
Is there a single man alive who wouldn't dump two years worth of semen into Asuka?
Real Sup Forumsnons are bound by their backlogs. They cannot die until they finish everything. That's one reason they stay as little girls.
Someone could have missed that.
I know I did.
I'm just feeling sad because of the passage of time, user, that's all.
Nigga we waste decades on bullshit nips media for social sewage of a people.
It's cute how you still have sentiments about time.
Then how is it we have three daughters?
Thr messed up part is, she knew she was stronger and still let it happen.
Both of them.
I was under impression that she was weaker than the big wolf.
The opponent also was a pack of wolves, some might slip past her and get to the carts slaughtering humies before she could do something.
Why do cucks keep spreading this nonsense? She bowed down and begged them for the sake of Lawrence. The reason she was ashamed was because she was a God and bowed to a wolf who was nothing compared to her. Read the novel for fucks sake. Stop trying so hard to project your cuck fetish on to fictional stories.
>It was for his sake, it's not cuckery I swear
If it's like you said - I'm actually relieved.
Didn't read the LN cuz zero tolernace for cuckery.
Anime made this whole situation vague and it smelled like cuckery to me.
Thanks, user.
Lawrence is the only one confirmed to have fucked her.
>look at the top of her head