How does Stand Alone Complex stand against the 1995 movie?
Ghost in the Shell
It's like an entirely different franchise, but it's pretty good for what it is.
the movie is miles better.
They're not really comparable.
Dont forget the 2015(?) adaptation. It's OK aswell.
Is the 2015 series Arise worth watching ?
SAC is kind of like Cowboy bebop I guess.
Movie is an Oshii film.
Both are great.
That scene is just gorgeous.
As said it's pretty much incomparable even when the franchise is same.
Stand alone episodes are absolutely forgettable.
Complexes are way better.
...and her name is MOTOKO KUSANGI!
Yes. But really, don't get your hopes up.
Stand Alone is more similar in tone to the manga, whilst differently adapating stuff at about the same level as the movie.
The movie and it's sequel is really the directors take on GitS more then anything, if you look at other parts of GitS the precise GitS nature is different.
what did you guys think about Solid State Society?
i liked it all the way until the ending came. felt like that was super random and kinda unsatisfying.
It was a more a longer episode then a movie. Still, it was SAC through and through. The ending was...well it was. Not exactly satisfying, but still it brought the movie to a decent end.
dat quality
Direction, art direction, visuals and music are better in the movie. Story is better in SAC. This is a particularly odd thing to say seeing how good those things were in SAC.
>Sci-fi done right
this is so rare, yet so good.
I don't really see how a 26 episode series can be compared against an hour and a half movie.
Stand alone complex is god tier if that's what you're wondering. The story is so fucking good and attention to detail on the firearms gives me a boner every time. I have yet to find another show with such an intricate and complex plot. Bonus points that the events in SAC are actually realistic.
The movie is a masterpiece of film. The show is great but nowhere near the same level of perfection.
On a similar level as Arise.
I still love Innocence more than GITS1
Mein neger
Do you like abstract non-sensical bullshit?
I do value style over matter indeed, but Innocence is rather straightforward, except for the dollmaker scene
The random quotes were a bit jarring at times.
they were meant to convey new ideas for interpretation during the following scene, not Batou or Togusa's personal beliefs
that's why there was a whole barrage of them - nobody quotes the Bible in the middle of a conversation, all quote scenes existed outside of the plot
it's better.
The entire movie is, I think in places it's more striking than Akira. That soundtrack by Kenji Kawai is brilliant too.
I really miss the feel of old animation. I'm not sure if its the texture or the shading or whatever, but its something the digital stuff lacks.
you are aware GitS used digita effects in its production, right?
I do. But they were used in a complementary manner along traditional art, not the whole hog.
ie. GitS 1995 vs GitS 2.0
It's shit.
Oshii is near unrivaled and it shows.
There's nothing nonsensical about Innocence. Pretentious, sure. But it makes sense.
The first movie, Innocence, and SAC 1st season are all fantastic in their own ways. I'd consider them about equal.
The fuck did they do to my waifu?!?!?
She's not that bad all the time, it's just some QUALITY.
Arise actually had an interesting take on the character, namely with false memories.
Too bad they fuck it up. But still, it was a new angleish it has been done before in GitS but not as prominently and it's worth commending.
1995 is more artistic, SAC is more commercial.
SAC is significantly more enjoyable because it has a great story and great characterization.
'95 obviously has much more impressive art and animation.
It's just the show that uses discarded Pandora character designs.
Pandora is as much a spiritual sequel to the Excel Saga manga as it is a spiritual prequel to the Ghost in the Shell franchise.
>SAC is significantly more enjoyable to plebs and storyfags
I'm gonna go ahead and wear this as a badge of honor.
>Liking Anime as a storytelling medium is bad.
who's the real pleb here?
>more striking than Akira
fucking finally with some sense, Ghost In The Shell (1995)>Akira
Anyone who thinks SAC has more to say than the film because
>muh length
>muh character development
>muh society exploration
You are the cancer that has killed anime
the animation was prettier in Akira 2bh
GiTS had some very impressive shots, but Akira looked fantastic in almost every frame
>he thinks that SAC is pleb fooder
Your shit taste is showing
Akira doesn't even come close to GitS, though.
just bad. Made just for money probably
argue your point user.
I politely disagree
This looks very cluttered.
I've only watched the 95 film. Is there any reason to watch any of the other stuff?
it's not even remotely similar
it's a complex shot, but I think it comes off very well in animation. And the entire movie is in just as high quality, and sticks to the same aesthetics
I still prefer GiTS as a movie, but Akira is just too pretty
SAC is good enough for a watch.
just read the fucking manga
Watch the two seasons of Silvester Stalone Complex, maybe Innocence. The rest is ok, but very poor in comparission with the old stuff
SAC is better than 95.
It's really fucking ugly
it looks like shit as still, that's all.
I am well aware of the idea behind the shot and it works fairly well in motion. But if you stop it it just looks like someone crammed too much stuff into a frame.
turned her into a loli because anime fans are sub humans
I can't get past the first episode of SAC because I'm immediately repulsed by the art style.
It's probably not even that bad, but I can't help but think of the movie and compare it side by side.
Your going to love the manga
I don't think it's so much an art style as just making the characters a bit easier to draw consistently by artists of different abilities. It has to be done sometimes.
SAC was way too verbose, it's like sitting through an endless metal gear solid codec call/cutscene sandwich. The movies also to a lesser extent
someone didn't watch the dub
>Mary McGlynn as The Major