Which site do you use to read manga?
Which site do you use to read manga?
Other urls found in this thread:
mangafox, mangareader and other low quality scans site.
Google Images of course
I usually go to my local library, photograph all pages from a manga that looks interesting using my phone, and read it at home.
OP here, you people sound like cucks. Not trying to offend you, but 2bh it's true.
Having to reload a site to view the new page is the cuck method and you should stop.
You wanna know where you can read Manga like the pros do? On thetrm.com.
It takes its conent from other sites and shows a whole chapter at once. Here's something I'm currently reading as an example: thetrm.com
mangarock on my phone
my nigga
book store
Kissmanga and download anything i want to keep from Mad OH Kami
does it have a bookmark section ?
No but it shows you the last few mangas that you read.
>streaming manga
Why is Sup Forums so full of newfags?
Where do you read?
>Having to reload a site to view the new page is the cuck method and you should stop
That's why I use Webcomic Reader which allow to not reload pages on every manga/webcomic website
You download scan like you do witch anime
I stream anime
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