The catalonian government after being asked by Spain if they have or have not declared the independence... Send a letter in which they dont dare even to answer.
Meanwhile the commander in chief of the catalonian police (Mossos) is in court in Madrid, prosecuted for treason. He has gone voluntarily to declare, facing up to 15 years prison.
Remember a week ago when everyone in Sup Forums said that they´ll go full indapandansia mode? Remember the keks? Man Catalonia is literally the cuckest community in this fucking universe. >Their politics abandoned them >Their policemen abandoned them >Even the independentist abandoned them
Andrew Phillips
I really hope those rumors about Trapero are right and he sells the Generalitat.
Liam Butler
They just went full retard... And now everybody has seen how retarded they are and is giving zero fucks about their prusés.
Lucas Cox
Where are the catacuks and their supporters now? Cmon Sup Forums...
Jose Cox
>talking tough >when the only reason you're winning is because Daddy Trump and America protected your sovereignty.
Ryan Russell
At least the vasques had balls, the catalonians are just a failure.
Zachary Sanders
The prusés is now the gatillés.
Cameron Hall
We had the support of almost every country in the world not just america.
Samuel Watson
>Asks for 2 months negotiations
How far has he his own ass?
Brandon Carter
Studying and working you useless NEETs. Find a job Manolo.
Eli Nguyen
What did I told you He is just avoiding going to jail and scamming the Catalonians ONCE AGAIN Catalonia needs real local elections
Adrian Adams
amics per sempre
Matthew Perry
They're fucking stupid anyways, to think that they're arrogant enough to assume they can just leave the nation that has been hosting them since their conception, not even giving them a say in the matter.
If they want to leave spain, then all of spain should vote on it. They can't just become rich and then decide to abandon the country. Fucking morons.
Brayden Watson
8 is also the symbol for... INFINITY hahaha fucking eastern spanish
Lucas Turner
If Europe were anything like the old days, the lazy and lackadaisical spaniards wouldn't even own a nation anymore
Jayden Howard
>I really hope those rumors about Trapero are right and he sells the Generalitat.
What rumors, Manolo? Imposible que se me escaparan los chismes.
Mason Butler
fucking nigger as always doesnt know shit.
Jeremiah Sanchez
Spain is basically Moorish rape babies. Only Catalans are descended from Aragon. Explains a lot
Robert James
>the nation that has been hosting them since their conception How gracious of the Spanish to "host" them by using their land and taxing these higher GDP producing people Honestly, Spain is too good for them
William Davis
Sallam alekhum, my friend, may Allah bless you with his infinite power. Yes, only catalonia is white and european; the rest of us are sons of the brave moors, that's why our skins are as dark as the night. Now, let me reward you for your high intelligence with my best blessings.
Henry James
The estonian is right, catalans are closer to mainstream europeans than the rest of spaniards. CEU in pic related is Central European American, aka german-americans, and only catalans diverge in that direction from the homogeneous cluster of different spanish regions.
Carson Phillips
David Stewart
Nice American education you have there
Nolan Cox
Good luck with California or Texas there.
Jeremiah Watson
>He's in this much denial
Mason Mitchell
ITT: Andalusian mongoloids larp as Spaniards
Sebastian Reed
>kill innocent civilians with bombs >brave
Asher Sanchez
They lost my support when they cucked out at the worst possible time
Like the bongs, they deserve whatever they get at this point
Liam Martin
How do you think the got that GDP? By being opressed? Moron
Ryan Williams
What is stoping cat from leaving?
Brandon Murphy
*insert communist comment here*
Dominic Cox
8 seconds of blazing glory
Kayden Allen
batons of reason, prison time
Gabriel Phillips
>be spanigger >spend all day LARPing in Sup Forums about how great Spain is >left the country at the first chance >will die before setting a foot in Spain ever again >shitpost about how others wanting to leave is a bad thing
Caleb Sanchez
spanish shitskins think anyone cares.
Catalonia has more human value then anyone of you will ever have.
James Thompson
So Spainshits what happens if the shit hits the fan? Does Spain stomp down hard on them with boots on the ground? Or they just cucks at this point? Any chance this shit still kicks off?
Jack Brown
Before all this happened he was promised support in case something like this happened, no one has come forth to defend him or support him. Apparently Trapero has a large volume of files with all the activities of the Generalitat, which could mean that everyone involved in this wouldn't see light of day for a long time. He might sell out the Generalitat in exchange of not being imprisoned.
Jackson Wood
Jordan Lewis
We have the 8 seconds meme now. We've won. What do you have? Malmo rape capital of the world. You have no power here.
Evan Gonzalez
Unless some demented sheep supporting CUP or Arran starts putting bombs in Barcelona there won't be any happening. There are going to be protests and there's going to be beatings, that I guarantee. But, theres a car manufacturer in Catalonia, they have expressed their will to leave the region if this continues, the workers of the factories have already stated that if the company leaves they are going after the politicians in Barcelona.
Gabriel Ross
Lol Manolos are truly in despair if they believe stuff like this.
Jaxson Mitchell
says the mongolian/slave rape baby with a worse economy and shit infrastructure.
Josiah Johnson
What's your favourite band? 8 Seconds to Mas?
Isaiah Lopez
And the only thing you've got is a fake meme. A spanigger edited the wiki article and you all believed it because you're stupid.
I bet you can't show me a single news where anyone at SEAT has said they will leave. I hope they will leave though.
There's been already a civil war fought over this (war of succession). You can think american civil war on small scale, and catalonia losing and being the southwest states butthurt belt who still long after confederacy times.
Nobody would really pay attention to those faggots, except unlike southwest, the region is much richer than the central government - makes the butt hurt all that more.
Michael Sanders
>Doesn't watch the news >Doesn't understand politics >Is buttmad >Thinks everyone else is the stupid We have the memes and you guys coming here everyday to remind us of our victory xD
Bentley Williams
You're only right saying that I don't watch the news but I listened to Puigdemont's speech and he never declared independence. Again, a moor edited the wiki article so the meme is based on fake news. Where do you see the 8 seconds in there?
Brayden Evans
>California I couldonly hope. California is really a burden.