Are heart pupils the most retarded trend in recent years? Shit never should've existed outside of comedy/gag series...

Are heart pupils the most retarded trend in recent years? Shit never should've existed outside of comedy/gag series, just feels retarded anywhere else.

Still better than the trend of polygonal hair

People will defend this because of rose-tinted glasses

Quit being a whiny bitch, OP.

Works well with porn.

That's mostly what I'm talking about, it destroys the immersion and just feels stupid.

It's one of the most retarded trends in an industry full of retarded trends.

You really don't know what you're talking about, it's great, especially with femdom.

as opposed the the ridiculously inaccurate anatomy, boner-killingly stupid expressions, and horrendously idiotic dialogue?

Pupils are the least of the problems with anime porn.

You must be mentally ill if you think that looks "great"

eh? that's exactly where it's really unfitting in my hamburger opinion.


Heart pupils can be good in h-manga. Not often though and it should stay there.

This is a discussion about anime and manga though you retard.


Heart pupils are cute.

Heart pupils make me diamonds in doujins/porn

they are cute and hot at the same time

Shit taste.


>being so bothered with something so silly
Pure autism.

Watch the OP pic retard

How pleb can you be?

But it's cute.