Yama no Susume on Mountain Day!! (Japanese holiday about mountain first held in 2016)

Yama no Susume on Mountain Day!! (Japanese holiday about mountain first held in 2016)
I think something inportant new informtaion will be announced today.


and radio, but no avarabol on abroad. it's your fault.
放送時間/ラジオ大阪 8月10日(水)24:00~24:30

Other urls found in this thread:


and it's a Kokonuts's birthday today


Jesus, do they usually do stuff this late?


fuckin gaijins on daytime working?

S3 new character

Hinata Nendo.
Or you know, season 3.

Season 3 hype boys. We finally made it, we've waited this long.

Don't hype yourselves too much, the backlash will be too great when it doesn't happen.


r a d i o s a y s " t h e r e i s n o a n n o u n c e m e n t a b o u t S e a s o n 3 ! "

it's overrrrrrr


S2 of the tangentially related magical girl show aswell.

When it doesn't happen be sure to blame this user.


I want to believe.

I have a present to give her in private.



that actually looks closer to the letters than what it really spells

>2 hours past the radio stuff and nothing in thread
3rd season never.

Manga axed, everything cancelled.

Everyone who liked Yama no Susume arrested. Manga collected and burned.

Fuck Kokona


More sacrifices for the Lust God!

Now that's how you do a right and proper fluffy hair!

Hinata's smile is brighter than the sun.

Only 2 hours user
We can wait for a decade if need be


trust no one!


Mountains are out there.

Nicht neues auf weste.