Rokka no Yuusha

Season 2 soon, right?

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The studio is dead

S2 never


>S2 never

I don't care what /a think, I liked it a lot. I'd buy a Blu-ray too if the English language version wasn't utterly half-assed.

Rail wars alone was enough to take them down i bet.

>novels licensed so no one is going to translate them
>wait years to get to the untranslated part
>no more anime ever
>characters are suffering more with every volume
Why even live?

right after Ben-to S2

Funnily enough drinking bleach alone is not likely to kill you.

I didn't like how they ended it. "Here are some completely new characters, a new mystery and some other shit, stay tuned.".

God forbid.
The next chapters was god awful, I tell you.
Litteral mindfuck at every angle and boy, did it became irredeemable

Just read its summaries elsewhere if you really want to see how awful it went

He is the new 7th

almost fell for that one

A fuck me, when I am finally getting into reading LNs. I was looking for this one.

The translators already removed vol 1 from their site, grab the rest when it's hot.

didnt they stop translating? and let me guess, is yenpress the one with the lincense.

This show was so good
>4 perfect waifus (and one pic related)
>3 perfect husbandos
>A good plot, well paced
>Intense, smart action
>A little QUALITY but pls no bully

But no season 2. Why? Because as we all know we CAN NOT HAVE NICE THINGS

The guys in this show were so hot I have never wanted to be gangbanged so bad before.

didnt nips complain on how ""bad"" this was?

How the next chapter went:

>omg thief guy was killed and he was proven to be a real warrior
>resurrected by the cow girl
>mountain lady was actually the 7th
>no wait, it's not her
>one thing led to another
>dramashit and slash boom boom
>turns out the strongest man in the world is actually the 7th
>his love for the gun girl was actually false and was pre-programmed by the general of the demon lord
>strongest man killed the general
>his love for gun girl disappeared

Note to the author: pass the bong next time

Posting best boy

>No more Flemy ever

Why live?

literally forced drama.
>>his love for gun girl disappeared
not my waifu. how am I supposed to self-insert now?

I read vol 4 in one sitting a week ago.
Rolonia did literally nothing wrong.
Teared up near the end

>Rokka no Sales

>how am I supposed to self-insert now?
You are saying ironically, right?

Nothing of value lost if you ask me. The first arc was the only decent one and even then it was terrible at trying to be a mystery. Everything else after gets stupider. The writing in general is rather poor.


You know, on an unrelated note, I wonder how reduced the bitching about the ending would be if Rolonia was a pretty girl.

>MC liked Flemy
>I liked Flemy
>author tells me MC didn't actually like Flemy
why's he dissing the girl I like?

Because it's the same writer as book of bantora.

It's a form of mind control. He's been manipulated into being attracted to her.

I know one thing useless bunny is good for.

Hint: it's muh dick .

Nashetania was best girl!


Because being Furemi is suffering.

>But no season 2. Why? Because as we all know we CAN NOT HAVE NICE THINGS

The QUALITY got pretty noticeable in the final episodes when they started running out of budget, but that was fine because the characters and plot were enough to carry the show by that point. Of course none of this was enough to please the nips, but them having shit taste can't be helped.

Why did this flop with the nips? or just plain shit taste?

Because the show was plain shit, you're the M3fags of Sup Forums except they aren't nearly as bitchy as you folks are.

>market itself as a fantasy action
>actually a mystery that can easily be summed up into 3 episodes.
Well-written as it was, they wasted all the characterization and action in favor of fighting amongst themselves instead of making their way to their original goal. Heck, other than the red guy and Flemy, we saw no other back stories at all.
Even I felt bored by the final episode. Bored but satisfied.
Then came cow girl and I felt cheated


>babby's first holocaust

I want the cat dick

But muh character development that was supposed to happen in season 2

I wanted to see emo kid get even more emo, and then just plain angry.

It would be better if they did 2 volumes, giving backstory to Mora and explaining how the Fiend society works with different faction would be better than ending it at the cow introduction.

>500k is a guaranteed limit

It was set in an island with a civilization that reeling in from the Demon Lord's slaughter merely 3 generations ago.

In comparison: Paraguay, during their War of the Triple Alliance, lost 21,000 to 1,200,000 men. Aka: 98% of their male population

And Paraguay have massive trading connection from the outside the modern world

The ends justify the means

Dude lmao summary right there.

Fuck Fremy was great.

We need LN translations first faggot.

Oh, now I have to read this, can't resist cute demi-girls surffering.

I'd sacrifice 500,000 plebs to protect that smile.

She's worth it.

What is the current population of japan anyways?


127.3 million

they wont notice 500,000 missing otakus with shit taste.

What am I missing here?

I think by the third volume I got tired of this. The one with the zombies. Mostly because there are no good characters. Adel was only good in the anime because you couldn't read his thoughts.

A total of 0 people died in the holohoax though.

Subbed or dubbed? Cuz I don't think this was ever dubbed (which disappointed me).


Sure 99% of them are just old geezers or SJWs?

Yeah the ending was really retarded. They basically rehashed the plot of the whole first season for a shitty cliffhanger.

I don't get it.

>Rokka No Sales
>Rokka No S2

On a second thought, I can make it more rad.


What does rokka mean?


Those explosions are kinda small
Bigger 'splosions = radder

>Starts off as a colorful, energetic adventure
>Comes to complete standstill halfway through and wallows in a lethargic mystery that only gets compiled with a shitty bonus mystery cliff hanger ending.

The only kind of creative works that do this are ones where the writer has no fucking clue where they are going with the story so you end up with LOST tier aimless nonsense.

But that's read rikka.

Don't ask me, ask the person who came up with the name.

To be fair it would have been some boring generic shit otherwise.

Good night, rare Rokka thread.


Why did japan hate this show?

Because nothing fucking happens.

Hans > Adlet

Because Japan has shit taste


Why the fuck do you prefer a S2 when the LN translations are dead? Having ongoing translations would be infinitely better. It's not that Japan hated it, they just didn't find it worthy of their money. Just because a show didn't sell, it doesn't mean it was hated. Some popular manga adaptations have low BD sales too.

Anime gets translated way faster and easier, and a season 2 by a studio has nothing to do with fan translators at all. There's no reason you can't have both, its just neither exist.

I read the TLed LNs awhile back and I dropped it after vol 3 and never went to vol 4. That knight guy kinda pissed me off. He was pissed that the MC couldn't help his waifu while aggravating the situation so that they couldn't help him. With that said I was also disappointed the MC didn't save the day.

I suppose it makes sense and avoids accusations of the MC being a gary-stu but at the same time he has no special talents outside of just his brain. Kinda disappointing.

>Rokka no BDs sold