You can borrow this Mio for 48 hours

You can borrow this Mio for 48 hours

I don't really want her desu

Ain't no one sexualizing her


domo very much

Good now I can finally learn how to play guitar

Don't sexualize the keions faggot

I only need her for 2 hours

I need a bassist right now

I will return her like this

The doujin where she turns into a depressed and fat goth cosplayer is amazing.

What am I allowed to do with her?


Some of you deserve a bullet in the head.

Pls stop bullying

Then at d1 I'll make her clean my whole house and at d2 I'll take her to a fancy restaurant and make her pay.

I'd like to cuddle with her under a blanket and watch the rain together. But maybe she doesn't want it? I don't want to be mean to little Mio.

I hope she brings her bass, I wouldn't mind having a go.

Can I trade her for a Mugi?

No nigga. You only get the free handout you been given.

Why would she bring a fish?

Implying Mugi isn't a free handout

Only one thing to do.

Did Mugi give Eazy aids?

What kind of condition do you want her returned in?

Mint in box.

>Not Ui
Wasted potential, OP.

I'll buy her instead of rental thanks.