Every anthropomorphous race is "ningen" now

>every anthropomorphous race is "ningen" now
>almost every race we have seen in dragonball anthropomorphous

So what is this guy's end game, massacre all 12 universes?

Other urls found in this thread:


> red herring

> no episode next week

Will they be showing RoF: Future Trunks edition in it's place?

Also will it be subbed? I'm interested in seeing the extra footage with Trunks

That special chapter has finally leaked.



To revive the perfect villain. SSGSS Golden Cell is far stronger than he is.

No, the break is because of the Olympics. The RoF movie with F Trunks footage will be shown in August 27.

Damn it, it's in Chinese, rather than an actual Japanese raw. I can't read that.

Gold and Blue make Green. He's already Perfect.

>Mai and Trunks already making eye contact

Extra footage with Trunks?

What is this?

Apparently this cut of RoF will be about 12 minutes longer, and will have Future Trunks.

Not much more has been said about it.

keep dumping you damn ningen

There are only these 2 pages, user.

my bad, sorry

> Could've wished for the Androids to be gone/leave them alone

> Instead accidentally become babies

Classic Pilaf




Joke's on you I'm actually a maggot, the lowest kind of lifeform on this planet

so now that we supa pink
whats next purple?

Only thing left to do now is to go Super Saiyan Bald

>they lose all the hair in their bodies when transforming
That would be pretty interesting.

>Pilaf fucked over the future lel how silly
Come the fuck on

I can't wait for Saiyan Rangers.


they should have kept the red hair

I don't think it's a red herring in the sense that Zamasu is unrelated, I think it's more Zamasu creating Black as a servant and Black goes out of control and betrays him. The rose petals surrounding Zamasu make it look like Black attacks him or something.


his power is MAXIMUM

>Could've wished for the Androids to be gone/leave them alone

Made a very quick translation

-1st page-

>Future Trunks' world
>When Trunks was a baby, the Earth fighters were desperately fighting the androids.
>In the meantime, Goku died of a heart disease.

Goku: Oh, I'm dead.

>Gohan left the battlefield in hopes of finding the Dragon Balls

Gohan: I have to find the Dragon Balls and save the planet before Piccolo-san is killed...
Bulma: Gohan! Come with me, quick!

Gohan: Looks like all the Dragon Balls are in the same place!
Bulma: Yes, and I have a bad feeling about this... We have no time to lose...

Gohan: The sky has turned dark! Oh no!

-2nd page-

Pilaf: Shenlong! Turn us into young people again, now!
Mai: Eh?
Shu: I heard there are some monsters near the southern city... I don't think it's time to make this kind of wish...

Bulma: You guys!! What are you doing?!?
Pilaf: *baby sounds* (W-we became too young!)
Mai and Shu: *baby sounds*

Shenlong: Your wish has been granted. Farewell.


>This is the first time Trunks and Mai have met

Pilaf: *baby sounds* (RUN!!)

before a newfag asks
beyond kami powers is whatever is not plot convenient

This is bound to happen.

>Goku will become a god (maybe a god of destruction? I don't know)

> He'll have one final confrontation with Black after Black unlocks his Rose form

>The fight is now between a mortal who became a god and a god that became a morta

Calling it now

white contains all colors

Yeah dude the movie art was WAY better than the tv show's current art... it definitely has NOTHING to do with budget.

super saiyajin grandpa!


Nappa confirmed strongest saiyan and final villain of Super!


this is going even further and beyond

Yknow this doesnt look all that bad

>black going full edge
its better than pink

>Cell is Super perfect
>he's perfection that surpasses perfection

Isnt that just SSJ 4?

yeah kind off
but without the furshit

SS4 hair was longer

>pink fur and eyeliner
what were they thinking?

I think Black might want to focus his massacre on Universe 7, due to all of the alternate timelines that universe created. To even begin to wipe out every species in every universe is an insane thing to commit to.



Wasn't he purple?


What I'm wondering is why Black is taking his time destroying an individual species.

He's been a threat to Trunks and the future timeline's earth for over a year. How long does he plan to draw out this "wipe out all ningen" plan?

I love the look on piccolo's face

So they do keep their bodies in the afterlife.

>beyond kami powers is whatever is not plot convenient

Nah, its just "Could Kami do this shit, maybe if he had all the time in the world?". Dragon is only as strong as the protector diety that created it after all.

He can't beat things stronger than near the end of DB level power.

Dont forget, King Piccolo killed him once.

why couldn't they just use king kai to talk to the namekians and tell them to revive picollo?

>Goku: Oh, I'm dead.
Accurate portrayal of death in the Dragon Ball universe.

I'm wondering why he blew up Trunks' time machine when he went back to the past if he's so hellbent on killing Trunks.

As far as he knew, he stranded him there in a world where everyone wasn't dead.

I think he just wanted Trunks to get out of his way.

He didn't want anyone following him back to the era and catching him off guard, perhaps? Black seems like he doesn't have a good grasp of his abilities. He just recently learned how to sense ki. He also looked like he needed to recover from the beating Goku gave him.

If it's specifically Trunks he's worried about then that's weird. I don't see why he could have just finished him off.

Black toyed with Trunks over a year, it make senses that he doesnt want to kill him, he'd be bored to death because Black has Goku's body.

Something that started to bother me is the fact Black is a treehuggingfag, Trunks said Black blow planets before arriving Earth, shit is contradictory

But he didn't know Trunks had another time machine. For all he knew, Trunks was going to die of old age before he built another one.

I thought Trunks just said he's done the same thing to a number of planets before hitting Earth. He could've just been killing off the populations but leaving the planet intact.

Seriously though, what the FUCK is this cunt's problem? She loses her shit at literally everything now. She was pretty chill back in the Buu saga, so why turn her into a massive bitch again?

Maybe Toei doesn't want us to feel bad for her when Goku leaves her to train Uub, if that doesn't get retconned. I felt bad for her when I saw that episode, especially after seeng her reaction to him leaving. But if she keeps acting like this, then fuck her.

Toei loves the running gag of Chichi being insufferable for some reason. I dunno.

I'm not even sure why she has all of this interest in Goten studying now rather than fighting when she actively encouraged him to fight during the Buu Saga and even let him enter a karate tournament.

Guys shit I forgot. Which Goku is the good guy again?

The one that's not Black.

>humans are too violent
>they must be killed
top kek
literally the shittiest saga ever.

both are kind of jerks in their own way...
make both the villain

We don't know the full story yet, but wiping them all out kind of ensures the won't have a chance to be violent. Also, Black (or Zamasu) is clearly mentally unstable. Maybe a ningen kills Gowasu and drives him nuts.

Or it could just be Gowasu with an ulterior motive.

>Mai and Trunks fated to be together as babies


Ningen means mortal. Human is a direct translation. Sucks that the only group(forget their name) making good subs for DBS got v&.

>Piccolo's expression is priceless

Nice, it looks like someone remembered that Raditz exists.

just in time for Raditz abuse

and that was his parents first meeting




What would Gine think of Chi Chi? Would she approve of her son's waifu?

Good to see you again Ginefag.

Gine wouldn't mind, user.

She would be surprised Chi Chi isn't a Saiyajin with that strong personality of hers.


Why is Goku's mom the cutest girl?

Saiyan genes

Am I alone in thinking Super's OST has been pretty good so far? Maybe not the most varied but the tracks are pretty good.

now corrupt her by merging her with a demon woman


The current arc has some pretty good tracks. I especially like the Black Goku/Future OSTs. Can't wait for it to be released.




Best song in DBS

That Super Saiyan Blue theme is literally Godlike.


Hey, they look like they did in GT

Wait, so what happened in the original timeline?

Probably the same except no one else was after the DBs since they were busy fighting the androids

which doesn't make sense. They aren't that old at this point. Probably too lazy to create new designs for one panel.

they also wished for youth