Are you ready?

Are you ready?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ready for what?

Cute, who is she?

His name is Felix Argyle. He is male.


For best girl ofc.

oh god

Ok here

No, this is not a boy.
Japan has gone too far this time.

you made a typo


I'm sorry that your fantasies were crushed

But he is so cute


I'm pretty sure I'm not ready.


Well I'm a faggot now. Thanks Japan.

It was the cute ears that did it.

What happens next!

What does it mean to be male?
Does it have male chromosomes, genitals? It clearly doesnt produce testosterone.

Here's some background for him and yes he has dick, confirmed by at least 3 people

>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy
Truly the most epic meme.


He's doing a granblue doujin

It truly is one amazing thing

Thats just a young guy forced to prostitution.
But its anime cat boy so its fine.

>Look mom! I posted it again!

i can understand it having a feminine body because it's a cat/human breed thing or whatever.

but why does it wear female clothes if he identifies as a male. it's pretty clear he is also gay and wants male attention.

>not wanting to wear cute clothes
get a load of this homo


It's too much for the straight males who want to fuck the cute boy if he isn't wearing clothes for girls. He has to dress like that or it would be gay.

He was locked in basement 9 years so he doesn't have normal sense of wearing clothes.

It was said that he just wears what suits him

Good to see you in a Ferris thread again, user

Nice to see you too, hater of edgy things

I think I read around here that the point is he knows he can make people uncomfortable so he does it on purpose.

I wonder if people take him less seriously because of his appearance. He is known as powerful and respectable -being Crusch's sponsor after all- but judgmental people are always around.

>Crusch's sponsor


And yes he likes to tease people.

I wish everyone could draw armpits that get me as hard as asanagi can

I'd let felix make me uncomfortable all day

So Felix doujins when?

What is he saying?

No, the joke is this.

>that's what makes it good!

no kidding.


Hey Ferrifags.

wtf im a trap now

> You bought this item

Pics pls. When you get it.

Are you faggots gonna use that screenshot in every thread now?


Glad I could contribute to the Ferrifag community

You should get that finger checked.

Only until a cute user posts an IRL pic of them wearing it.

You know who you are.

I-If it's for user, then... maybe...

If I had a feminine body I'd wear cute dresses too.

Nigga I was born ready


Pics when?


I want to fuck felix

I want to kiss him

not into sameface meme artists
much better thighs/legs artists out there also

Have they done Ferris?

Oh shit nigger this better be what I think it is.
>catgirl (male)

>this better be what I think it is

What do you think it is?

comiket when?

Asanagi possibly drawing a Felix doujin in the future.

August 12-14

>tfw you discover he is a boy

My dick says must impregnate but my brain says that's not possible idiot. I would rather listen to my dick in this situation.

Put the dick into his ass and do it

>that's not possible
Anything is possible, user.

It might not be possible, but that shouldn't stop you from trying.

This. When there's a hole, it's a man's job to thrust into it. Are you a man or a faggot?

I-I'm a boy


Then it's not what you think it is.

A man can dream. His boatboi doujin was fucking stellar.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

>this meme again


I'm sorry, but this is a girl. Boys can be cute without having to look overly feminine.

Ferris is a catboy

Ferris is a girl with a dick.

I see

why does this make my dick feel so good?

Your dick likes Felix.

Ferris makes everyone's dick feel good, user

I'm not gay though

You are being attracted towards feminine features, if you were attracted to a masculine dick THEN it would be gay

Shhh, just let it happen

then why are you in this thread?
everyone here is gay for Ferris

If anyone honestly thinks you can jack off to this character and still be straight, you're delusional.

Just accept the fact that you're a homosexual.

You're a fucking homo.

I'm straight.

I want to fuck Felix.

>thats some great cat ear DFC-
i should have known this.

Is turquoise green or blue?

Things are more complex than you'd like to believe.


Why is this allowed?

Good things are sometimes allowed.

I never though about this color stuff. I'm confused.

>I'm straight
>I want to fuck a boy


I dislike the anime but fuck I'd enjoy an Asanagi doujin of it. Very much in fact.