Wizard's Soul

New chapter out, did I miss the thread?












Damn I'm way behind on this. Gotta catch up.


Now to wait months until the next chapter.

















Last chapter page.


Still waiting for a little more strategy, so far it's just her always having the perfect counter while her opponent just tries to beat her down with monsters and nothing else. Even worse when the crowds are like "W-WHAAAAT?! WHO WOULD USE A CARD LIKE THAAAAT?!" when it's an objectively amazing card.

This chapter touches on resource management which hasn't even been mentioned before, so here's hoping they make it a bit more tense and show what the MC is planning now and again.


thats cute :3

You're probably not getting much more than PERMISSIONED.
And dashed hopes and dreams.

>blushing that hard for cards
This seems like inappropriate lewd behavior for mere cards. Playing cards doesn't feel that good, right?

It feels that good when you pull some really stupid combo off.

Is her smile going to be okay?


The color blue triggers me.
This is somewhat embarrassing seeing as I live in a seaside town.

Do you think Manaka's mother had this in her deck?

Does stuff like this happen in Magic the Gathering?

. Thanks for the dump. Do you happen to have a DL link?

Roman a cute.

I don't think the Soul Crystal thing has a direct MtG equivalent. At best it'd be Delve or a similar ability.

When is a real madman blue red deck gonna appear

It's basically "as an additional cost, exile X cards from your graveyard."

It seems like you can choose to not put a destroyed card in the graveyard and instead put it in the soul stone zone. Maybe as a tradeoff for being able to resurrect because you can use them as fuel for other cards


While it's obvious that the mother is dead, did they even said in the manga that she died?

No it isn't. It's more like, "Whenever a permanent is destroyed by your opponent, you may exile it instead of putting it in your graveyard. If you do, you get a Soul Crystal token."

Then I would assume cards have a Soul Crystal token casting or ability cost.

I'd play a system like that.

I'm pretty sure she doesn't have an established game yet and mostly just wings it.

Ar least we're getting chapters/

Not really mtg is more about really efficient cheap spells as opposed to super swingy huge spells like she plays.

Yeah, this is the third or so time we'be seen her use "Hades Plunder" and this is the first time we've seen the actual cost to cast.

Shame. I love big play cards

Permission players' style is to understand their opponent's deck and crippling it. Their best match is actually combo decks. That Roman girl was stupidly lucky to have all the "Heaven Dragon's Descent" card copies in her hand. Amd even then it took everything to defeat Manaka's cheap counters.

Control's eternal conundrum.

Do I counter this spell or should I save up and wait for the true threat?

Like Weiss Schwarz or Wixoss?

From what I've read there are apparently 4 volumes of this out. Are scans/translations just very slow for this?

The series ended prematurely, so scans are just slowly catching up and we're depressed there isn't more.

Was it canceled, or did the author just decide to stop?

Pretty sure it just ended.
The author doesn't really go for long drawn out series.

Reminder that all blue players are literally worse than Hitler and Stalin combined.

Never heard of those

>Koi no Jihad

holy lel i will read this

Well you should have, because the author's a huge fan of Wixoss and was seemingly inspired by it.

What? The manga had started in 2013, Wixoss was released in 2014.

Then the second part was wrong, but the first is definitely right. I must have just assumed.

Hail to jank and Greg Hatch

My monowhite mill deck is when I have the most fun in magic

Bonnouji was 3 volumes only so I guess it just ended.

Any link to raws?


I remember when that card came out. one of the few GREAT cards in ice age, right next to Zuron Orb.

The hilarious thing was how long it took for people to use Necropotence in tournaments. The moment I saw the card I was stacking my deck with them. So fucking exploitable. Zuron Orb was another one it took a shocking amount of time to show up in exploitable deck builds.

The moment I saw Zuron Orb it went straight into my white crusade deck to combo with Balance. zuron orb+balance, now that was a way to own people.
-white weeny, with crusade, almost no cards in hand
-drop a zuron orb, drop balance, use swords to plowshares to selectively clear the field, BAM, sac all your land to the Orb, now your foe has No land, no hand, and a group of creatures facing them they can't stop because the real powerhouses were selectively removed by swords to plowshares.

you could dominate in tournament play with pure white back in those days. not so easy to solo color anymore.

And I thought come of the tcg's I played were complicated.

Control players are huge faggots, regardless of what card game. Prove me wrong.

Hey, so I'm only passingly familiar with MTG.
What's the value of Necropotence? How was it exploitable?

It's actually really similar to how ener works in Wixoss (which is a damn good game). Add that to the face down dynamic from yugioh, and a lot of the other mechanics drawn from mtg, Wizard's Soul seems to take inspiration from a lot of very different games. Trying to adapt it into an actual, real tcg would probably result either in an unplayable clusterfuck, or a work of genius.

Emrakul in the recent pro tour is pretty much exactly that kind of effect. Most decks, especially control decks, have some kind of top end, even if most of the game is spent trading cheap spells back and forth.

Weiss Schwarz is a bit different, as it's attacks, not creature deaths, that add to your stock. It's also a terrible game.

The 'draw one card per turn' rule is actually one of the most important to understand for most card games. Generally speaking, one card can trade for one of your opponent's card (creature, removal, counter, discard, whatever). It takes some work to get rid of two cards for only one of your own. Necropotence lets you draw any number you want, limited only by your life, and a) it is vastly easier to gain life than draw cards, and b) having vastly more cards than your opponent usually makes it very difficult for them to get in for much damage. Necropotence is banned pretty much everywhere except casual multiplayer and a format that specifically avoids a banlist as much as possible, and even there it's restricted to one per deck.

Oh, right. You can use it more than once per turn.
Yeah, okay, I can see how that would be broken beyond belief.

She probably had this and a couple dark rituals.

That cheating bitch. Necropotence isn't legal in any format except EDH

Let me see if I'm reading this right. You pay 1 life so you can draw an extra card in the next turn?

I can respect that. Sometimes it's better to tell a short, but sweet story instead of going for a longer, more complicated one. This runs for 4 volumes and I've seen enough of the raws to say I'm cool with the ending.

I'm no Magic expert, but it looks like you don't have to tap Necropotence to use the ability, which means endless use.

So far the most strategy we have gotten is this new resource system and Roman using her fun, jank combos.

It looks like it's exile a card and pay 1 life to draw a card, but you can use it repeatedly.

The reprint makes a lot more sense out of it.

No, you just pay 1 life, and you can do it any number of times. The first line of text is just a condition. It's basically saying that if you happen to have to discard a card, it gets exiled. This is to prevent people from drawing out a bunch of cards and then discarding them due to hand limit, and then proceeding to use them from the grave with revival spells.

Yup. If you wanted ten cards after your turn, you can give 10 life, and lemme tell you, for three mana, that is almost guaranteed win.

Is this by the same artist as that annoyingly sweet couple manga?

Which couple? The gay one or the one who have the apartment?

>She ran Dragon Balls and Exodia
I love this manga.

>Hey, so I'm only passingly familiar with MTG.
>What's the value of Necropotence? How was it exploitable?

in MTG the most important advantage is "card" advantage. Meaning all things being equal generally speaking if you and I draw the same number of cards no matter how good your deck is or how superior it is to mine, you'll probably only win a little over 55% of the time.

Because of this, in MTG, the single most important tournament winning effect is something called "CARD ADVANTAGE". You need to use cards that give you a "card advantage". Card advantage is any card that can "shorten" your deck and increase the chances of you getting cards you need. SO sacrificial lands that draw yet other lands == card advantage. granted it's not "great" card advantage, but tournament play is designed for longer games, so the turn disadvantage of a sacrificial land doesn't hurt you anywhere near enough to reduce the advantage it gives you in "shortening your deck" to get a "card advantage".

Necropotence was brutal, mostly because there were cards like Ivory Tower, Zuron Orb or any number of black cards which could gain you life, so the life loss of necropotence meant little to nothing. necropotence could allow you to draw most of your deck to get to cards you needed, to build your hand how you wanted to. it was exploitable in more ways then i can count and spawned a number of incredibly overpowered decks. Worse you could get it turn 1. all you needed was a swamp, a dark ritual, and a necropotence in your draw. A turn 1 necropotence basically ended the game. many people would just resign at that point, if their initial draw wasn't good.

Hilariously Necropotence wasn't added to the restricted list until AFTER it cycled out of standard play. Which blows my mind because it RULED standard (what was called type 2 then) tournament play.

>I'm no Magic expert, but it looks like you don't have to tap Necropotence to use the ability, which means endless use.

you can draw as many cards as you have life in one go

that's cute

is the anime any good? I was not expecting the manga being so captivating.

You pay 1 life to draw a card right before you check your hand size at the end of your turn. Basically, as long as you're willing and able to spend the life you can end your turn with 7 cards in your hand. And things can get silly if you have a card that eliminates your maximum hand size.

>DL link
I got it from the usual place, but the group that picked it up is kissmanga.