Find a flaw

Find a flaw

dont give us impossible tasks user
even her flaws are perfect

>doesnt change panties for months

Seeing how she's Amanto, do you think she has similar "features" as human females?

>doesnt change panties for years


does her hymen regenerate ?

>A creepy off-model grin
Th-that's my fetish

She isn't real

She's a part of a shitty series with family guy humour that most people wouldn't understand. A majority of the english fan base sees a 24 minute episode, laughs once (while not understanding the 200 other jokes in the episode) and rates it a 10/10.

Madao and the shinsengumi are the only good things about this series.


user stop bullshitting. All reference jokes are explained nicely in the TL notes.

at least list Zura + Elizabeth.

hahaha yeah let me just pause for a minute so when the joke is explained, I can laugh

>humor that most people wouldnt understand

she have a tail

great response man, you must be very well versed in japanese culture

annoying seiyuu

Where do you think we are user? Were all men of culture here

We're in America


Every country in the world belongs to America



>implying they don't

>Implying they do

It seams I dont understand most of the jokes but it is still one of my favorite anime comedies.

So it is actually even better then I think it is

And the funniest part is, most of Japan's women would still fuck Sugita

>humor that most people wouldn't understand

Still a thing?

Humor is super simple you only need to "understand" the dynamic of the characters who takes only a few episodes at most.

Id still fuck Rie.

Id marry Rie no doubt.

And Sugita too.

She looks like frog to be honest.

tsundere garbage