Are elves cucked?

Why do the Elves not aggresively Thot patrol their bitches...

I mean they are dying out so why does Elrond allow his daughter to get #Numenored by Aragorn

Same shit in the hobbit...why would an Elf find a dwarf attractive...


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Try warhammer dark elves instead

She literally gets made mortal by engaging in racemixing

...that's like an infinitely worse std than AIDS

Is tolkien a cuck?!!!

An elf into humans is basically a degenerate

Basically all the elves that were not faggots had left the gay world of sub-elves and returned to Valinor.

Elrond and Arwen are considered Peredhil because of the human admixture, and Aragorn has Elven admixture. It's not really too ridiculous when you realize that Aragorn's race is Peredain.

Aragorn is actually patrilineally descended from Elrond's human twin brother, Elros.

They're intelligent and believe in freedom. Also they're not dying out in LOTR's, they are simply withdrawing from the middle earth colonies because they don't need them anymore.

so its like white flight, or whites accepting that they are being replaced ...woke

>Elves are being replaced and we need to embrace that

Mfw elves are literally whites lmao

>I mean they are dying out
No, they're leaving for Valinor.

which in tolkiens mind would be dying and going to the kingdom of christ