Why does Sup Forums pretend Re:Zero is good?
Why does Sup Forums pretend Re:Zero is good?
It's shit.
Bad taste
It is a good show.
But the protagonist is dogshit.
Toyota is the best part
Same reason as any other anime here, waifus
Rezero is hyped by the same demographic that liked SAO. There is no pretence here, just shit taste.
Why do you pretend you're straight
Why does Sup Forums always turn contrarian when something gets popular?
>disliking bad things is contrarian
Re:zero is shit. God forbid people have standards.
Maybe they aren't pretending and they enjoy the show?
so do we hate RE:Zero now? i didnt get the last memo. there was so much junk in my yahoo e-mail from the last shitpost about hating SAO that i dont check it anymore
Everyone on Sup Forums is a contrarian. People would rather just call something shit rather than explain why they believe it's shit, so there's no hope in finding a consensus on anything popular without picking "Shit" or "Not Complete Shit."
Because it is. If you didn't get a stone in your chest here then you should just fuck off and never come back to Sup Forums. Ever.
Go back to Sup Forums
>Because it is.
This is "I Hate Nice Girls" tier.
only crossborders and newfags do that
>everyone was going nuts over this show when it came out unironically
>all of a sudden it's liked ironically
It's just Sup Forums.
>It's another contrarion without any arguments thread
Muh Subaru is a shit protagonist
yEA OP xD it'S shit and ITs mC is SHIT tier!!@!
lol toyota is so shit xD so the show is shit!
>beucase it is
nO, becuz i sauy SO my elite tatse is REAL anime overrides YOURS
>Sup Forums is one person
I want this meme to die already.
>Can't comprehend that he's mentioning Sup Forums as a whole.
>Poor reading comprehension
This is the meme that really needs to die.
Haven't been there since 2008.
Fuck off back to plebbit or the cancerous MP100 threads.
Wich is right. Fuck nice girls. Fuck nice people in general. Disgusting fucking liars.
>cancerous MP100 threads.
Says the Re:tard.
I hate more when Sup Forums pretend that Nichijou wasn't funny.
>REEEEE:Zero Robot
Nothing else to watch, what other reason you need?
every fag that hates re:zero watches slideshows from 80s and 90s who cares about your shit opinions, you should all be gassed anyway
anime is shit overall
Art cannot be judged as good or bad.
Only boring or entertaining.
Thats quite the opposite actually
It is good, it just takes 15+ episodes to get there and 17+ episodes for subaru's development
It's actually pretty bad and Honda is pretty shit tier MC pre-episode 17, he might have changed but that doesn't matter right now.
Despite it being bad, I like it
The funny thing is, him being a NEET has very little to do with how most of the events play out in the show.
I highly doubt that having a job or degree would do very much against being stabbed by a random thug, disemboweled by a serial killer, mashed into minced beef by a demon maid, getting the throat gouged out by another demon maid, mauled by dogs/wolves, beheaded/frozen to death by a cat/beast spirit-thing or being captured by a dark magic cult.
subarueme gentleman
Subaru developed the entire time it just wasn't a net positive one.
Is it so fucking strange that Subaru acts the way he does? Is it so strange that he isn't some social butterfly?
>shitty relationship with his parents
>lonely with no friends
>plays games all day to escape reality
>never held a girls hand
>starts to panic and act weird as soon as he is forced to socialize with others
Can't you see that he is broken as fuck? Stop expecting him to act like a NORMALFAG. He isn't one and will never be one. Stop expecting him to act like YOU.
Plus he's probably gotten PTSD from being killed multiple times. It's understandable that he acts irrationally.
Sup Forums is not a single person.
>Sup Forums as a whole.
There's no "whole". The "board" as whole doesn't do shit.
Sup Forums unironically loves SAO. have you been to any of their threads recently?
I think Subaru is a bit inconsistent, since to me, his competence/intelligence seems to vary a lot from episode to episode. In episode 1, it takes him 3 separate deaths to discover he can respawn. In episodes 8,9 and 10, after dying several times, he manages to deduce how Rem died, that he's been cursed, and who he was cursed by within the day, even coming up with a never-before-seen-or-mentioned tactic of attracting the wolves with the Witch's Scent by exploiting the "if-you-tell-someone-you-die" rule. Then he starts acting dumb again after that scene in the castle hall, the duel with that knight, and the conversation with Emilia, right up to after the White Whale appearance. After his pep from Rem, he manages to organize and accomplish a negotiation/meeting to get help from Crusch and Anastasia, even bypassing Crusch's lie detector blessing in the process.
Basically, what I'm saying is that he's dumb when the show wants to make him suffer, but when it time to move the plot along he becomes smart, which is something I don't like.
It's a great show with a realistic protagonist that actually feels emotions
Its not that bad, the show is 6/10 at most, is just that the newfags are hyping it up.
None of his actions in episode 13 were inconsistent he pulled the same shit with Elsa but it was okay because she was a villain and not one of the "good guys".
>his competence/intelligence seems to vary a lot from episode to episode.
Isn't this the consistent part? He always dumbs down the most when he's more worried about Emilia rather than himself/solving the problem.
First arc got solved when he focused on getting the jewel, he didn't even met Emilia.
Second arc he got killed multiple times because he thought someone was targetting Emilia, and only moved foward when he learned that other were being targeted.
Third arc, again, dies a fucking lot trying to get to the mansion to save Emilia, solves shit when he focused on solving shit.
Sure, all his motivation comes from saving Emilia anyway, so there's that.
Cool, except Honda doesn't seem to have social difficulties. This is the guy who offered help to the first hot girl he sees (Emilia) , proclaimed to be Emilia's Knight in front of a hundred knights and nobles, and even shared his stresses and insecurities with two girls on two separate occasions.
Sup Forums doesn't even like this show.
Crossboarders and summerfags like it.
>Cool, except Honda doesn't seem to have social difficulties
>t. normalscum who doesn't understand shit
All of this happy cheery Subaru is an act. It's all a desperate attempt to remain relevant
He doesn't stop trying but he does have difficulty.
This is now a memeboy thread
Can't wait for this season to be over and for everyone to instantly forget about this show, just like DanMachi
>I can't wait for evangelion to be over and for everyone to instantly forget about it
Get that logic out of here, faggot. I need to justify my low selfisteam and validate my opinion of a cartoon. If I don't like it, it must be shit.
Danmachi had a really mundane ending. If the ending to toyota is memorable then expect it to be talked about even after the series ends.
>I never do anything,
>yet I can complain like a pro.
jesus christ, talk about self-inserting
He's dumb if it's about Emilia's safety.
Because it shit and Jojo and Mob Psycho are AOTY
>tips fedora
What your saying is that we see the period where we watch him try to figure things out, by death, which the situation gets harder for him through out the show so it takes longer. It's not that inconsistent, shit just got harder and it takes him a while to figure it out because the difficulty curve.
Subaru is cringe
That doesn't really account for him dying three time before learning he can respawn (despite adjusting so quickly to an entirely new universe), or telling Emilia about his return by death, which would put him right back at the start of his "save point". And besides, wouldn't worrying about the safety of someone you care about motivate you to make FEWER dumb decisions?
>That doesn't really account for him dying three time before learning he can respawn
>first death, promise - killed by Elsa
>second death, notices something is wrong but suddenly remember "Satella" and runs away looking for here - Killed by Elsa
>third death, "dont even know what is happening" and passes out, wakes up and the second thing he sees is "Satella" - killed by thugs
>wouldn't worrying about the safety of someone you care about motivate you to make FEWER dumb decisions?
not really
It was shit from episode 18 onwards.
I wouldn't say that I HATE Re:Zero, but instead it makes me so uncomfortable I can't bear to watch it because I don't know what retarded choice Subaru may make next. He reminds me of a protagonist who wasn't supposed to be a protagonist in the first place. Of course he would react how he would in a situation like that. Even though I hate Subaru for not making wiser decisions, I think he's probably making the best decisions he can really. After all he's a NEET with little life skills.
tl;dr, Subaru needs to actual think before doing something.
t. waifufag
Jesus fucking christ get over that your shit maid got picked over a shit elf; anyways its not like he said that he didn't like Rem
ending is supposed to be when Subaru and his gang kill Betelgeuse after killing the whale and when Rem goes into a coma and gets erased from existence again
It will at least be talked about until next year
why doesnt Sup Forums believe that i am Sup Forums and what i say is fact?
grimgal is shit
>happy cheery Subaru is an act
This is how most socialization works bro, why do you think people usually socialize with food, drinks, and drugs?
Sup Forums hating on good shows, its just Sup Forums acting like Sup Forums , nothing new op move on