Ending Gantz was a mistake

Ending Gantz was a mistake.

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worst arc I've ever read and they fucking destroyed nishi

>Ending Gantz was a mistake.
Everything must come to an end.

You are not one of those kids who think they are somehow going to become immortal and live forever, right?

Starting Gantz was a mistake, and then he only made more mistakes as he kept writing it.

>You are not one of those kids who think they are somehow going to become immortal and live forever, right?
not that guy but that sentence describes me perfectly, I thought it wasnt that common to think like that, I guess Im not a snowflake

Your mind is immortal though, right

This guy gets it

I knew a few people in high school that thought they could become immortal. They were completely serious. I don't understand how that level of stupidity is possible in an intelligent life form. Can you tie your shoes?

Gramps is the fake hero
Black Brothers errywhere
Watch you some demon king daimao

You probably had some other stupid opinions while you where in high school, too. What's the point?

The extent of my stupid opinions in high school were thinking System of a Down was a good band, Inuyasha was a good anime, stupid shit like that. Thinking you can change the rules of the universe because you don't like them isn't an opinion, it's outright retarded.

the only way to prove you aren't immortal is for you to die and stay dead.

They were more stupid, yes.

I doubt they actually believed it, though, at most I've seen people joke about it. Or in a sense declare themselves to be immortal or able to become that, but nothing else past that sentence.

I like gantz ending

I'm actually,liking Inuyashiki more than Gantz after osaka

you too


It wasn't.

The mistake was not sticking to making fapbait and that started before Gants was finished.

here we have the threads designated faggots, lets give them a warm welcome guys.

Being unable to comprehend context is a sign of autism.



the series is getting to the point where author wastes tons of page just for name calling again

Inuyashiki is a thousand times better than Gantz ever was.

He should have realized it when he started killing people for fun.

Is this guy fucking serious. Does he seriously think that he did nothing wrong.

He's just confronting the fact he is a piece of shit.

Seriously, if he can follow One Piece, then he should understand what makes a villain101

How the fuck is this mangaka allowed to continue working when everything he does is traced?

Writing the plot.

That's not even traced. They are CGI models with a B/N filter.