Ow tHe eDGe

Ow tHe eDGe

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How is that edge? Lets see you not eat a beast after a week of no food.

Edge checklist
>doing something taboo and enjoying it
>smile on your face in a clearly dire situation
>gratuitous blood and gore
>wearing clothes that make you look like you walked out of a goth concert
>its easy to imagine linkin park playing in the background without trying

I just meant in general honestly.

You're just generally shitposting.
Arifureta has issues, a lot of them, someone starved eating raw animal meat isn't one of them.

be honest you don't usually see the character having a good time satiating hunger
its usually a sad, grateful consumption in an extremely animalistic way, not highlighting how much he's enjoying it with blood everywhere

Sounds like Berserk.

>Being edgy is not one of them

How does it end? Does he give up being medieval Superman to go back to Japan as a huge Chuuni?

That words holds no meaning outside of your wanton desire to shitpost.

It holds a specific meaning that is being correctly used in this case, as long as the topic is Arifureta in general.

Sorry that triggered you.

The 'edgiest' part for me is having that side character who's the most popular kid in class and the two most beautiful girls in class secretly in love with him for not being a total doormat before he became Doraemon Edge Version
In the WN(which is over) hegains all sorts of crazy magic that allows him to teleport himself home but the final boss/god stands in his way. His parents get to see the whole events of the series on tv because magic and laugh at how big an edgelord he is. He retains all his magic and its implied he would probably destroy a nation or two is someone fucked with his harem because thats who he is

>read synopsis
>"Among the class transported to another world, Nagumo Hajime is an ordinary male student who didn’t have ambition nor aspiration in life, and thus called “Incompetent” by his classmates. The class was summoned to become heroes and save a country from destruction. Students of the class were blessed with cheat specifications and cool job class, however, it was not the case with Hajime, with his profession as a “Synergist”, and his very mediocre stats. “Synergist”, to put it in another word was just artisan class. Being the weakest, he then falls to the depth of the abyss when he and his classmates were exploring a dungeon. What did he find in the depth of the abyss, and can he survive?"
>see this page
How long until this trend ends again? Do we really have to wait until all those chuuni fucks in nippon grow up before it dies?

So he stays in medieval wonderland? His parents actually laughed at him as a tongue in cheek joke right? So the author is actually self-aware of how chuuni the whole series is?

don't worry about it, tragic time loops is picking up and will replace video game reincarnations/teleportations soon enough

Arifueta is literally the OG chuuni isekai bullshit LN.

go back to your moe SoL if you get triggered everytime blood is shown

>So he stays in medieval wonderland? His parents actually laughed at him as a tongue in cheek joke right? So the author is actually self-aware of how chuuni the whole series is?
goes home to nipprawn. the series has a long standing gag of hajime being upset when people point out he's a chunni because he knows its true and find it embarrassing. His parents laughed at him because he was literally chunni as fuck at times, they are the otaku type parents so it was all too familiar to them
It really feels like Tenchi Muyo to me, I don't think its the original at all. There are older series with maous and shit like that which are in arifureta.
its not the blood its that its presented as 'cool' like the MC is enjoying it. That generally will get people calling it edgy because you're basically saying the character is insane at that point.

Edge is fun though.

as one of the few here who would agree with you I think that there's important parts that make the edge palatable:
>extreme emotional duress
>ethics based in self preservation
>not being a dick for no reason, at least have some reason
>if the character is given another side later on to balance the edge instead of making that their entire character
This is why I was okay with Hajime and the sacrifice to level up guy.

Japanese edge is dumb as fuck though. No matter what they always abide by Japanese rules to never stick out no matter what. A lot of times you get God-like characters and they don't do shit with their powers. They call their powers cheats instead of gifts. They never go out of their way to do anything. What a fucking waste.

>So the author is actually self-aware of how chuuni the whole series is?
It's kinda of a long standing gag that Hajime gets depressed everytime he looks in a mirror. Hell, one of the girls makes up chuuni sounding names for him and he later have an entire clan of now murderous bunnies giving themselves chuuni names in honor of him.

Personally I have the opposite opinion since for me it counters the edgelord tendencies and makes them seem at least civil at times and rational. Make them too crazy and its just the joker, I hate the joker because he's just insane for being insane and its not interesting at all.
I loved that clan part. Most stories need to do a character arc where the MC overdoes it in an unexpected way and turns people insane.
Its really cool later on though when he helps them with the rebellion thing.

I don't think what you're complaining about has anything to do with "edge".

In opposition to Western edge?

I've yet to see a single isekai where the MC hasn't brought up japanese shit. Even grimgar had a few scenes.
The other long standing gag of him always getting confused when another girl joins the harem got me too.
It was the best when the Last Boss joined and he had literally no clue why.

It is one of the main tenets of chuuni behavior to walk around plebs with almighty God powers and choose not to do a goddamn thing lest they incur the greatest taboo of all time: being noticed by people. This eyepatch holds my darkness back, these bandages on my arms keep my powers in check, etc etc

>there is blood
>the person is looking angry
>it must be edge

Why is Sup Forums so pussified?

In opposition to any other kind of edge, yes. In western genre fiction a lot of stories are about kids who use their powers to take the throne and improve the lives of everyone around them. In Chinese genre fiction it is about attaining immortality, or getting revenge, or gaining enlightenment. Power serves a purpose. Power is a means to an end. In Japanese fiction it's all about wanking it to the idea that you can be all knowing and all powerful and you do fucking nothing with it, because that modesty is ingrained into everything they do and it's lame.


I prefer the Japanese 'edge', why SHOULD I work for others I don't know or care instead of myself or those close to me?

What are you, some kind of saint?

now that's edgy

>because that modesty is ingrained into everything they do and it's lame.
Pretty sure japanese edge completely abandons modesty. Hell, combining modesty and edge just doesn't work. no matter how you slice it.

Yobidaresa and Nidoime yuusha have something to tell you.

It has its moments but I'm sick to death of LN school battle fantasy harem bullshit. I grew out of that demographic more than a decade ago.

No, that's just real life and a normal mindset, I have no energy to waste on anything not of my interest.
You sound like one of those shitty shonen faggots who can't stop putting their nose into others business.

Muh edge threads are still the worst fucking threads that pop up here

Then don't read it? You have a plethora of other things to read that you just have to seek out.

thats only japanese edge though
I think the closest the west gets is emo kids and I don't even know if those exist anymore.
He looks happy. In the context of the story he's been starving but unable to die from lethal injuries only surviving via a convenient magic rock and the only thing to eat when he recovers is the demon beasts around him which are poison.
Of course he's able to survive thanks to the magic rock and becomes half-demon half-human that can power up by eating monsters. They drop it after the first dungeon because he ate the strongest monster there was by then.
From my experience with japanese novels usually its to be a good guy and collect attractive girls that act cute around the MC and vie for his affection.
He ends up killing a lot of evil shit eventually, even if he's the worse guy.
Chinese MC's its usually just getting more power.
American MC's its usually about being a nice guy and getting nothing but adventure.
Nah usually even the most selfish MCs won't be a dick unless you start some shit with them or you harmed a moeblob. In chinese stuff everyone wants you dead anyways so its just a matter of staying alive.

He's a pretty nice guy he just likes killing people. I dropped it when they revealed that part. I don't really see him too much as edgy as just really into the idea that he can suddenly use his powers to do what he always wanted.
That series is pretty shit though.

even the edgiest Japanese edge is modest as fuck. even in Arifureta where the main character can do anything he will choose not to do anything for the sole reason that he doesn't want to be noticed by people.

>does comedy hijinks with every enemy
>also just wants go home

>even in Arifureta where the main character can do anything he will choose not to do anything for the sole reason that he doesn't want to be noticed by people.
I think you didn't read too much of it.
He actively tries to avoid his class because he wants nothing to do with revenge but will literally castrate people on the street if they touch on of his harem's boobs.
In like the first town he hung a guy from a roof because he was spying on his nightime fun with yue.
Kouki's stupidity and the priest girls crush were pretty unbelievable. I kept expecting the author to redeem him somehow or not make his a hopeless idiot but it kept happening.
That one conversation with Shizuku on the bridge where he confessed that he thought that both of them were 'his women' was pretty sad.

>Nah usually even the most selfish MCs won't be a dick unless you start some shit with them or you harmed a moeblob.
I just don't see this series as edgy. When I think edgy I think Sasuke. But Arifureta? Nah.

>even in Arifureta where the main character can do anything he will choose not to do anything for the sole reason that he doesn't want to be noticed by people.
He can't do everything. He wants to keep a low profile because he doesn't want to be noticed by the gods. Because the gods are dicks and will get in his way.

>He wants to keep a low profile because he doesn't want to be noticed by the gods
Yeah I don't know how far you read but that didn't last too long. About halfway through he's fighting them outright although they leave him alone until the final battle setup.
There's literally a part where he drives into town on his magic humvee and sunbathes on the top with his harem milling around him.

Yea, He kinda gave up on the low profile after slaughtering over tens of thousands of monsters heading to a village. By that point he figured fuck it.

I loved that part. I don't know why people can hate arifureta when someone actually told the MC off and it was a logical argument that changed his behavior.

The only people who hate arifureta probably didn't like it since the beginning because it's tone is consistent through out the whole story.

Just read it

Art is very nice and the story seems cool
But the updates seem infrequent, i just might read the novel

>How long until this trend ends again? Do we really have to wait until all those chuuni fucks in nippon grow up before it dies?

The content pipeline lag (webnovel -> light novel and/or manga -> anime) is longer than it takes one chuuni cohort to go from 12 to 18, so it keeps re-exposing new batches of 12 year olds.

So we're stuck with it until Japan's government mandates chuuni vaccination and reaches herd immunity.

Berserk is very edgy.

No, no, Berserk is "mature".

What's the name of the manga?

How is it taboo to eat an animal to live? Am I committing taboos every day eating cows? He ate a wolf, big deal. He doesn't even know eating monsters is fatal at that point in the story.

I think he means eating demon meat. Which isn't really taboo so much as deadly.

Why do people use Linkin Park as the epitome of edge? There's a lot of music that is actually edgier and would fit much better. Which I happen to love.

>a week
That's nothing, not even a proper fast. I'd feel refreshed and start with small portions because the hunger stopped at day three anyway.


Does he take his classmates back to Japan with him?

I would read this is the translations didn't take a decade to come out. I dont feel like starting something i'm never going to know the ending to

No series is bad specifically just because it's edgy, a story can be extremely shitty and juvenile without the slightest hint of edge and that happens all the time. If something sucks then hate it because it sucks, not because you're a faggy Sup Forumstard brainwashed to think everything with blood in it was written by a wrist cutting teenager and is therefore automatically shit. You're just as bad as the fags who won't even touch SoL's and unironically use the term "moeshit" to describe them just because of the tone of the story regardless of how well it is or isn't written.

>You're just as bad as the fags who won't even touch SoL

Not watching SoL is a bad thing now?

Because CRAWLING IN MY SKIN is a meme song.

>implying Arifureta isn't edgy

Edgy is overused these days, but that doesn't mean it doesn't apply anywhere.

What if Re:Monster was a grill?

Can't find the web novel :(

SoL is mostly garbage, to be perfectly fair. Especially the ones that focus on forced romantic drama. It needs supernatural themes or comedy to take the boredom out of it. Japanese high school is the most boring shit ever, why would you want to watch a bunch of per-pubescent children do school things unless they throw in some entertaining shit?

You are right about edgy stuff though, just because something is edgy, doesn't make it bad. I actually don't mind Arifureta so much. But then there's shit like that REALLY edgy one where the bullied kid comes back to life every time he dies and goes around slaughtering his classmates for letting him get bullied. Now THAT one is fucking awful.

>Berserk is Edgy
>lol why can't this Dark age set War fantasy just be generic no blood no depth barely gruesome Loli fighter Z like my other anime

Worst meme of the century. Like really, this meme is terrible.

Why do some of you care if it's edgy or not?

It's always been like this. Lurk more.

Berserk IS edgy as fuck. It's just also good.

When people complain about edgyness it tends to be because it's edgy and not very good, often in part because the edge is just for edge's sake.

Im surprised you didnt do a Thats the usual response you subhumans give

At no point was it ever not a bad thing.
I never implied that but it's been overused in every context for years now and most times is a very heavy indicator of crossboarding, much like 3DPD blogposts and frogposting which are an inexcusable cancer. I want to see people either discussing edgy stuff or criticizing it for real reasons, not a bunch of jackasses poking their heads in just so they can post their unfunny Coldsteel and Dante memes, which is what it invariably comes down to these days. I'm just so tired of it.

>Japanese high school is the most boring shit ever, why would you want to watch a bunch of pre-pubescent children do school things unless they throw in some entertaining shit?

Why do people gobble that shit up and then have the audacity to think it is good? To think that some of the best anime comes from that genre is embarrassing.

using the term "edge" in reference to herbivore japanese MC behavior is pretty fucking wacko dude

makes you look like a retard

Maybe anime just isn't for you.

Arifureta is GOAT LN.

It has all of the edgyness and angst that a 14yo mind could create.

You're a retard.

nice get

Anime isn't just sol that panders to your kind.

I watch all anime retard. I don't limit my taste like you. Go back to Sup Forums.

>its easy to imagine linkin park playing in the background without trying
which song?

blame niggers and dudebros from Sup Forums and Sup Forums

It's always the ESL faggots that talk the most shit. If you watch all sorts of anime you have no taste, and eat up anything as long as it's an anime. Not wanting to watch any sort of genre isn't a bad thing, retard.

Like for example Akame Ga Kill. Edginess for shock value that's for uneventful plot development.

Limiting yourself because of genre is retarded. Deal with t.

The point is, it doesn't mean I have to force myself to watch something I don't like. Deal with it.

Crawling in my crawl

I hate the word edge honestly more than cuck.

Actually your point was that it was embarrassing that some of the best anime comes from the genre you don't like. Nice back-pedaling though.

Most of the time no more of a response is justified, trying to argue with them just pulls you down to their level. That all said, back to with you, faggot.
Well every genre has it's garbage, it's not Just SoL. Some people prefer the "boring" stuff for it's simplicity and nuance rather than the wild and wacky zaniness of other series, but at that point it's more a matter of preference than anything else. Personally my favorite will always be Aria because it somehow managed to combine the best elements of both styles and blended them into a down to earth story set in a very unique fantasy setting that always gave me the perfect balance of calmness and excitement. There's romantic drama, but it never feels forced. There's a lot of exciting moments, but it never goes over the top. Think I'll spend the rest of the night rewatching it, I could really use the healing tonight.
But that series you mentioned, that the one where the guy beats the tomboy to death with a 2x4 or something like that? Never actually read it but I've seen the pages posted somewhat frequently.
Problem is so many people miss the point so hard that they don't understand that simple concept and are content to toss buzzwords about without understanding the material. It's tantamount to criticizing something you've never watched or read just because you want to shit on it for whatever stupid personal reason you might have, which I know we've all done at one point but this has gone on for far too long. We need to put this meme to rest.

It's probably pointless to debate. It's natural for people to get mad when you point out how your tastes are essentially theirs minus superficial prejudice. Since the only thing you gain out of limiting yourself is a bit more time and a fleeting sense of superiority, it's practically the only "objective" way to be worse as a viewer than someone else, whereas everything else is pretty subjective.

Edgy for instance, is just a buzzword that is designed to incorporate a wide variety of factors the viewer doesn't like. Usually it is provoked by a show attempting to play shock value and failing to elicit the desired reaction from the viewer, but in general it's become a vague blanket jargon word used to slander shows without justifying your opinion.

You assume that was me because? I was the one that said anime isn't all about sol, which is true. There is absolutely no need for be to be backpedalling here on an anonymous board. And trust me, this isn't a hugbox where everyone shares the same opinion about anime. People can have different opinions and you cannot do anything about it.

>People can have different opinions and you cannot do anything about it.
Neither can you. I don't get why people keep using this argument as if it didn't go both ways. Did you feel stifled?

True, but you can still call them out for having bad opinions, which is every bit as crucial an aspect to Sup Forums's culture as the right to have those opinions in the first place. Even if it is ultimately pointless for you all to argue because in the end all of your tastes are equally inferior to mine.

I felt like making a point since that user responded with saying that anime isn't for the original user, all because he didn't like x genre. That kind of response is an cookie cutter example of how sheep respond when something they like is criticised in any form.

>STILL trying to into isekai
>when this madman exists

How can ballsless otaku even compete???

Is this a gobrin?

He said he was embarrassed because some of the best anime in his opinion came out of a genres that he doesn't like. He was clearly making a statement about the industry. I wasn't attacking his taste.

The type of stuff that embarrasses him is what is unique to anime/manga/etc. The rest is using the medium to replicate what already exists in other places. So no, telling him that maybe he isn't into anime is not a wrong statement.

What the fuck was his problem?