Why do people hate Shinji again ?
Why do people hate Shinji again ?
I don't hate him.
It's like looking into a mirror.
Normalfags can't relate to those who differ from them.
people don't hate Shinji, he should get in the fucking robot
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You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
You're visiting your (female) friend who is in a coma. What do you do?
>She's asleep.
>It's quiet.
>You realize there's not much to do here.
>You don't want to leave after only 5 minutes.
>If you stick around, she might pee or something.
What else to do besides masturbate?
>pee or something.
there are catheter for pee
shinji is a normalfag
if you are not normal what are you?
Honestly, I don't hate him, but he should fucking grow some balls. Because even after the entire series of piloting the Eva unit, he still sits in the corner moping like a pussy.
your sister's cunt
cause he a btich ass fuccboi ya heard nigga?!
at least shinji is better mc than subaru from re:zero.
prove me wrong.
what does fuckboy means?
Nobody likes a realistic portrayal of an adolescent boy in the Chinese cartoon medium.
Shinji is the best girl
>Because even after the entire series of piloting the Eva unit, he still sits in the corner moping like a pussy.
Why should he have grown balls? Things never got easier. The stakes always got higher, and he was always forced into more and more bullshit situations. As soon as he starts to have a little bit of development, everything fucking falls apart. He has to watch his Eva get remote controlled and crush his friend. He watches Asuka get mindbroken. He watches Rei get space pregnant and fuckin explode. This is in like the span of a week.
He does start to grow balls. But things just tumble down, tumble down, tumble down after that and make all that development and effort for naught.
I think the only time he was ever truly a coward was when he rejected Instrumentality.
Accepting Instrumentality would have been a cowardly act
How was that cowardice? That was the most brave moment of the whole series.
People hate Shinji because he was a coward and a cry baby. I understand why he is though. His mother died and his father completely abandoned him. He realizes that people are only nice to him because he's an Eva pilot, if he never admitted that, he would never have any friends at school. On top of that, he is told that he's responsible for preventing the extermination of the human race, and he knows that when he refuses to pilot the Eva and watches his companions get their asses kicked by an Angel. Kaji straight-up tells Shinji that he's the only one who can stop it. He redeems himself of his cowardice at the end of EoE, and only cries at the end because he is overwhelmed with emotion by Asuka caressing his face, and like most sensitive teenagers, he cries when he's overwhelmed by emotion.
some user told me end of eva was good. Was i memed? the movie was dog shit.
I can't hate Shinji because he reminds me of who I used to be, and I can't hate who I used to be because that guy was a necessary step to become who I am today. If I hate who I was then I hate myself today, and since I don't hate myself then I couldn't hate who I used to be.
I think the movie was great. The ending was pretty bad, though.
Remember that the big picture involves Gendo and SEELE playing Xanatos Chess with each other. It is very likely that the main 3 pilots were raised *specifically* with the intent of using them as weapons that would fall apart and be unable to oppose each side's ultimate plans. It's the most blatant with Rei II, of course; raised to place all her value in life in the Commander's wishes, to seek nothing for herself except peaceful oblivion when he no longer had a use for her.
That's not to say that they had no agency, or free will, but the deck was stacked heavily against them. That's really the only explanation I've come up with to counter the seemingly-careless risks that Gendo takes at times, especially early on--he knows how they will react to certain stimuli, because he helped raise them (or in Asuka's case, SEELE did) that way.
Viewed in that manner, the shocking parts are where Rei "betrays" Gendo in favor of Shinji, and then, when Shinji starts to show just a hint of character growth in Instrumentality and realizes that he wants humanity to live as individuals after all, even though it means they will inevitably hurt each other some.
it shits all over all the characters and the story. well, i respect your opinion but i disagree.
Static character
Literally every step of everybody's scenarios were psychotically risky. The real secret was that if they couldn't have what they wanted then they didn't care if they and everybody died.
average summerfag
I wouldn't have gotten in the robot either tbqhwy familia.
Shinji is the average anime fan.
Meme reason
That doesn't matter. The most important person loves him.
It's still shitposting even if you're being ironic
Because liking older anime has become too mainstream
He's pathetic. But there's a Shinji in everyone. His character is like a mirror.
Sup Forums
I don't.
>People hate Shinji because he was a coward and a cry baby.
He jumped into a fucking volcano with no protection and no way of knowing if the Eva would survive to save Asuka