How do you react?

How do you react?

I would get terrified

Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub.


We just had this thread.

>remover her bandages
>tongue fuck gaping eye hole

Whoever drew this should be disposed of, Sylvie is love not crazy.

That's not Sylvie

well that's actually disturbing

good job Sup Forums

Tell her she is fucking retarded.

but... but it's not your eye
the color is different

I only like your eyes when they're not mutilated.

Are you just going to spam this same fucking thread for the next week?

Can we just ban all phone posters?

Eyes, plural. Also, as you have removed one of your eyes and given it to me, it is no longer strictly "your" eye, but my eye, in a sense. As such, this eye disgusts me, and belongs in the trash.

In future, I hope you take this experience to heart, and retain full ownership and structural integrity of any parts of you that I express affection towards.

Thanks, i know someone who could use this.

Cut out one of my eyes, and give it to her, and put her eye in my empty socket.

What is the autism about phone posters?

Best answer

fuck her eye socket

Phone posters are more likely to be normalfags and underage. They are also more likely to make low effort posts.

I react with " we had this same thread yesterday".

Find her a job as an unlicensed surgeon. Girl has talent.

Thats the same artist that created sylvie if im not mistaken

Shouldn't that thing be the size of an apple?

stick it up my ass jerk off and shit it back in her eyehole
so just the standard stuff, maybe i would lick it too

"Thank you dear! I love it! let's make sure to preserve it correctly, we can even put it on my bedside table so every morning I can see it! Or, do you want to encase it in acrylic so I can wear it around my neck forever?!"

girls that self mutilate for me do funny things to my chest-heart and dick-heart

suicide...first have a vanilla lovefull night with her, and as her sleep use a painless way to take her life,
the girl i love have lost her mind and there is no going back , and i've seen the movie Shutter Island of leonardo de caprio , having a family would be impossible and she will just fall deeper and deeper in her madness.

How deep is the hole?

>thinking: this is so fucking sick
>ah right this is Sup Forums
>this is so fucking Hot!!

Chug, chug, chug, down in one!

EYE see what she did there.
It's easy to see eye to eye with her.
When she gets in a fight, she'll take you on mano-EYE-mano.
It looks like she'll be keeping a close EYE on you.
Let's hope she doesn't t-EYE-re of him.
Maybe it's an EYE-ronic present?
She's got the making to be a number one yandere EYE-dol.

What are you, a lawyer?

Are your legs OK?


Take her right then and there. As long as she's the self-mutilating only type of yandere then she'd be an amazing wife.


Remove her bandage and prove she is a liar and that her eye is fine. That eye in the jar is clearly not big enough to be hers and the color is off.

How can I love someone who won't even gouge one of their eyes out for me? I mean they have TWO,

That's exactly how it started for me. I used to act all fucked up and edgy just to fit in, even read Mai-chan's daily life all the way through in one sitting just to win some Sup Forums cred. Curiosity led me to check out some more guro just for shits and giggles and I was disgusted. Then I looked at some more a few more times and was less disgusted every time. Several years later I'm here now as I am with the fetishes I have and I wish I could go back.





Doesn't even look like her eye, into the trash it goes.

>ook such a liking