HAPPENING: Nibiru is Real

Why today pol?
Distracted with too many happenings?

Other urls found in this thread:


planet 9 can go to hell!

So, this planet, is a hell for the other planet.
It's now confirmed.

It's a mini blackhole. This is why nobody can find it.

Last night someone did a thread saying
"tomorrow we are going to reveal the existence of ayylmaos"
>Go to sleep laughing
>wake up with the new of that planet

Always keep in my project bluebeam

bro I'll be hyped as fuck whether it's project bluebeam or not

I redd about this last week in norwegian MSM.

Planet X is approaching and they're preparing us. This is also why they're hurrying to colonize the moon/mars as their lower mass won't pull many comets/debris from the tail of Planet X when it passes by unlike earth which will get bombarded.

Tbh I kinda wish it was bluebeam..
People would know that shit's false pretty quickly.

It's made out of antimatter.

Earth has a) atmosphere as shield b) huge moon as shield.

Yeah I read that ancients supposedly warn us about meteorites coming every few thousand years

Why would a mini black hole revolve around the sun?

they colonize the mars because they can. colonizing generally happened when technology made it possible. nothign to do with a potential planet

thats like me warning about volcano eruptions. its bad when it happens and will happen, bad no has nothign to do with a potential ninth planet crossign the earths orbit.

I hope its something good this time

This board is fucking retarded. Kill yourselves.

A hypothetical ninth planet with highly elliptical orbit could potentially cause cyclical bombardment of stuff on our planet, if true of course

Yes, the ancients clearly had an interest in space observation for more than a mere hobby.

This. If it swings out past us then it will drag a big chunk of the kuiper belt behind it.

it's fucking nothingburger again. why do I even tune in for these always

It the first earth, It is a blackhole now because the first cern messed up an expirement and made a small blackhole.

I always knew that Planet Nine is real. The Sun unconditionally loves all of her nine children.

Sun = Mother of the Solar System
Moon = Daughter of Earth
Mercury = Youngest son of the Solar System, also a nerd.
Venus and Earth = Twin sisters of the Solar System. Venus is tsundere.
Mars = Husband of Venus and has a bad temper. His rival is Jupiter.
Jupiter = Eldest child of the Solar System and bro-tier as fuck. His nickname is 'the party planet'. He is the husband of Earth and protects her from asteroids and comets.
Saturn = Grandfather of the Solar System
Uranus and Neptune = Fraternal twins of the Solar System, Uranus is a boy and Neptune is a girl. Uranus is suicidal because of his name.
Pluto = Drunk uncle of the Solar System, he's depressed because he was demoted to the status of a 'dwarf planet'. His rival is Planet Nine, who Pluto thinks 'stole' his former status as the ninth planet of the Solar System.
Planet Nine = ?

>planet 9
>plan 9

I don't care if this is real or not, just give me a wide-scale happening.


You'd be surprised. There's a lot more people without access to info than there are people who do



>Sup Forums
>go to bed
>wake up
>Sup Forums
Get a life, loser!

>This. If it swings out past us then it will drag a big chunk of the kuiper belt behind it.
You don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about. Just stop.

You are muslim, retardation its your religion

>He still believes in Space


Wow, you really got me there. I'm don't know how I managed to be surprised by the scientific illiteracy of this board, but somehow you guys exceeded my expectations.

>computer simulations
>inferred from weird orbits of asteroids
>"not a direct detection"
We've know this for a year. Wake me when Hubble takes a picture of it.

>he still believes in flat earth
top joj

Explain how a planet with 10x the mass of earth wouldn't pull meteors/comets behind it after it passes through the kuiper belt with its gravitational/magnetic pull.

Planet nine is pluto. The redesignation was illegitimate, and probably jewish. FREE PLUTO!

tfw 'the star' turns into reality

go back to /x/ faggot

It would have cleared it's orbit you fucking dumbass and it's no where near the Kuiper belt. Watching a couple of documentaries on space doesn't make you an expert on the subject nor does throwing around terms you hardly understand.

It's the real cronos.

The Nibiru Effect
When people keep pouring money into a falling stock in hopes that'll bounce back

this thread needs to be moved please

>i know exactly where this theoretical planet is
Top kek. Fuck off you meme flag faggot.

The real redpill is that we have way more than 9 planets in the solar system. If it becomes spherical under its own gravity then it's a planet regardless of what the shill science cucks say.
Ceres is going to be an amazing planet once we start colonizing space and all of you muh Mars cucks are going to regret everything you've ever said about it.

>Knowing anything about space.

You dipshits unironically think the world is flat.

t. guy who thinks Sup Forums isn't satire

But I guess Islam is satire as well isn't it?

>when the child support kicks in

Planet 9 is the alcoholic father come back to demand custody, breaks the whole family apart in the process and the children never act quite the same again after it's over.

Nigga, you actually believe that half the idiots here believe this bullshit?


D-d-daddy....you back for good this time?

I don't know where it is, but I can sure as fuck tell you where it isn't. If a planet crossed the Kuiper belt like that it would have disrupted the Kuiper belt billions of years ago. The closest Planet Nine is proposed to come to the Sun is 200 AU. The farthest the Kuiper Belt goes out is 40 AU. Did I hurt your fee fees by calling you out on your ill-informed bullshit?

>le Sup Forums is satire
Kill yourselves shills/newfags. Planet X is coming.

>"This is not, however, the detection or discovery of a new planet," said Green.

>20 times away from the Sun than Neptune, NASA scientists say.
It may be real, but it's very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very far away. It's not going to come close to hitting us.

Wow, what a stellar defense of your board.
>It's just satire guys! We're only pretending to be retarded!
Fuck off.

>i dont know anything but let me throw out these proposed theories
>im so much smarter than you

Not even gonna defend you're bullshit? Sad!

Nibiru my ass you fucking retards, i wish a sudden black hole would destroy us all

Does Allah know you're speaking of such sorcery?

Muhammad M. Muhammad, get the throwing stones.

i would say kys ahmed but i don't want you to suicide bomb anyone in the process


that is a rad name

This is word for word the same thing they said years ago...nothing new

>We've known forever that there's something with a lot of mass in our solar system that we just aren't seeing
>Literally nothing but a reminder of this

well okay then

I'm with you islamfam

It clearly states in the article it's actually fucking nothing but people here read the click bait title and start mashing their own opinions in without even reading it.

muh annuknaki

That's what happens when you let redditors and underage kids take over your board.

Not flat earth believer


Me neither.
Fuck sakes, if it isn't one retarded LARP, it's another. Is pizzafake not enough to tide you drooling mouth breathing retards over?

>"This is not, however, the detection or discovery of a new planet," said Green.

WTF how did he grab his pocket?
It's meant to be 0G....

Confirmed all fake, lads. We've been lied to all these years.

a fucking leaf, imagine my surprise

>Aussies 0 Fauna 2

How embarrassing.

I don't buy the bullshit (((NASA))) gives us either, but this webm is fucking retarded. It's very clear his pinky is just caught in the pocket. Posting this shit just makes disbelievers look like worse.

Im not just any old leaf

, youtu.be/CSKbWI1pUHQ

>It clearly states in the article it's actually fucking nothing
No it doesn't. It clearly states it hasn't yet been discovered but its existence would explain 5 different phenomena.


Every fucking time they find another small moon sized planet, you fuckers scream "PLANET X NIBIRU IS REAL LOOK PWOOF" while completely ignoring the fact that Nibiru means "Jupiter."

Can you faggots go back to yet?

You existence is an embarrassment in itself.

when logic kicks in
>nice one leaf

Tip lel


Does it have to be?

It has never been a secret that a 9nth planet is likely to be a reality. The data has suggested it for decades...

It is however in such an eccentric orbit that it only recieves minimal sunlight and it is probably a gas giant, so no ayys.

Not politics or current event, saged.

It's more likely an explanation planet that got trapped by So. Or an unignited brown dwarf star, since so many stars come in pairs.

It's been 23 days since 9/23/2017


should it be planet IX as you know 9 in latin numbers

NDT launched his celebrity status and his one great "achievement" he claims is that he killed Pluto. Niggers rly do destroy everything. Even space.

>not a planet

Yes, we already knew of pluto, shit for brains.

Inshallah you tell them, brother! These stupid infidels think that a planet can bring Meteors. THEY ARE MANIFESTATION OF GODS WRATH FOR YOUR SODOMY! You will be chocking on ash while we enjoy our 72 virgins. Enjoy hell athecucks.

Planet 9 is Earth's billionaire ex husband. Plot twist: due to a snafu in the paperwork Earth and Planet 9 are still technically married.

hurrrr durr if we discover a new planet that automatically mean meteors rite?


Why can I hear a child being abused in your post? Dog fucking faggot.

Haha too right brother these dogs will believe anything their space-jew masters tell them. No wonder His wrath lies heavey upon them!

>Believing NASA in 2017

I wonder what it's like to be this unfunny.

NASA is lying. Don't believe the space jew.