Would you?

Would you?

Other urls found in this thread:


She wouldn't me.


of course

Absolutely. Give me a reason why I shouldn't.

if you want a smelly ape, then sure.

I want to bang her along with Sup Forumsnons.

I would a komiyama

Don't act like you haven't showered in a week also.



>implying Tomoko showers bi-weekly
Yeah, more like bi-monthly.

She's probably one of those people who bathe, but they do it in such a way to where they still smell gross.

How do you manage to pull that off?

I wonder how she would react to a confession


I imagine it's from jerking off in the shower too much.

people jerk off in the shower?

Only underage b& do.

Well, it's not like anyone is going to walk right in on you.

>This isn't Tomoki
>I wonder if my fantasy baseball team's stats have increased
>This guy probably doesn't even follow baseball
>my nipples are caving into my chest
>I want to go home to check my fantasy baseball team's stats

Not drying properly

Honestly this. Creates a gross musky smell.

i mean in my own personal experience i find it very hard to do it in the shower.

Tomoko 16 in the manga.

the cum is too annoying to wash away

No Only the hentai.

I don't know about that.

She's ugly.

Nah, she seems too desperate.
Give her some time to grow less awkward and some curves.

yes very much so

Do you want Tomoko do this to you?


he told you to give him a reason...

Tomoko is cute.


Yes user I would.

I would just about anything at this point.

I even sucked a friends cock a couple months ago just because I wanted the human contact.

I don't even find him the least bit attractive.

I just need the intimacy.

Would I?

If i can make her happy. Yes.

Spankfuck her? Hell yeah.



She got one us.


its so fucking hot this summer as soon as i come out of the shower im already sweating and fucking gross again please take me away to some place with air conditioning


Meme killer.

My autistic brother manages it. I'm pretty sure he just runs a bath, sits in it and then gets out. No soap or anything.



Fuck you
>tfw cripple and have a shitty cast on
>can't take a shower or go to the bath because moisture would ruin it
>haven't bathed in 3 weeks
>head is constantly itchy
>body smells like shit and I have to wear deodorant to cover it up
>stuck in an old house without direct opening windows and two fans
>have to lie on the same bed every single day
>next to two major lakes
I'm so fucking hot and sweaty and theres nothing I can do but wait for death or my shitty foot to heal


Hell yeah, I'll also film it and send it to Sheep just to mess with her

She doesn't use soap. That's the joke.

>would you fuck a corpse

trash is trash. 2d or 3d, never stick your dick in trash.

Fuck yeah.


I did that when I was kid.

Thing tomoko would do to me.

Garbage bag and duct tape you fucking moron. I was in a cast from my fingers to my shoulder for 6 weeks, that doesn't mean I didn't bathe.


How can someone be so retarded? 3 weeks? I can't stand more than 4 days without showering, I would kill myself before that

My girlfriend is a spitting image of Tomoko. Both looks wise and character wise. While it is fun to tease her because of that sometimes, that kind of character is a living hell to deal with in real life.

Bullshit. Post pic.
>and character wise
>has bf

I call bull. Post proof.

if you masturbate in the shower or just before showering, you'll still smell when you get out. and obviously, if you do the same after showering, you'll smell bad.

taking this into account, yeah, fuck it she seems cool.


user, it's Sup Forums
I was going to write up some criteria but after giving it a thought - I can't really think of anything Sup Forums wouldn't fuck.


That face.


wud u?



I'd hold her hand and give her lots of love.

Blushing fingers?
We've gone too far...

Tomoko really cute.

Komi a shit

You can't begin to imagine the things I would with Tomoko.

hand holding
neck rubbing
love whispers
rubbing my chin up and down the nape of her neck
tending to the house
cooking her the dishes she likes to eat
complementing her on her looks and rooting for her to do her best

I am convinced some of you actually have autism.

I'm posting on Sup Forums, specifically on Sup Forums.

What gave it away?

Repost this with a working link bro, I'm too curious now

I want to get Tomoko pregnant and leave her a single mother

Get out nigger

>not all

all day, everyday
till I die of exhaustion

>till I die of exhaustion
So basically one day?

that not very nice

Stop being a cripple and and be a cripple-capable

we prefer the term handicapable

No. Gross.

like you aren't

make me

Thread alive.

Your a bad person doing that to Tomoko.


Fucking umarufag won't stop.

we should hang him

No, we should hang him I heard it's a tradition in US.

yeah after baseball and barbecues we lynch people
