Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

How is this even a debate?


I know, right?



But Komari is a midget lol

Yuno who.

This one, obviously.

Tits too big

Natsumi and Natsume.

Yuno, easy.

>not liking shortstack


You are, OP.

>Cute but annoying brat who acts like a shitkid

>Cute, pure, softvoiced girl with several growing waifu powers

Yeah, no debate here.


I love Komari but Yuno is a miracle of the universe.

Komari for fucking, Yuno for wifing down and impregnating several times over. She just his this naturally maternal aura around her.

Why did x365 episode 1 have such good animation?

No idea, but its my single favorite episode of anime, ever.


>no Yuno is getting married poster


We need to go wider.
