
>tfw lolifags are going to have to deal with hiyoko becoming a tall full-figured woman with an adult body

Why is Despair arc so shit compared to Future?

I'm completely okay with Hiyoko growing up, I appreciate her for her personality not her body. Anyone that would drop her for such a superficial reason doesnt truly appreciate her.

can someone explain to me how she grows up? Does she have a growth spurt? I dont get it

I want to impregnate Seiko !.

Yeah she has a growth spurt at some point between entering HPA and The Tragedy. It'll probably happen when Despair-arc jumps to the next school year at some point.

Also does anyone know what the text of the newspaper article showing tall Hiyoko from Ch 6 of the game says? I'm assuming its not too important but it looks like its readable so I'm curious


Two dangan threads and they're both dead? End this hope

There's actually three. No clue why this one exists.

The big one is unmarked and easy to miss.

People were saying the reverse at first.

And hopefully she grows up mentally also.

The actual DR2 cast besides Hinata/Izuru and Nanami are background characters while the Future cast hogs the screen time.
Everyone's a one note caricature of themselves.
Little progression so far.

>background characters
Intended. I do wish they wouldn't waste time with even worse and more poorly developed characters like the trio, but a big chunk of class 77 is intentionally unimportant. It's partly why Junko gets to them.

Not me. I always preferred Future.

>grow up mentally
user they all become raving lunatics who kill billions of people

Despair Arc is better though.

I mean Future is just "Munakata and Juzo do the killer's job for them" for like five episodes straight

The only bad Despair episode is the one that dealt with the three Future Fags

I like Despair more.All the characters in Future are shit.
The only bad parts from Ep4 were the scenes with the futuretrio.

>Episode Ranking
Future 4 > Future 5 > Despair 3 > Future 2 > Despair 1 > Despair 4 > Future 1 > Despair 2 > Future 3

Future 5 was bad.The dumb trio are shit and everything with them is bad.


Stained with lolifag tears.

I still have no idea how the fuck traditional Japanese dancing can influence The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History. She must go into overdrive with her insults.

> 3 threads
>All of them are dead.

F4 > D3 > D2 > F5/F3 > D1/D4 > F1/F2

A best.

Munakata going from "Okay I'll hear you out" to "Okay I'm slicing your throat open" with the attacker's identity ramped up excitement to 11.


more dr2 cast fanservice tomorrow please

Make a thesis

worthless without 148 more pages accompanying it

You still need to improve


can't fucking wait

>Seiko won't suck your dick because semen has averse side effects with a medicine she's taking

Why is this thread dead?

Because there's another thread

which one?

Git gud