Popularized LN adaptations

>Popularized LN adaptations
>Popularized 4koma adaptations
>Not a publisher lapdog, self sufficient
>Most consistent animation quality as far as TV anime go
>Every small studio in the industry want to be like them

Who can stop them?

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>Who can stop them
F/a/ggots like you who just pirate their products.

>>Popularized 4koma adaptations

That be wrong matey.

Reminder that only Shaft and Mappa come close in current lineups.

Why would anyone want to stop GodAni

I can see SHAFT fucking up 3-gatsu, Zaregoto and Fate, and Mappa's lineup isn't that good. Yuri on Ice is a meme.

>Yuri on Ice is a meme
But Sayo Yamamoto is a legitimately good director

Shaft has March Lion and Mappa has that new Katabuchi movie but is that it? Good stuff but hardly coming close.

Being self sufficient is actually killing them

They use novel they own but they have no good novels, just new crap from unproven low wage writers...
just no one at kyoani can't make a story for shit

They can't milk and rehash the "moeclub" and homos forever

Their shows doesn't get as many clones as shaft's

It takes skill to cultivated shit to become fertilizer, and the are good at doing it with their own shits.

You make it seem like they actually milk their novels, 2 seasons and a movie is as far as they've gotten with them with Free and Chuu2, both successful series as well.

The only studio that clones Bakeshit direction is SHAFT itself.


I can't bring myself to agree when works like Eupho and Silent Voice are still possible. Yeah they've made some bad stuff and likely will make some more (people are gonna be so disappointed with Evergarden just wait) but so long as they've got talent working there I don't think they can be condemned.

>people are gonna be so disappointed with Evergarden just wait

I really have my doubts about it being as well written as people expect. PV looks good but frames it as more dramatic and light novel-ish, in the vein of something less than savoury like Kyoukai no Kanata.

No one. They have singlehandedly destroyed anime.

>frames it as more dramatic and light novel-ish, in the vein of something less than savoury
Not him, but I seriously can't tell what this is supposed to mean.

The only thing KyoAni destroy are the haters anuses.

Are you retarded? Half the studios in the industry have a Shinbo apprentice of some sort at this point.

Working with Shitbo at some point != apprentice. The industry is small, anyone can work with anyone, specially someone like Shitbo who's been working for decades.

Like, more LN melodrama than tactful or artistic writing. More Clannad drama than Eupho drama.

deaf girl gonna bomb or do average, manga just never go anywhere and they are gonna watering down her deafness big time making her a mute moeshit

A "accurate" deaf gilr just can't be cute due to "animalistic cry and retarded half words"

>is that it
I don't know what timeframe you're thinking of specifically, but they both have various projects announced. SHAFT has 3-gatsu, Zaregoto, Fate/Extra, the Madoka concept movie, the rest of Kizu, and I guess Prism Nana's public release, while MAPPA has Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni, Yuri on Ice, Bahamut S2, and we're still waiting on the Garo movie BDs/rips.

The CM didn't give off a Clannad vibe to me at all, plus the translation of chapter 1 is more Eupho-tier in writing.

>Silent Voice
It hasn't even been released, you nigger, how does that show anything?

Oh I didn't know any of it had been translated. Hopefully I'm shown wrong then, but I'm still pretty skeptical about it.

Definitely what I think will happen, kinda like the little sister in yuyuyu


Postin' for everyone

Man, the peeps at KyoAni are going to do some hardcore location scouting

Which parts of Europe will they most likely go?


Hopefully it isn't just photoshopped fotografies.

Who do you think they are? SHAFT?

Do you know who did the backgrounds in that episode?

They looked great

This translation is so awkward.

Amaburi s2 never ;_;

Why are they so good at animation though? Do they have exceptionally good animators or what? I don't know anything about studios and anime staff.

They're not the best, just the most consistent thanks to having good scheduling practices and not relying on freelance animators that can fuck your scheduling up. They also pay salary instead of per-frame basis so you don't get animators shitting out low quality frames just to get paid.

They do, but it's mostly due to having a better work environment and better project scheduling. When you see bad animation it's not usually because of bad animators, it's because of overworked, underpaid animators working the night before the deadline.


Also people who read it said its far from the usual KyoAni LN fare. One of the things it makes it special is how its structured. Its densely packed and formatted in a way that it makes it easily accesible to TV adaptation. There's only going to be 2 novels for the whole story so if it does well we might get a complete adaptation.

It's just money & time. Trigger would have the same quality without their shoestring budgets.

The problem of being independent is that, if you produce a lot of shit, the risk is higher. Kyoani actually decreases risk by maintaining constant quality, as they focus on a few projects that can be chosen from their small pool of publications.

>“What happens to the black tea you drank?”

>Feeling herself being questioned, Violet tilted her head a little. “It will eventually be discharged from my body… and return to the earth?” she replied.

This is so gonna be a commercial flop. This will be THE field day for critics though. It's practically what people outside of the so called "Otaku" demograph have been clamoring for decades. In all seriousness though this is almost anime mirai tier genre.

holy lewd

>anime mirai tier
That bad, eh?

This post gave me cancer.

>putting knk there as if isn't going to be rushed garbage that looks pretty

Good try

Free reply

Weak bait but I'll play. Death Parade had a good pilot episode.


>7 entire manga volumes
>in a single movie
>not rushed garbage

Only Kyoanifags can be this deluded.

Expect character development to be cut to save time for nice pretty scenery .

So Death Billiards was in your eyes, what non-otaku have been clamouring for for decades? Please. At one point I hailed stuff like Little Witch Academia or Kizuna Ichigeki as great but really, even those sorta fall apart on rewatch. Anime Mirai is a much better as a concept than the films themselves.

Obviously a bunch of nonsense is going to be cut out.
>expect yamada to do the opposite of what she does
Sure thing buddy.

I have no doubts it will transcend the manga.

>the so-called "Otaku" demograph
>almost anime mirai tier genre

>whatever Kyoani cuts is total nonsense anyways, even if it's multiple volume worth!

Gosh animefags are such cancer.

This adaption was doomed to be shit as soon as it was announced as a single movie.

Not them, and I'm not even a big KyoAnifag, but the KnK manga was not good and could stand a lot of alterations.

Jesus Christ, KyoAni fags really are delusional.

Cry about it in your diary.

>Popularized LN adaptations
It was J.C Staff

> This will be THE field day for critics though.
>TV anime
Yeah, I'm sure Helen McCarthy and some literally-who YouTubers will be overjoyed.

>could stand a lot of alterations.
Yes just like the mess off Chuu2 and the other KnK right?

Really? LN adapions in anime world started with Haruhi. And later were produced by they Chuu-2, Kyoukai no kanata...

why is it only ESLs getting butthurt over this?

>Being self sufficient is actually killing them

In what aspect is it killing them? It sure as hell ain't financially.

The movie will either be rushed garbage or even more unnecessary drama added with Kyoani's anime original touch

>can't even keep a straight face while saying such nonsense

Did you even read the manga? Shit went nowhere for like 4 volumes, the fucking movie project can be cut and the point will still get across.

>a month before the movie premieres and already decided you won't like it

The quintessential edgy teenaged contrarianism

kyoani has average budgets. It's not just money.

With constant highschool/school setting teen shit? Yes. Death Billiards was one of the few shows that most "non-otaku" contrarians continuously ask for. Death Billiards had a good concept but the TV continuation Death Parade was a clusterfuck.

LWA never falls apart on a rewatch.

So you think only these kinds of people exist outside of Japan?

What can you expect when the mangaka probably just filling up pages to prolong the series.
Now the movie maybe able to trim all the useless fat of it.

No, I'm sure Youtubers and retarded hacks review anime in Japan as well.

Tokyo studios stills the best.

Yeah people shouldn't talk about that when they don't know shit

There's no reason to think it will be good because KyoAni haven't made anything good in years

So you're one of those guys, eh?
All so superficial, get over your fear of high school.

I fucking loved it on first and second watch but I revisited it again like a week ago for the first time since the sequel and it left me kinda cold. It's definitely good and all but if that's the crowning glory of Anime Mirai, then Anime Mirai is kind of a bummer.

>With constant highschool/school setting teen shit? Yes.
That seems like a pretty silly standard to use to call something "what people have been clamoring for for decades," considering it's a minor setting detail and that there are anime that fulfill it literally constantly.

For you. I thought Hibike and Amagi before that were very decent.

That's false.

We'll they're the minority and that's what I have been saying from the start when I said this will be a commercial flop.

Shiranpuri is the true champion of Anime Mirai. LWA is for plebs.

Yuribait trash
Even the majority of the most ardent KyoAnus lickers don't like this

[citation needed]

So then who is this critical majority you speak of? Where are all the non-retarded Japanese critics of TV anime?

Gee I bet nobody saw this stale bait coming from a mile away

You seem to think I'm saying that the critics are outright positive. These people clamour for it every god damn year when they have a chance to say it. To their defense though, there is some truth to it. Like what you said there is something that will fill it up but that is one of the outliers of the season. When SoL was abundant they bitched about it 24/7.

That one's pretty good but I still put Kizuna Ichigeki over it. That one was real sweet and had some great formal choices as well with the rough line aesthetic. Although really for me these things are only ever good "for what it is" as opposed to really fucking good y'know?

Koe no Katachi will win an Oscar.
Sup Forums is going to be a nightmare in 2017.

>Koe no Katachi will win an Oscar.
kyoani fags are the most delusional posters on Sup Forums I swear

It won't get nominated for an Oscar but it's an easy critical darling and a win at the Japan Media Arts festival.

Oscar doesn't acknowledge KyoAni works. Only Ghibli.

Nah, madotards wanted an oscar too. Probably before your time though.

And only the one that was distributed by Disney.
Someone, post those commentaries by Oscar juries about animation movie.

The Oscars are nepotism filled garbage. The judges are all fucking retards who don't actually care about cinema.

>he thinks KnK actually has development
don't worry, there'll still be plenty of filler left in the movie even after Kyoani cuts all the garbage out.
