Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

The Ruri's should really clear out their ears.

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I think the Brainwashing theory could actually be real with Yuri

>1 more week until Shun maximum ZETSUBOU

I don't because the dialogue between Leo and the Doctor imply the brainwashing parasites are something new.
Leo didn't even look too sure about using it and the Doctor kept reassuring it works well.

I'm looking forward for the preview in the end of next episode.

117's preview did show this, after all.

>parasites permanently fuck up the brain
>if parasites are somehow destroyed/removed, puts Ruri's in a vegetative state


Gosh I hope not. I'm not the biggest fan of Yuri but anything but brainwashed route for his character

I need cards. When are the spoilers?

/r/ing the rise falcon webm

Why is it that females mostly get brainwashed in Yugioh?

Yuri is a lost cause. Rin's intro duel has her fucking reking Clear Wing and Crystal Dragon, Yuri's intro has him beat Ojamas

Joey and Mokuba got brainwashed too

Does that mean the intro LIED TO US AGAIN!?

And Gilag and Alito
And whoever got converted to the Society of Light
And Johan that one time?

And several male characters in GX.

Yuri could still duel Yugo, he'd just be getting Rin's sloppy seconds

Rewatching the episode, if I'm not mistaking Rin could have actually just beaten him with that burn damage on turn two, right?

Part of the effect says the monster using it has to have been summoned that turn. Since it wasn't summoned that turn, it couldn't use the burn effect, even cloning it.

Yes, but she was having too much fun watching him squirm.



Johan, WHEN?

>good episode immediately followed by monkey madness
y u do this kamishiro

You got a boat, isn't that enough?

>it's a "Reiji spends 20 fucking episodes buying a boat" season

So when does kaiba show up?

>Monkey Madness
Pure speculation.

When Yuzu reaches "Arc-V" and turns into a dragon

Kaiba is dead.

The useless character right?

No, you're thinking of Yugo.

Pretty sure I'm thinking about her. You know the second coming of princess peach?


captcha: select all images with trains, return of kozuki when?

YGO just loves brainwashing in general. There are SEVERAL incidents per series now.

>thinking the intro is ALWAYS right
You know it isn't always like that.

She only got kidnapped twice. She's been locked away as many times as Yuya himself.

Yuya has been jailed more times than her.

I'm not too happy with how Yuzu's relevance died over time either but come on, stop this "all Yuzu does is get kidnapped and incarcerated" meme.


Difference is Yuya got out of his own accord. Yuzu relies on others to rescue her.

When? When he was caught by Security the first time he only escaped because of his friends and even then they would of been sent back had Roger not noticed them.

When he was caught again after running from the Friendship cup to go after Sora he was about to get a chip put in his head til Hitsu ni and Odd Eyes Rebellion Dragon fried it and finally he was a good as carded fighting Barret and he was powerless against Sergay.

Yuto weather report: Nothing but Yuto and it's hot

His achievements pay off for those failures. What has Yuzu achieved? Other than telling Yuya about his father?

>Locked up
>Two times
5 times, last time I checked.
Episode 3 where she was on the tower with the three kids
Roger's cell, Sergey's earthbound imprisonment, Undergound in synchro and now the Academia prison.

What the hell happen to the dennis guy?
Is he dead after dennis got carded?

Got Sora to leave academia and join the lancers which led to Tsukikage surviving long enough to bail the lancers out of trash town and resulted in the commons riots

Interrupted Roger's broadcast and got Yuya to pull his head out of his ass and go fight Jack which saved the city and secured them some needed allies

Yuzu later evaded academia's pursuit long enough to run into Asuka and meet Yuya's father. During this time she also intended to go along with the students to lead an offensive on academia until Dennis showed up with his troops.

Yuzu does a fair amount. She doesn't duel, but she does relevant helpful things rather often.

Except she was not imprisoned in the underground, she was hiding there with the other Lancers.

And the tower in episode 3 is really stretching it. That was something that happened in a duel, not actual imprisonment like when she was captured by Sergey/Roger and Academia.

She wasn't locked underground in Synchro. Tsukikage led her there to keep her away from Roger.

>The tower with the kids
Not an actual prison, also, as shown during Yuzu's duel with Masumi, she could just use one of her cards to fly herself to safety if she really wanted.
>Sergey's card effect
No more of a proper restraint than Security's card walls or Barrett's chains

Dennisfag said he wasn't gonna dennis post anymore around the time of Dennis's return ep.

>If she really wanted

Tell that to the fat shivers kid that could've died after falling off the tower, not that I would complain if he did.

>she could just use one of her cards to fly herself to safety if she really wanted

Why don't people in this series use their monsters to escape shit anyway or travel aside from Shun?

>she could just use one of her cards to fly herself to safety if she really wanted
The writers pretty obviously hadn't considered that people outside of the combatants should be able to manifest monsters during a duel. She would have been a massive prick if she just "hadn't wanted" to get the kids off it herself

They did during the prison escape. Not sure why they haven't since.

I think, Tsukikage used his ninja monster to fight off against Sergey in 93, wouldn't exactly call that travelling though. Yuya also used Whip Viper and Hippo to save Yuzu back at 99.

I know Crow's used Raikiri multiple times for that sort of thing too.

It's a shame it's not used more often, the idea of real solid vision monsters is fucking awesome and could make for some really exciting action scenes during the duels themselves.

Anyone have that forshadowing image with a red aura around Yuzu, when Yuya called her Miss Strong Ishijima?

Here you go, f a m.

>hardly uses whip viper
>uses it after a long time to save his waifu
it was literally the best way possible to utilise his absence

I meant to post this bad time to post by mistake and leave

Why did Yuri had to fuck everything up?

Will Manga Yuzu fall Yuya? Remember that Yuri likes Yuzu and wants her for himself

You mean ONO right. Bring Yoshida back

Thanks. That episode was full on forshadowing.

This show has become too lewd

She's already on the Yuuya.wav bandwagon. It's like every type of concept they have to thirst for each other.

yuri's just conceited

he's a preening peniscock




It's be funny if the aura around the Ruri's represent their respective Yuu's main colouring. I'm expecting Serena's to be purple/pink, Ruri's to be black or grey. Rin's one was a cross between black and blue.

Does anyone have the gif/webm of Kali Yuga destroying all of Security's set traps?



When Rin dealt the final 500 damage to Yugo, she really did sound like she was about to cum. I thought you all were just memeing, what the actual fuck.

It's only your imagination.

So can we say for sure, that Hitotsu Ni is Z-ARC and Omni Yuzu is RAY-A?

we never meme user, card games are serious buisiness

I doubt there will be a Yuzu fusion.
Z-ARC probably refers to Hitotsu ni but I think the ruris and their bracelets control it, instead of they becoming one as well.

That will be worst option possible. Give me my fucking cute RAY-A!

>anything with Yuzu mixed in it


I can't imagine either of the 4 people fusions to be anything but ridiculous. I'm expecting 8 color hairs.




yis this pleases me

They'll probably go monochrome for white or black color schemes



Boring. It'll be rainbows. Every ARC-V opening has had them so far. Goes with the ARC and RAY thing as well.



Her voice definitely had an erotic ring to it during her final effect activation chain.

During the rest of the duel she sounded more cold and angry, that made the sudden change very noticeable.

My bad. Either I couldn't find it, or OP4 didn't have Yuya on a rainbow.

Dude, Yuya was freaking driving on a rainbow at the very beginning. You know , the SAAA IMMA DA and when we see him again pendulum summoning out the material that would be used for Enlightenment Paladin.

In any case it can't be more ridiculous than this.

Mind blown holy crap.

>being Gohan
>see this
What will happens?

>Hitotsu ni has a rainbow hair color
so fucking gay

Edo and Yusho's reunion WHEN???
They must put together Smile World

Asuka and Ayu when?

A literal fuccboi on roller skates who duels using glitter and rainbows is the straightest ygo protag since Miho

I can't I can't.

I checked. Both scenes had it at an angle where you couldn't tell what Yuya was driving on. The closest to anything rainbow-related with Yuya I saw in that OP were pic related and the sparkles when Yuya drew OEPD.