The MGM CEO used a stock buyback to sell 80 percent of his stock shares!
What did he know and when did he know it?
The MGM CEO used a stock buyback to sell 80 percent of his stock shares!
What did he know and when did he know it?
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Impressive sliding today....
Lucky Larry
Nothing to see here folks, slide on by...
Is pic related real?
yes she died in her sleep
she apparently was epileptic and died of stress after the shooting
epileptic, and went to a concert, in las vegas
soro's also did a put buy for like 1.35 million shares betting that MGM stock would decrease. Funny it did decrease
with a light show...
Why is Soros and his wife's son even still alive?
Bump, so this is where we are with LV? Was it all a hoax. I saw many dead bodies in the pictures? WTF????
If you meme Paddock as one of the shooters, you're being a tool for the Deep State. They haven't shown a shred of evidence that he even bought those guns. He is most likely 100% patsy.
>1 month b4 he sold a lot of stock
Old news, you dry piece of shit!
Thanks, user. I believe this, too.
reminder about his brother
Did he get paid twice for it?
sliding? info about the shady workings of the judeo-US deep state is unimportant now?
What the fuck do you deem important then, I wonder?
You massive braindead faggot
>By Jay Greenberg
Anyone have the post about a man named John in the Vegas area committing "suicide" right after the attack?
has anyone looked up his previous sells? If something similar has happened in the past it may not be that big of a deal? Or if it has never happened before then it could be a very big deal
Bump for Eric. He loves bumps.
we should meme it being the sheriff. push back a little at the weakest link
Mhmm makes sense
>not comping yourself as CEO
It's like y'all hate sushi or something
Metro Goldwyn Meyer?
i find it very strange. been searching for LV thread the last days.
He has a t-shirt from an organization? And this organization has a PR person as its chair? Shocking! /s He lives in Orlando. It's not surprising he has that t-shirt. And if there were something to hide with regard to the shirt, I doubt he would be wearing it for a media interview.
>be mgm ceo
>buy and sell stocks
go and take your crazy pills ya fuckin wack job, first sandy hook now this shit? This place is def getting shut down..
that person worked p/r for the pulse shooting, dipshit.
yes. but this is a red herring.
got excited. what i meant to say was zoinks.
He was referring to his own thread being slid genius
Report to the sec
He's cracking up isn't he
Praise kek
I posted in the thread about the KANGZ movie and i'm sorry. Have a complimentary bump in apology.
the deadliest mass shooting in american history in las vegas, done in extravagant style, and he's up for reelection this year i believe. to me it looks like the man's about to get his ticket punched.
you have to go back
Hes going to get reelected for the rest of his life, the people of Vegas have great respect for him. What you see as cracking up is the man becoming emotional over the loss of life and the heroism of his officers.
T. Vegas native
Huh, oops, my bad
>what is medicine
Its simple guys:
Stephen Paddoxk was a hired hit man who was told by MGM mafia goons he had an exit plan.. but ended up smoking himself.. Soros is the mafia boss Im charge of this criminal enterprise
Um actually it's comps to you mr Taco Bell
That is OP...lmao
You're the braindead one son
he's in the worst position a man could be that has his power. pressure on all sides... the motherfucker is cracking. i'd guess he's emotional because he is literally on the verge of a mental breakdown. it's the exact behavior you see from people who feel they must say something -- because they know something -- but keep it bottled up.
whatever he knows is eating him up. you can hear it in his voice and see it on his face.
REEEEE, how is this on P8 already
Is Sup Forums so obsessed with the BBC that they just don't give a fuck about LV anymore and all shit up the board with some KANGZ?
holy shit. this proves that las vegas was a cia conspiracy psyop/false flag attack designed to de-arm americans in order to sell security metal detectors. fucking blumpf orange cheeto!
seriously, bump. Also what did you guys think about Molymeme's recent presentation? He seems to be against the multiple shooters angle?
acvaullty thurs alot of evudence
She was also being treated with meds for a pituitary tumor.
Gio RIOS is not going quietly. He stands by his morning after Facebook post.
>What you see as cracking up is the man becoming emotional over the loss of life and the heroism of his officers.
After a full 2 weeks? Is the ghost of Stephen still shooting at folks? He was fine the day after.
day after hes arguably still in shock
And the other 10 days +/- that he's had conference appearances? Did it just sink in on the day he had to confirm there was no collusion between the LVPD and FBI?
He made those faces while talking about officers that were shot and kept going though
I suspect he's cracking up because he's being asked to play frontman for FBI's deception tactics. If i was a good cop, let's say hypothetically Lombardo is, i would be losing it too if the feds were using me as their mouthpiece and making me complicit in their sleaze, using my job security and reputation as leverage for cooperation.
Also one can say he's hitting a wall of burnout, happens to anyone dealing with that much of a task.
I've asked for that girl's name several times. If she was in fact killed her name would be in the list of victims.
Someone will probably say she's in the hospital but still no name for this person.
Confirm it or have to say it? Especially, considering it was like holding up a flashing neon sign that said HEY. WE'RE LYING THROUGH OUR TEETH.
Pituitary tumors are almost never deadly.
Looks like it could be Rocio Rocha. You have to remember women often change their appearances so she could look different than the photos the media has of her.
Only for Vegas massacre eyewitnesses who contradict the official narrative.
:bitter laugh: Yeah. Supposedly.
Bump. (((THEY))) are starting to slip away.
Looking for this bloated rat. LMK if you find info on him.
He's from the security union, right? What's special about him in particular?
Just trying to get a more contextual look at this before drawing conclusions.
snopes is all over it already - clearly this means nothing. she just had a normal seizure like she always does.
sorry, response to the wrong post...thought you were asking about the not-injured-but-died-later eye witness.
thats a cop
yeah, i thought it was funny. googled her name and they were one of the first links.
i don't like that they have such an out-front take on her, but two things struck me as odd...number 1, they didn't outright "debunk" her story, and 2, the big one - they have an archive link (which i posted) to her facebook post.
gave me pause.
I remember people saying there was someone holding the doors closed from the outside so no one could escape from this.
Lol snopes crazy cat lady living in a apartment credible
there was a theory that the fire doors on his floor were screwed shut from the stair side.
or are you talking about at another location?
or figuratively?
well that's kinda the point - they're always "out front" of things like this, debunking it with barely any evidence, but for this one, it's just "we don't know what to think" and a legit archive link of the post in question.
That doesn't really make sense to me that he would screw the doors shut so that he, himself, couldn't use it to get away.
Be funny as hell if he just walked out one of the normal ways. We'll probably never know.
How much sushi can you buy with all those shares?
He probably wanted to ambush the cops from the room next to his.. They would have been caught in a horrible ambush
>2000 + 17
>still paying for sushi
that shit is getting COMPED you nigger