New Code Geass anime
[citation fucking needed]
HD Remaster
Calling it
Whatever happened to s-Cry-ed?
Is this worth the watching.
They announced movie remakes of the series ages ago.
It's possibly that.
the Tanaguchi considered a movie about the Black Rebellion, but that was years ago
Are they going to retcon out R2? if not. meh.
>finally an explanation on why suzaku is so special
I'm ready
HD Remaster or Pachinko.
Fucking based.
It's a reboot
Dubs to confirm my statement.
>inb4 code geass rebuilds
Guess i'll finally watch it
Remastered pachinko machines. A new age.
>HD remaster
It's already in HD. What, do you want them to pull a GitS 2.0 and fill it with ugly CG?
But there are already two recap movies, one for each season. Black Rebellion and Zero Requiem.
Fuck you r2 was great.
>muh mecha powerlevels
I'll concede on the gundam bullshit in r2, but everything else was fine. I say fine because I can appreciate bullshit if it's explained. Like the "We're all Zero" thing actually working because it spoke to Suzaku's character.
Possibly. Akito the Exiled introduced a magic interdimensional witch with retcon powers.
I've been thinking about Code Geass S3 all week.
Holy shit.
I hope more grunt v grunt battles, less gundam syndrome.
My biggest hope would be some kind of prequel series where we get to learn more about Charles and V.V., C.C as the Cult Leader etc. Possibly Lelouch and Suzaku too but I guess there isn't much left to learn since they were only children back then. Also call it R0.
Regardless of whether or not Lelouch is actually dead I just don't think an R3 could work. The story of Lelouch ended with R2, I really hope they will never try to force anything more after that. I guess it could always be in the distant future but not sure if I would like that.
But I'm getting my hopes up for nothing, realistically it's just some lame Pachinko-esque stuff.
I still don't get what the hell was up with that. I checked the wiki and it doesn't even seem to have an entry for her. And then there was the whole not with Leila's blue geass, I've no idea what exactly it's supposed to do.
it will never not be pachinko my dude
I thought she was the person who created Geass like an actual goddess.
It could be new project with Lelouch as a new CC, and the new MC is a girl.
She said she was a representation of a universal collective consciousness. Or maybe that was collective subconsciousness or unconsciousness, I can't recall. Something to do with space.
I hope it'll be about the dropped plot point about Suzaku's connection to the World of C, but I'll be satisfied with anything that's not pachinko.
Could be an anime about the Alice in Wonderland manga. That would be interesting.
Call it Code Geass: AO
It will be an anime about Oz the Reflection.
Anal and Oral?
b-but that nigga dead
You'd have to be retarded to think it's just pachinko. Sunrise never stopped making Code Geass anime and Code Geass anime never stopped selling.
>there's no way we'll win this battle! oh, but i just remembered we have a new untested super weapon we've been developing that we never mentioned until now.
Yeah, the writing in R2 was great...
Bring out the classics
Why did people get so pissed off by pimp drugzaku. It was just an interogation technique. I was pissed when he pussied out again.
>You'd have to be retarded to think it's just pachinko. Sunrise never stopped making Code Geass anime and Code Geass anime never stopped selling.
It is interesting that the Code Geass manga is still on-going. We are talking about something that had been kept up for ten years. Sunrise could have killed it at any time, but they haven't.
You are fucking retarded.
Go away, Suzaku.
no u
It was a time when Sup Forums was very angry about many characters.
Reminder Odysseus did nothing wrong
I've been toying around with the idea of a OVA series about an elite unit, from the UFN and BK, trying to kill Emperor Lelouch and Knight of Zero Suzaku.
Its pretty much enjoyable if you don't focus on every single detail
He was too stupid to do anything.
What? Nina being interested in nukes was shown right from her days as a student. Then they even showed Lloyd being interested in it to drive home the point on how close she was.
Stop blaming the show for your own stupidity at not seeing it coming.
Lelouch was a real asshole to his siblings. Clovis also did nothing wrong and had loved Lelouch dearly.
I like CG but I couldn't understand what did you mean by this
Go to bed, Clovis.
Are you sure? I'm seeing it ended in 2010.
Will there ever be another anime as entertaining as Code Geass?
Why does everything with ZERO sounds so cool? much better than Origins which sounds faggy as fuck
>never mentioned
Nigger, she tried to set it off in the middle of a previous battle.
Odysseus did nothing to begin with. He couldn't even marry a loli.
My first anime fap was with some fanfic about Suzaku being anally raped by Kallen wearing a strap on
>Are you sure? I'm seeing it ended in 2010.
Oz the reflection is still running isn't it?
At this point I think an AU series would be a good bet. Geass without Lelouch at this point just doesn't seem like a good idea. As big and deep as the lore in the Geass World is and how little of it is actually explained (ie. Everything about the Geass cult itself?) we know that no one actually gives a fuck about it. Everyone just wants Lelouch and fabulous and retarded twists.
Having some AU where Lelouch stays as Emperor of Britannia might be interesting.
New series is going to be about Orange-kun!
>Zegapain had 10th anniversary project
>Code Geass had 10th anniversary project
>Mai Hime and Mai Otome didn't had a 10th anniversary project
It's a crime, a goddamn crime I tell you what
>r2 was great.
>First few episodes are a reiteration of what we already know and are virtually pointless
>After that we are introduced to the China arc which was so bad and superfluous that it was removed from the the Black Rebellion compilation movie
>Shitty butthat filler followed by Shirley's shitty death by the hands of an equally shitty character
>And now the its time for the plot to actually begin...15 episodes in
>So Charles always planned for CC to find Lelouch for some reason just so that he can bring her to him..wow
>Oh look CC is a shitty moeblob now
>Oh look another shitty plot contrivance has killed Nunnally
>So the BK decide to betray Lelouch at the worse possible time? Oh well at least that shitty character Rolo is gone
>So Lelouch's mom wasn't really dead and just hijack the body of a random girl through her geass and gave her children a traumatizing experience for shits and giggles
>Turn 21...well then.
>So Lelouch and Suzaku manages to escape the inescapable Raganrok somehow and now Lelouch is the Emperor
>Oh look! turns out Nunnally is actually alive and believes that the only way to stop her megalomanical brother is tor trust her other megalomanical brother
>A bunch of characters who nobody cares about loses and Lelouch becomes Emperor of the world...THE END
>But wait! As it turns out Suzaku became Zero and killed Lelouch so now the world can move on now that the person who saved it has died and the other has to live his life inside a Mask...THE END
Who wrote this garbage?
>Ichiro Okouchi
I'm shocked beyond belief.
What is Lelouch supposed to do as the emperor though? By the end of R2 he essentially rules over the world but he gives it up for the Zero Requiem.
In your alternate universe that plan doesn't exist and he stays emperor. What's next?
Geass lost all hope the moment the show changed time slots for R2. It went from a midnight show to prime time and everything had to be rewritten.
It's a shame, I would have rather have seen the show in its intended form.
aliens from Jupiter
>Exterminate the entire Shinjiku ghetto
>Nothing wrong
Obviously, it wouldn't be the Lelouch we know per say. Maybe its a Lelouch who never had his mother "murdered," lots of things would have to be different to make it worth while.
Welp, time to whip out the code geass doujins to celebrate.
Is this shit worth watching?
>tfw I can't find my s-Cry-ed DVDs
But hey if there is a new Code Geass then I'll have something to shitpost about after Bleach ends
Just make fucking twelve episodes of Lelouch and C.C.'s elaborate bedroom banter and sexual plots.
Worth watching for the mecha combat alone. The more Code Geassy it gets the shittier it becomes but its more watchable than R2.
>So the BK decide to betray Lelouch at the worse possible time? Oh well at least that shitty character Rolo is gone
I don't know why you listed that. R2 had a lot of problems but the order turning against Zero/Lelouch after what they learned seemed to make sense.
>So the BK decide to betray Lelouch at the worse possible time?
>worst possible time
I would watch the shit out of an ecchi/hentai version of Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai with Lelouch and C.C.
Except my compliant is the TIME they decide to betray him not the betrayal itself. Another factor is that they way how it was handled was equally stupid. We all knew that the BK was going to betray at any point but the execution just made them out to be total idiots regardless.
its an event at an anteatertheater for the 10th anniversary
It's probably a rebroadcast.
Sup Forums stream when?
Story isn't as good, but it's worth watching for the action.
Tohdoh got captured offscreen 3 times
it isn't like they'll not announce anything, even if it's just a remaster or something
>You should watch it for the shitty cgi mecha
>I love eating my own shit
I don't know why people complain about R2 so much, it was ridiculous but enjoyable.
I love how you say say he's eating his own shit while endorsing R2.
Mai Hime was entertaining before Code Geass was ever made
Sup Forums will never forget the ending that led everyone into rage
Stay mad, you still watched R2. You can't lie here and say you didn't enjoy it. Mecha CGI is objectively bad.
They already made two pachinko machines, so nope.
They said there would be "a movie" but nothing about the details.
It's far more likely to be related to that.
Not a compilation or recap, but more likely a retelling or alternate version
>I don't know why people complain about R2 so much,
This user sums it up R2 is just not fun to watch and its appeal was mainly due to its bombisticity for first time watchers but as you rewatch you see everything wrong with it and it becomes less enjoyable as it goes. I have no problems rewatching the first season but fuck R2.
That's not really "rectonning" R2 though. It would just be possible to have a parallel universe running alongside the main one (which was already true in at least one of the manga versions). Nothing in Akito the Exiled changes the past.
What the fuck kind of logic is this?
Current status:
If it's an actual project:
If it's pachinko: