It was a good one too! MLK came back from the dead and William Pierce took care of him.
It was a good one too! MLK came back from the dead and William Pierce took care of him.
Other urls found in this thread:
MLK took a "Mein Kampf" to the heart!
Come on. Link it on Bitchute if you know the YouTube link is trashed.
All Murdoch Murdoch fans should know where to go to see this video.
>those numbers
But Satan, what if I want to become a fan? Why go with this elitist bullshit and not just post a link right away?
I realized something: you know how MM has its cringe moments every now and then?
If you remove every instance of the word "based", those moments become practically non-existent
Can a nigger get a link?
i fucking hate youtube so much whenever i watch a video of liberals or leftists if they say something even mildly offensive i report it
i want everyone to have to deal with this kind of bullshit that "right wingers" have to deal with
>reporting liberal videos to YouTube
I'm not sure what you expect to happen here, they let all this "fuck whitey" stay
It's quite obvious to most that YouTube only cares about being liberal
if they even mention something that is considered "alt right" even to make fun of it, or make a nazi or hitler joke i just report them like they are supporting it because they are talking about it
In other news water is wet.
This is the same tier as all those "I IDENTIFY AS HELICOPERT LOL TROLLED" people
The libs know you aren't one of them and are just trying to cause infighting
You must think YouTube is in any way neutral
They *know* who's on their side and who isn't just like you know, being able to pick the videos to report
A hungry feeling
Came o'er me stealing
>This is the same tier as all those "I IDENTIFY AS HELICOPERT LOL TROLLED" people
Except not at all, its not about appealing towards another human being
Its about making Youtubes system target anyone that even mentions X Y and Z to fuck up their entire system
It's not a system, they have actual mods and shit handling reports
That's how it works most of the time, save for the also-common "if you get so many flags you're automatically taken down"
But it's just you flagging them
Fuck, I was waiting to watch it with waifu.. Anybody have it posted anywhere else?
I remember hearing of the "hooktube" trick to watch YT vids without giving them ad revenue or views
I also remember 4 can an archives let you view deleted posts
Maybe hooktube is similar?
Nah HT versions only lasts a few hours after the YT video is deleted, and IF someone hooktubed it at least once recently.
>tfw Murdoch chan has been blacked now
allo allo allo
It was inevitable, they killed MLK, TWICE. Great episode, but I knew (((they))) were gonna get rid of it. I just hope someone archived it so it can be reuploaded.
Thankyou, Sven :3
Good. Just what he deserves. Im going to go report him a few times so his disgusting channel shuts down.