'We were all abused'

Former member of Pussycat Dolls Kaya Jones says the band was a front for a 'prostitution ring' and the singers were 'passed around' and 'abused' by industry executives

Kaya Jones, 33, has spoken out with stunning accusations about Pussycat Dolls
Jones joined the girl group as a teenager in 2003 and quit two years later

She says members were 'passed around' by music industry executives
Group's founder claps back calling claims 'disgusting, ridiculous lies'
Jones spoke out after attending the Las Vegas concert where 58 were shot dead

Allegations come as Weinstein sex harassment claims implode Hollywood

A former member of the Pussycat Dolls has claimed that the girl group operated as a 'prostitution ring', with the members forced into sex with entertainment executives.

Kaya Jones, 33, made the explosive accusation in a series of tweets on Saturday and Sunday, accusing managers and executives of taking advantage of the group she joined as a teenager in 2003.

'My truth. I wasnt in a girl group. I was in a prostitution ring. Oh & we happened to sing & be famous. While everyone who owned us made the $,' Jones wrote.

'How bad was it? people ask - bad enough that I walked away from my dreams, bandmates & a 13 million dollar record deal. We knew we were going to #1,' she continued.

The founder of the Pussycat Dolls, Robin Antin, blasted Jones' assertions as 'disgusting, ridiculous lies'. She told The Blast that Jones is 'clearly looking for her 15 minutes'.

Antin went on to claim that Jones was never even a real member of the group, and had merely been one of many trial members who did not pan out.

The accusations are also likely to outrage former members of the group, including Nicole Scherzinger.

Jones' allegations date back at least a decade, and did not name specific men who took part in the alleged abuse


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They got paid.

They became famous.

Whats the problem? Kaya Jones is only talking up because this is her chance to get the Lime light back focused on her. She hasn't been in the public eye for years. This is just another paycheck for her.

>She's still a whore.


Not surprising, the whole industry is built on pride and weird offshoots of satanic occultism. Is anyone shocked that they're all fucking children, teens or engaged in some sort of depravity?

>and did not name specific men who took part in the alleged abuse
Should've started with this. Waste of time


that made me diamonds, I have to rub one out looking at that literally perfect body.

they think that, they actually have talent, and weren't completely manufactured by the marketing executives.

>Be a fucking star and give an interview to someone on the subject
>It comes out on national news
>"If I tell someone I will end up dead"

Oh yeah, I'm 100% certain that they would validate your claims and possibly incriminate themselves by killing you. Just one of the hundreds of whores who was fine in trading their pussy for a paycheck.

Fuck her.

>someone accuses Trump or any republican/conservative of sexual assault/rape
Wow obviously fake slander attempt false flag where's proof lies etc
>someone accuses a Democrat/liberal of sexual assault/rape
Huh this must've actually happened let's just take the accusers word for it

>suck dick for favors while you're young
>cry rape when you hit the wall and it doesn't want anymore
Like pottery.

body worship is degenerate

> believing a woman ....

>whores get old and regret being roasties and now want settlements
the post

was the band name a sick inside joke or something

>Kaya Jones claimed that Scherzinger became the lead singer for the group because "there was a lot more going on behind the scenes." As she told TMZ, "Nicole was always someone who wanted to be in the spotlight and would do pretty much anything to get it.
what did she do?

You can reverse this depending on if you're Republican or Democrat

The Runaways were the same thing. Joan Jett and the other girls were assembled by a pervy producer who molested them all. Jett and the other girls looked the other way while one of them (I think the drummer) was repeatedly raped.

In retrospect this is all so obvious. Just look at modern stars even like Katie Perry.
>Be small time singer for your church
>never write a song in your life
>bought by music industr
>changes name and appearance
>suddenly making tons of degenerate music even though she's never written a song before
>auto-tuned to hell so she sounds half decent
>top of billboards for years
>starting becoming insane a few months ago

This all doesn't happen overnight for no reason. Half decent singers don't become millionaire stars out of the blue

It's funny how all the casting couch jokes are being proven 100% true. The entire film/music industry is based on old men pushing talentless whores onto us because those whores will fuck them.

Why do you keep posting links to music videos? Are you shilling the acts?

Don't care if the whores are making a big deal about being whores.

They are destroying hollywood we need to amplify their message.

Surely the producers involved had to grit their teeth and just get on with it when they fucked these skanks. Have you seen the photos of these mongrelised slags? There are better looking girls to be had by the score for men with money and power. Those involved probably just chalked it down to taking one for the team, just to keep the mechanism going....

It's not about how attractive they are. It's about the power. They get off on the power play of it.

>Former member of Pussycat Dolls Kaya Jones says the band was a front for a 'prostitution ring'
They sure looked like it.

It's funny how even Nelly Furtado attempted to whore herself out but didn't make it. Maybe with her it was super obvious.

As if the name "Pussy Cat Dolls" wasnt a dead giveaway. Their name is "Sex Doll"

Sauce on that clip?


There's no way this should surprise anyone.

And I mean the band being filled with hookers not the allegations.


>The founder of the Pussycat Dolls, Robin Antin

>[Music Producer David] Geffen.. decided that his orientation was "just plain" gay and that he would no longer hide it. His first openly gay relationship was with then aspiring actor [STEVE] Antin, who is Jewish. (Antin's brother, Jonathan Antin, 43, who is straight, is a celebrity hairstylist with his own Bravo reality show.
>Their choreographer sister, Robin Antin, 49, was the creator of the Pussycat Dolls pop/dance/burlesque singing group.)


She went ass to ass

my chin has a clef some days, and some days its gone. am i a clone sometimes?

Implying they couldn't and wouldn't make it look like a suicide. Famous woman comes out to public about abuse, all the past trauma/shame/regret is suddenly dredged up, and she kills herself.

Social media gives these mentally ill abuse victims a voice and impressionable kids listen to their every word. The lunatics had taken over the asylum. They need therapy not access to the general public from a position of influence.

Are they accusing democrats?
I thought they were accusing hollywood executives

>whore yourself out on your own volition because the money is good
>do it for years, get saggy tits and a worn out vagina that nobody is willing to pay for anymore
>I was exploited! Feel bad for me!

Every fucking time!

...who are all democratic fundraisers

Name (clap) The (clap) Jew (clap)
>Name (clap) The (clap) Jew (clap)
Name (clap) The (clap) Jew (clap)
>Name (clap) The (clap) Jew (clap)
Name (clap) The (clap) Jew (clap)
>Name (clap) The (clap) Jew (clap)
Name (clap) The (clap) Jew (clap)

How DARE you post that without the appropriate visual illustration.


>Oh yeah, I'm 100% certain that they would validate your claims and possibly incriminate themselves by killing you

"Validation" and "incrimination" mean jack shit.
You got killed? WELL WHAT A COINCIDENCE, nothing more.

But they're not democratic political figures, are they?

user's post made it seem like he was talking about political figures, not random shmucks
And was MJ a democrat? Because there was an entire thread yesterday night about how he didn't diddle those kids

g.... go on

They're all really close to the political figures. Multiple events where they worked together, invitations to weddings and other events. They're very close, the hollywood fundraisers and their political pets.


Sorry here's the better article on it

this seems like bullshit, wouldnt it be better if it were true to get a nice picture of their teeth? it would be much easier to spot inconsistancies with teeth than lighting in a photo on a chin

>"It's her own fault!"
So you guys are muslim now lmao

Pimpin ain't easy right my nigger?

We Wuz Tadpoles

Casting director of jeepers creepers was a legit pedo, look it up

All these accusations with literally no proof. This is the ultimate redpill for normies that women can't be trusted and cry rape for pleasure and profit.

>Jackie Fuchs
So she does.

hahaha if this was the "band" I don't know what this cunt is complaining about
probably because she didn't make as much money as she wanted to

Just did and it doesn't say anything?

I don't have sympathy for the grown whores.
Only the young ones who can't possibly have been able to comprehend their actions.
Even then , the parents should be shot for allowing it.

She felt abused and that the other girls were abused too.

Same with Rose but their abuser will go free because you all can't stop slut shaming.

If you think ANYONE here has any love for Neo-Conservatives then you are a retard. They're just easier to tolerate than kikes and pseudo-commies.

She knew others were being abused and said nothing. Either she's lying or she's heartless

>She is an outspoken supporter of President Donald Trump.


did someone put a gun to her head? no?
she wasn't abused then.
>b-but they told me I would never be famous if I didn't suck their dicks
well try not being a talentless cunt then

Not one of them could play an instrument. Not so much as a kazoo. They were not a 'band', they were a group.

For any anons who don't know and would like to know, grill in OP is Angela White

>including Nicole Scherzinger.

Fuck off porn addict.
The only good thot is either dead or a slave to Neetdom


it's even better, it's the director

I wonder if any of the Weinstein girls were actually raped. None of them have stories of force. They mostly just rejected his advances, and some didn't.

that's way too long to read.
>We acted like whores and were treated like whores
Something like this?

Say that to my face not online see what happens

It's hard to get coverage for stuff like this because the papers and magazines and tv channels are controlled by people like Roger ailes.

Nice quads but it doesn't matter who she supports politically if she's a lying whore.

Glad they're coming out

maybe the shitty KPOP industry will get exposed too

Not shilling, but I highly recommend everyone on Sup Forums read a book called "Song Machine" by John seabrook or something. Delves into the casting and treatment of pop artists.

Lou 'Big Poppa' Pearlman. Burn in hell

I dont get it, why is this getting so much attention now. Orders from higher-ups?
What big thing are they trying to hide now, I dont see why has-beens suddenly come out as "victims"

>2005-2006 I told the press
Anyone have anything to prove this is a thing? Or did the press ignore her and bury the story leaving this claim unsubstantiated?

Be glad when there's one iota of proof for anything they say. Until then it's a bunch of washed up has-beens lying for attention, knowing they'll be instantly believed by feminists and hollywood bashers.

>Pussycat Dolls
>All got Jewed up the ass
Including Cuckboy's GF


>never write a song in your life
>bought by music industr
you are missing out the important step between these two points.in between this, she moved to CA, and started to get involved in drug & sex cults in southern CA. it was here that she went for it, doing whatever was wanted of her, because there was a constant revolving door of women who were all trying to make it.
she outlasted and outfucked the rest of the girls and so ended up at the top of the heap at the right time to get her "break"

I met a right whore 'actress' in London when out with friends a few years back. Bullshitted a story I was a producer and worked at universal, went to the toilet and looked at their website to name drop.

>depending where we end up I'll strategically get your name to the top of the pile.

But I said it in a joking way, later that night and into the next morning I must dumped about 5 loads in her.

>mfw I genuinely was on the dole at the time.

Someon would consider that rape. I don't. I think it's fucking hilarious.

Well played, Steve.

For me its hard to doubt these women when they make claims like this because of a recent trend of girls making it big then disappearing immediately in the entertainment industry.

Its as if their music videos or films are just advertisements for a high end prostitute. Like what that user is getting at with the KPOP post. You know how many groups come out and immediately fizzle out? Somethings suspicious here.

Since the women probably sold their souls to the contract devil, a lot of the ones active now would act against this woman who spoke out against her masters, because they still want to pocket dollarydoos themselves before waking up and being jaded after looking at a mirror.

I remember something about Taylor Swift being treated like garbage by other artists in the western music industry. Maybe that was a hint all along of the type of play her owners sign her to do.

>a hint all along of the type of play her owners sign her to do.
Oh yes, I hope so...

They show up and fizzle out because they have no actual talent. They have their one hit where they're new and interesting, but then they're gone after that because it isn't novel anymore. And now there's some brand new rising star who just had her first hit.

kpop is a korean soft porn substitute and a tool for manipulating society. while the girls are objectified, you only see legs and midriff, rarely any cleavage (if it exists, lol, flatties).
kpop is heavily symbolic of all sorts of fucked up shit, trans-humanisation, mk ultra shit, the whole 9 yards.

Getting mad online is such a cuck thing.
But I expect it from a porn addict.

>'abused' by industry executives
It's called a contract, even in prostitution. If you were fucking guys for money, it's not actually abuse. If they were beating you up, sure, that's abuse.

It's not like they were trafficked from an eastern europoor shithole and held hostage. Yes, it's seedy, but that's fucking Hollywood, duh. Read up about the Manson trial, it's always been seedy and drugged up and Satanic as all Hell, with the Mob running the candy for the Jews.


Not understanding jokes is such a socially unskilled thing. But I expect it from an aspie.

Where's the fucking sauce?

I mean even if they don't end up as chart toppers shouldn't they at least be active? Release a song once a year or in a few years or so and it still looks like they tried and are a legit musical group, and weren't just acting out a sales pitch for their bodies.

>no actual talent
You see the thing is, with synthesizers these days permeating in modern music no talent hacks actually do top charts. I think its access to songwriters that's the biggest barrier to performers since their execs can deny them that if they don't spread their legs. This of course assuming they can't write songs in the first place or are barred to do so, which is also an escape goat answer on why they fizzle out so quickly.
To supplement this point, Thoughty2 made a video about how all songs sound the same these days.

well sorry i have had the pleasure of not knowing anything about them

>have no talent
>sleep your way to the top
>complain that you had to sleep to the top


It's expensive to rent studio time and produce an album. If they don't have someone willing to pay for it, how will they?
>You see the thing is, with synthesizers these days permeating in modern music no talent hacks actually do top charts
That's why these starlets can't continue making music after their flash in the pan fame is over. They can't just go into a garage and record music like indie bands do, because they have no talent with instruments, no bandmades, and no access to or training with the equipment required to fake it electronically

why are these people only talking about this now?


>I sucked dick because I wanted to be famous!!!!!!
>I was abused!!!!!!
>after all those years and making tons of money I think this was wrong!!!!!!