>The discovery of Arabic characters that spell Allah and Ali on Viking funeral costumes in boat graves in Sweden has raised questions about the influence of Islam in Scandinavia.
For fuck sake its well know Viking used to pillage everything and wear the most precious of items they could find,this is just Swedish propaganda to make swedes believe they have any kind of relationship so that there can be no wrong in "reforging" that bond
Joshua Diaz
This is a new frontier of cuck you frog-eating nigger
Grayson Watson
Maybe they killed some goat fucker and stole his clothes?
Kayden Adams
The only question it should raise is how dumb some people are.
Evan Bennett
Jeremiah Gray
it doesn't even say Allah it's geometric embroidery that good goy swedish Islamophiles have pareidolia over
Ethan White
The spoils of war.
Caleb Walker
Yeah women were part of the shield wall and allah was synonomous with Odin.
Nathaniel Allen
This is the most retarded shit. Everyone who knows anything about medieval history knows that Vikings had some contact with the Islamic world. Fuck maybe some of them even converted back in the day. It's an interesting cultural artifact that they found. The only reason anyone who's not a fucking history nerd knows about it is because the powers that be want to try to use it as proof that Swedes have always taken brown cock.
Xavier Carter
>Vikings were Muslims before it was cool By 'vikings' Swedes you mean? No suprise there.
Henry Stewart
yeah yeah, we all know Floki turned into a little bitch
Annika Larsson is an absolute hack. She reconstructed a viking age costume years ago (pic related) and everyone laughed at her. Back then she just made shit up, just like she is making up shit now. Notice that she has ZERO evidence for her claims. >Did the Vikings know the words were in the fabric? >My opinion is that those who wore the fabrics must have understood the symbolism, said Dr. Larsson.
WOW. Really? I guess I'm convinced then!
William Thomas
A fat middle aged woman tries to undermine her society and culture? Who would have imagined such a thing.
Ayden Ramirez
Look at Richard Spencer's twitter. He retweeted some archaeological expert who basically said all that Arab shit is because Vikings had strong trading routes with them. She said there's a severe problem with media not listening to experts.
Zachary Wood
>Funeral Clothes >fucking wig
Jose Barnes
Probably just something the vikings took from those sandniggers.
Cameron Sullivan
Game of thrones have a live depiction of the truth
Kayden Reed
Hunter Robinson
The Vikings had strong trade routes into Arabia actually. In fact they raided some Islamic countries at points.
>anslag.rj.se/sv/anslag/52521 >Kulturarvet tillhör alla, och det finns ett myller av genrer som hävdar tolkningsföreträde för en historieskrivning som på olika sätt ges utlopp för. "The cultural heritage belongs to everyone" bla bla.
>Forskning bör, för att beröra och påverka, inkludera och kommunicera med det omgivande samhället. "Research should, in order to influence, include and communicate with the surrounding society."
>Utställningen är viktig för ökad förståelse av komplexa historiska skeenden, och har dessutom hög relevans för integration samt för att motverka främlingsfientliga strömningar. "The exhibition is important for increased understanding of complex historical occurrences, and it also has a high relevancy for intergration and to combat racist tides.
Annika Larson got 450000sek/$55 500 for this project last year. To combat racism. What a strange coincidence!