Tell me about Islam...the final redpill

Tell me about Islam...the final redpill

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the final redpill of retardation.

I want to open a sushi place with great variety called Allah's Snakbar

here you go.

If you want to fuck children and not be labeled a pedo it's the one for you

Its followers can't handle simple bantz

It's satanism, just call satan allah and lucifer is his prophet.

>The Jews will fight with you, and you will be given victory over them so that a stone will say, 'O Muslim! There is a Jew behind me; kill him!'

Sounds based to me

What do you want to know?


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Islam. The religion is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. Theres also Mohammed's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these religion, to realise that theyre not just true- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislikeIslam truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldnt appreciate, for instance, the Religion in Mohammeds existential catchphrase Allahu Akbar which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. Im smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Allahs genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

Islam is our last enemy. The devil itself

arabic judaism

I'd like to know why you worship a pedophile and a book of horrors that has at least 10 verses I know of that encourage beheading and destruction of non believers?

How can Christcuckery even compete?
Spoiler: It can't.

Because to acknowledge that Yahweh would beat Allah in a fist fight he'd have to acknowledge his preferred god wouldn't have won.

And he's the kind of guy who tries to compensate for his own insecurity through imagining that the success of "his" God has something to do with him.

Since that kind of behavior is based on severe and deep-seated insecurity, accepting that the one thing that makes up for all of their inadequacy isn't real is more than they can tolerate.

Thus they'll create any, any rationale for denial. They're so insecure that they'd destroy the world rather than feel their feelings. So it becomes about "butthurt" and "haters" and how the others are "losers" who "fucked up" and whatever else allows them to avoid how small and miserable and impotent they feel inside.

(The "losers" "fucking up" is the biggest giveaway, since that's the projection of their own internal voice onto the "other." It's actually crushingly sad, since how they talk about the "loser fuck up" sports opponents is how they feel all of the time about themselves.)

It's not unique to that user. All of the "we" kinds of fans, and especially the ones who will make any kind of excuse to avoid their team having a failing (same thing will happen if the "team" is their political party, or a band, or the military), it's all the attempt to by fantasizing that one is somehow associated with something powerful and successful compensate for crushing feelings of insecurity and impotence.

Since that user certainly couldn't explain it to you (his feelings being too big), I took the liberty of doing so. Like I said, after the annoyance wears off the appropriate response is sympathy and compassion, to help them learn to feel better about themselves - rather than only live vicariously through a thing of which they can never be a part, and never even touch.

Islam is interesting.

Their followers chant "Allah is Greater!"
They have "Allah had no son" over their mosque doors.

Their entire religion gets lots of things wrong.

Yeah, a "red pill" ???

It's a good religion,but it looks like the allahu akbar,boom boom goat fucking,pedophilia shit you know today because 3rd world countries take it too seriously.

Good stuff represented by bad followers I say.

>I'd like to know why you worship a pedophile
We don't

>a book of horrors that has at least 10 verses I know of that encourage beheading and destruction of non believers?
Read those verses with context and you'll actually understand it. It's pointless to study the quran without the tafsir(exegesis or commentary)

Kill kafir, make piles of bodies of the infidel for Allah.
Infidel= cattle slaves.


it is the final redpill especially their women who we must incorporate
>family values stemming from proper family unit upbringing
>want large families
>allah fearing
>hate jews
>taught to cook well from a young age3
>submissive attitude and will do all they can to listen to their husbands needs

>Allah is Greater!

Denying that Aisha was 9 when Mo fucked her is considered apostasy, since it's clearly stated in several sahih ahadith.

Have fun getting executed by mudslimes.

Because the younger you marry them the more influence you have on them and the less degenerate they'll be.
And there's literally nothing wrong with slaughtering your metapolitical enemies.

Did u recieve the proper instructions on how to beat your wife while you were getting married?

It's the usual Semitic filth you'd find in Judaism, but weaponized. It was made by a shitskin, for shitskins. It is as anti-white as you can get, which is why the lunatics on the leftwing are implicitly "allies" of it. There's your red pill.

You asked me why we worship our prophet. We don't worship him.

Marrying younger girls and consummating the marriage after the girl achieved puberty was an acceptable practice in the world at that time.

More like a cyanide pill.

I'm not married yet, hitting your wife is like the last resort you use when your wife does degenerate stuff and you're supposed to do it without causing her harm/pain.

>Read those verses with context and you'll actually understand it.
The context is precisely to kill unbelievers until the religion is all for Allah in the entire world, lying piece of shit.

>It's pointless to study the quran without the tafsir
I agree. Here's the tafsir of Ibn Kathir, probably the most respected one:
>This is the Ayah of the Sword
>(then fight the Mushrikin wherever you find them), means, on the earth in general, except for the Sacred Area...
>(and capture them), executing some and keeping some as prisoners,
>(and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush), do not wait until you find them. Rather, seek and besiege them in their areas and forts, gather intelligence about them in the various roads and fairways so that what is made wide looks ever smaller to them. This way, they will have no choice, but to die or embrace Islam...
Exegesis of the Verse of the Sword, 9:5, which orders ALL muslims to fight ALL infidels (mushrikun) until the entire world worships Allah (or is subjugated as dhimmis, paying the jizya - the infidelity tax).

What now, piece of shit?

>we don't worship our Prophet
You consider him infallible and take his every word as the indirect Word of Allah. You worship him for all intent and purposes, except that you don't pray to him.

>Marrying younger girls and consummating the marriage after the girl achieved puberty was an acceptable practice in the world at that time.
Except that you mudshits are STILL DOING IT TODAY and refuse to stop and to admit that it's wrong because that would mean implying that Muhammad did something wrong that should NOT be imitated, which contradicts your religion.

>you're supposed to do it without causing her harm/pain.
Another retarded muslim excuse. How the fuck do you beat someone without causing them pain? Then it's not beating.

Islamic cultures are filled with sexual frustration, the genital mutilation of women, no freedom of thought or conscience.

They follow a lesser light, called Lucifer. Their "god" is weaker. Their "god" has no son, but the true God has a Son and savior.

But leaving theology aside, I've known Muslims my entire life. They are desperately unhappy or angry. They are far more judgmental and intolerant. They are taught to hate the people who don't fall for the lie of Islam.

We are Indian Christians who came to America to escape the Muslims. They always fight to win, to dominate, to kill unbelievers. Sure, there are some times of calm and even friendship...but with Islam, it never lasts.

Islam serves Satan.

Seems to be doing a better job at fighting degeneracy than Christianity desu.

worst shit ever invented

Only because Christianity was destroyed by jews.

We only need a war or an emergency to remind us that we need to tighten the leash on women and stop listening to jews, and we're golden again.


You worship a pedophile. There's nothing you can say to defend that.

You mean how it managed to destroy every great Kingdom and Empire where it was allowed to spread? [spoiler]Just like Judaism?[/spoiler]

interesting read

showing their faces the fucking whores

just a meme push to far

> Only because Christianity was destroyed by jews.

According to the Quran Christianity was destroyed by the Jews from the very start, primarily Paul, who lied about his conversion in order to spread lies that would weaken both Christianity and gentiles in general. This view was also held by Hitler and other nazis.

fuck off ahmed, who the fuck is actually a christian in the west, we gave up that voodoo shit long ago

Oh god, this is gold.

A religion for IQ 85 retards that, after having been dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century by Europeans, is now clawing and murdering their way back to the 7th century

>at that time
>eternal inerrant morality authority
Pick one

A religion made up from Catholics for the lolz.

Basically what happened is a guy named Moe claimed to have seen the same God the Jews and Christians worship and that said god gave him the final relevation, meaning no more revelations after that.

He proceeded to tell other people about this orally since he was illiterate. Never mind that the oral stories he spread around were quite literally word for word copied from the bible and Sumerian/Babylonian old stories nobody cared back then.

He then threw in some shit about him being the dictator of earth, and that you had to follow everything the Caliph told you to do. He raised an army with this new cult somehow and managed to conquer a large amount of land, declared himself Caliph, and basically lived full degenerate until he died. His military leaders all had to memorize Moe's commandments (Quran) but then decided to write them down once they started getting murked en masse and almost nobody was left who could recite the official record.

They put together all the writings and voted in the final version, declaring all other previous versions to be burned (though one still survives in the UK museum).

So, you have a religion that claims the final revelation, that's essentially a carbon copy of the Bible with some small details changed, and a very elaborate political system was injected into it at some point as well making it more of a political theory than it is a religion these days. Now we can get into the whole splitting of Islam into dozens of sects as everybody claims their political sect is the proper sect.

>tl;dr Islam is a political ideology, with religious overtones

Islam BTFO

It is a satanic cult.

Doesn't force you to be a Christian. Look at the evidence and make your mind up.



This is Surah 9:1-5 from the Qur'an, all of the context for the fifth verse is included, it's clear in its message. Muhammad, piss be upon him, wrote this so his followers would be fine with slaughtering the innocent pagans in Mecca (Now the Location of Masjid Al Haram, holiest site in Islam) before he conquered the city. Chapter 8 is also really bad.

"1.A declaration of immunity from God and His Messenger to the polytheists with whom you had made a treaty.

2.So travel the land for four months, and know that you cannot escape God, and that God will disgrace the disbelievers.

3.And a proclamation from God and His Messenger to the people on the day of the Greater Pilgrimage, that God has disowned the polytheists, and so did His Messenger. If you repent, it will be better for you. But if you turn away, know that you cannot escape God. And announce to those who disbelieve a painful punishment.

4.Except for those among the polytheists with whom you had made a treaty, and did not violate any of its terms, nor aided anyone against you. So fulfill the treaty with them to the end of its term. God loves the righteous.

5.When the Sacred Months have passed, kill the polytheists wherever you find them. And capture them, and besiege them, and lie in wait for them at every ambush. But if they repent, and perform the prayers, and pay the alms, then let them go their way. God is Most Forgiving, Most Merciful."

6.And if anyone of the polytheists asks you for protection, give him protection so that he may hear the Word of God; then escort him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.


What you posted was the translation, not the tafsir(commentary). We don't worship him, we follow his teachings.

You can hit a person softly without causing pain as an act of showing them you have to resort to doing it because nothing else is working.

We don't worship humans.

you actually don't have to, you can pay a heathen tax and they won't bother you

The Qur'an instructs that you may beat your wife (by anything but the face, as it could make her ugly) anytime she refuses intercourse, although Muhammad instructs if she is not feeling well or its that time of the month she may receive an extra day, then you can beat her. Please, if you're a real Muslimin I invite you to debate me. I know more about Islam than even your Imam, munafiq.

The tafsir is just as damning, munafiq. Your ideology is backwards and violent.

That's just the translation without context. Read it with the tafsir(commentary)

You're correct. They have to pay a tax, but the muslims pay a tax too called Zakat. Plus, the nonbelievers are also protected from outside threats and not required to join the army because they pay tax.

You're not allowed to hit your wife if she refuses intercourse. Post your source, you don't know shit.

kek you won't read or post the commentary but will just call it backwards

Islam & Christianity are mutations of the same Semitic virus that rose out of Egypt eons ago.

True salvation lies in rejecting Abrahamic Monotheism which claims to have universal values. Jewish derived Christianity & Islam believe their values transcend borders, nations, races. Saudi Arabia's top cleric is a nigger. American Catholic churches are filling up with Catholic poos imported from India.

You can either go back to your native faiths & build tribalistic, homogeneous societies each of whom have unique value systems which cannot be universal & hence hostile to outsiders. Or you can believe in Abrahamic Monotheism & get swamped by your brothers in Christ from all over the world.

this is gonna be fun

It has doomed itself.

How about we have this debate in classical arabic? What's that ignorant munafiq, you don't even know classical arabic?


Muhammad was white and based

>Islamic Golden Age

There's great mathematical history in the Russian classic "Mathematics: Its Content, Methods and Meaning" which is a fantastic book to understand the gist of modern math.

They point out how these ancient mathematicians had arabic names because it was forced upon them during the conquests, but they were not themselves Arabs nor were they muslims. The whole Muslim Age of Science is a fraud.

Stupid poo literally worships stones and smears cow shit over himself and his kids because he thinks it's holy and thinks cow urine has nutritional value, but proceeds to give his expert opinion on other religions

How about you post the source of your argument instead of changing the topic?


>t.inbred freak

I received a degree in Islamic theology in Damascus. Read Qur'an Surah 4:34
Here is the tafsir:

This one is great, we should kill all muslims.

muslims are inbred and dumb lol they can't into knowledge

I'm at work right now, munafiq, I can't have a full flung debate, only periodic short replies. And because I'm on mobile, formatting and pulling up sources is rather annoying.

I recently met a half moroccan white girl that was very nationalist and worked in the spanish army as a jihadist specialist, she's an expert in recognizing possible radicals.
She prays, doesn't eat pork, does ramadam, but she hates the jew, think that white countries should stop letting immigrants massively and wants to marry and have childrens, also anti-feminism/lgbt and very right-wing.
I was honestly baffled and I thought it was all a ruse but it ended up being quite real. She recognizes the problem with radical islam (which makes almost half of the islamist census) and immigration in white countries.

Is she the one Sup Forums?

>Islam our last enemy
>not Judaism
/r/the_donald is calling

>Think anyone will take your inbred taqyia seriously
We know all your tricks and doctrines jew 2.0

>t.pissdrinker ramesh


there are 15 million jews in the world. there are 1.8 billion muslims.

I read it and it says "(If the wife goes to sleep while ignoring her husband's bed, the angels will keep cursing her until the morning.) " which disproves your argument saying you're allowed to hit your wife if she refuses intercourse.

Providing more excuses because you're a stupid amerifat

Only shias follow taqqiyah, I'm sunni



1.8 billion sub-80 iq Muslims, 99% of which are contained in their shitholes vs 15 million 115+iq Jews that are masterminding the use of Muslims as a weapon (on top of degrading all of western society)
Muslims are useful idiots that are little threat on their own. The true evil lies with the Jews.



In second box of text.
But nice try, guy.

I am too lazy to get up to pray
I'd join it if it allowed lazy prayers when I need something like Christianity

Oh ok, So FUCK MUHAMMED JIHAD. DRAW A PICTURE OF THE PEDO SCUM!!! Yeeeeeeeehawwww, muslims don't worsip him anyways.

My question for all the Qur'an scholars in this thread is what does Islam want with Europe?

The refugees had to go somewhere?

Taqyia again.
Most of the refugees are not refugees, about four out of five.

Submission or dhimmi, which is submission of another kind.

I don't live in a country with refugees so I can't confirm that.

Inshallah we will return to our roots.

Not over here you won't.
