Blacks don't have any achieve-
>Known for: RaoBlackwell theorem, Blackwell channel, Blackwell's approachability theory, Arbitrarily varying channel, Games of imperfect information, Dirichlet distribution, Mathematical economics, Recursive economics, Sequential analysis, Optimal searching in boxes
Blacks don't have any achieve-
So how many % is he black?
Why the fuck everyone always use that one in these kinds of threads?
looks mulatto to me
trust me, I know how negroes straight up from africa look like
When you try to boast about a race using a mudblood, it's the expected response now isn't it?
nigga needs to be banned
Why? Is this board supposed to be a safe space?
Blacks invented the zero in mathematics. Really makes you think, uh?
Forum etiquette on making multiple threads concerning one topic to garner pissed off responses has remained unchanged since internet forums became a thing.
yeah building bunch of shit on top of white people achievements.. a drop in a ocean and irrelevant
> Op is nigger lover.
> Op makes many of these shit posts a day.
Kys nigger
You first, sir.
and btw I rarely make these threads
How much have you achieved relative to David Blackwell?
Because it's not the nigger part that did the innovating
You don't know that for a fact.
Anyone know if his mother, Mabel Johnson, was white?
What about Philip Emeagwali?
>Emeagwali received the 1989 Gordon Bell Prize for an application of the CM-2 massively-parallel computer. The application used computational fluid dynamics for oil-reservoir modeling. He won in the "price/performance" category, with a performance figure of about 400 Mflops/$1M. The winner in the "performance" category, Mobil Research and Thinking Machines, used the CM-2 for seismic data processing and achieved the higher ratio of 500 Mflops/$1M. The judges decided on one award per entry.[3][2] His method involved each microprocessor communicating with six neighbours.[7]
>Optimal searching in boxes
wtf is that?
Sometimes biology creates the exceptionally high IQ nig nog, but then regression to the mean takes over in the next generation.
that man is not black
I've heard those Igbo people from there are like the smartest Africans
>So how many % is he black?
>Why the fuck everyone always use that one in these kinds of threads?
Because stormniggers are full of doublethink and bias
>mixed people are niggers!
>a 'nigger' does something valuable, is attractive, or whatever
>he's not really a nigger, his white genes did it!
>mixed people are niggers!
>a nigger does something bad, is ugly, or whatever
>that's what you get for being a nigger!
You can't win with these people, they are gargling on nazi bias cum as they debate you
Explain Igbo achivement. They're successful as hell and they're 100% black with no mixture
Not all nig nogs in Africa are literal animals.
It's a big ass continent.
Also, I don't know about their culture, but if it tends towards things similar to the protestant work ethic and so on, then success can sometimes be attributed to that.
IQ is a more significant predictor of success, however.
that's a fuckin' jew
Is there an existence more pitiful than being born a black hispanic?
I think not.
>IQ is a more significant predictor of success, however
In that case, their IQ must be high then.
They select for educational success, like Jews used to. No masters degree = no wife. Unlike virtually all niggers, education and literary ability are prized.
I'm fairly sure the consensus on the genetic nature of intelligence is that it has more to do with the lack of deleterious/negative mutations i.e genetic load rather than with the presence of positive mutations.
So it's possible for instance these Igbo people underwent some good selection that most other Africans didn't go through.
Also, I don't really think intelligence is the main issue with Africans, it's more on the behavioral side.
I'd say it's on par or less worse than being a stormnigger, as evidenced by this pitiful thread.
Blacks have any achieve-
>being this naive
>Philip Emeagwali is a Nigerian computer scientist. He has been living in the United States for many years. An Igbo,[1]
Every time a pure black achieves something it always turns out to be an Igbo
An those faggots at /sci/ will still deny the existence of race
it's probably just a culture of conscientiousness.
Don't flatter yourself, Jamal.
>whites do well
>it's genetics
>blacks do well
>it's culture
ok. btw, Richard Lynn's numbers have been discredited
Ok, I'll not use Lynn's numbers then.
Culture is what makes idiots successful to some degree.
As long as it's not degenerate. As we saw with American niggers back in the day compared to today.
>Dirichlet distribution
you need to fucking kill yourself right now kike
that nigger is half white
It's from wikipedia. Maybe it has to do with this:
Even a dead clock is right twice every day. What the fuck is your point?
That 0.000001% of niggers have added value to society and the human race? We should create some more bigger holidays to celebrate this achievement...