Paedo Physicist Blackmailer

The face of scum.
1 person.
137+ lives shattered.
Sick twisted perversions.

>Geophysicist Dr Matthew Falder, 28, lead a secret double life during years of study at Cambridge University, where he was known as a fun party-goer.
He used many false identities to befriend more than 50 victims on internet marketplace sites such as Gumtree.
Falder - who pleaded guilty to 137 charges at Birmingham Crown Court on Monday - persuaded them to send him naked or partially clothed pictures of themselves, then threatened them with exposure unless they went much further.
He shared many of the images in sex abuse forums on the hidden dark web where he used identities including '666devil' and 'evil mind'.
He targeted his victims for at least eight years and was unmasked only after detectives brought in specialists from GCHQ, the Government's communications spy centre.
His victims were girls, boys, women and men. Some were so traumatised they self-harmed, or attempted suicide.

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I guess white privilege is being good at raping.

so what you're saying is that this might be the long awaited 13th imam?

and yet somehow still a better person than some

Fuck I mean 12th, got confused with that Antonio banderas movie

This dude looks like he's 50


You guys remember pedobear?
That was a lot less obnoxious than you normies getting offended.

Another loser down may degeneracy continue to die.

He looks satisfied.

wh*Te "people"

Why is it always some ugly bald white guy raping kids?

Actually Islamofriend, this story makes me hate women. I've never gotten a nude pic (not a virgin either) and this creepy fuck is able to persuade dozens of women to do so for him.
Femanons, do something useful and instead of showing your tits explain this to me, please.

It's not a "Stein" for a change

>and is expected to be given a long jail term.

Please post link to pics

Rear wheel drive system?

You probably didn't try to persuade one to send you them. You wouldn't believe how naive and stupid they are.

Could you ask Bill Cosby where he left my pudding? I want it back.

Yeah, but he's a physicist, so you have to take into account the relativistic shift.

He's 28? I'm 50 and look more like 28 than him. Does being a pedo make your hair fall out?

>doubting the inability of anons
Back to r*ddit you go ignorant normie

>tfw I'm not a kike-cucked Shia.

Promising! Good to get this guy filtered out. I wonder how he got caught.

I had to triple check.
He is 28.
The absolute state of that hair

Real Wahine Dicking Squads

Creepy eyes. No remorse. sociopathic smile.

Let's just call this one disposable and be done with it.

Big brain nibba

lots of alcohol, eat like shit, no exercise

I bet if he issued a Fatwah you would obey it.


No way alcohol does all of that

Burger friend you are onto something.
Look how they collaborated with this sick filth to abuse babies.

He's still linking roasties in Prison.
>Ian "LostProphets" Watkins.


Not necessarily

Fuck these ambiguous articles, do i have to wait for Netflix to buy the rights to find out what he was making people do?


High IQs BTFO.

what's it to you anyway ? are you jealous your shitty Muslim Paki rape gangs are falling short ?

>Paedo got back.


>the muslims know

Women are insecure and even the sluttiest one are kind of naive. Some women have 0 confidence so they are very easy prey.

>what's it to you anyway ?
Why so sensitive? People were abused by a high IQ young man. The fuck is wrong with you?

>are you jealous your shitty Muslim Paki rape gangs are falling short ?

Incredibly jealous. Obviously. We simply can't compete with (insert whatever meme group you belong to)

The fact that is always about "Muh race war" is why you're bringing down the collective IQ of Sup Forums

>"persuading" adults to send nude pics is illegal


No more responsibility I guess

you just a cultural Marxist commie Larper posing as Mudhshit GTFO to /Leftypol shithead

Blackmailing them with said pics sure as fuck is


It's also your tea time.
>Mummy's tendies when?


>be 14yr old grill
>think you're talking with qt3.14 Chad Bieber
>believe first person to see your naked body is a charming handsome man
>realize you gave yourself to this ugly instead
>get blackmailed into doing it again or troll will expose you

He used a ton of aliases. You have to use pics of attractive members of the opposite sex (or same if target is fag) to lure in idiots, then you can blackmail them.

Bro it's even worse and involves toddlers being abused.

The dude was a one man sociopath.

His text game must have been on point.

Death penalty

Funny, he doesn't look the type

Was ((pic)) pedo


>Geophysicist Dr Matthew Falder, 28, lead a secret double life during years of study at Cambridge University, where he was known as a fun party-goer

REEEEEEEEEEE normies get out

yea his higher 'success' rate is due to aggressive manipulation. So it's somewhere in the middle that you want.

Lonely people are often incredibly easy to manipulate. All he would have to do is use profile pics a little above the attractiveness of his victims, design quick personality, and interact.
Probably has stocks of other people's compromising photos he can send as "I sent one to you babe, your turn" kind of bait.


This is true.
Most people generally are lonely.
Look at Sup Forums





This sort of nonsense doesn't happen in Oxford.

Hey bb I bet the rest of your body is as gorgeous as your face. Want to prove me right?


BASED Boat-Race winner.
Paxman BTFO

>persuaded them to send him naked or partially clothed pictures of themselves, then threatened them with exposure unless they went much further.

But the CIA does this sort of shit all the fucking time.

Is this his twitter?

Execute him.

He also admitted charges of causing the sexual exploitation of a child, encouraging the rape of a four-year-old, making and distributing indecent images of children and voyeurism.

Images that Falder shared included photographs showing children and babies being tortured, the court was told.


Typical gay guy, right Sup Forums?!?

and eurofags complain about fat burgers, this guy looks like something from HGTTG

This, he should be gassed


He was hideous but not Burger obese.


Nope. Anglo here. Christian.
You realize everyone with that flag is inbred and has lower IQ right?
Every single Muslim country tops the list of inbred places on earth. Even when they come to other countries it just gets worse. The Paki communities in Britain are the most inbred people in the world. They look like Lovecraft characters.

dude was hiding in plain sight

He seems like a pretty typical Muslim. When is Kahn going to defend him?

>hey send tit pics, bitch
>lol okay
>sweet, now send more or I'll spread these around
>oh noes, I'm so traumatized
How can a man commit a crime from the comfort of his own computer desk? A crime has to involve going out and, y'know, doing something to someone.

who is this fat cow?

>You realize everyone with that flag is inbred and has lower IQ right?
Much like your aristocracy and elites. Anything else Brandine's son?
Do you have a passport? You should travel more Cletus.

>The Paki communities in Britain are the most inbred people in the world.
Imagine taking a red-neck town and transplanting the gargoyles to Singapore and using that to define all US citizens.

Also nice shilling.
The thread is about this man and his crimes.
Or do you only care when crime fits your prejudices?
>Back to r/doanld you go

Cyril Smith.