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Do you know what a joke is?
Please be real
how can you even get mad at Pence?
Plz b real
We need to gas the fags ASAP
>it's real
Best timeline confirmed
The article itself isn't that funny to read. Says Trump made fun of Pence over abortion and gay views.
heh, yeah, just a joke fellas
Needs sauce
You cheeky bastard
zap 'em
according to CNN sources familiar with a person who once overheard it in a supermarket next to the janitor using an industrial vacuum cleaner
Sodomites will endure eternal hellfire
>1 post by ID
>the hill
>credible source of information
pick one
i thought he has more of a electroshock kind of guy
The truth needs no defence.
I hope pence was serious and had his car cables rdy to electrocute some gays.
I wish this was real
>The Hill
Even the VP is not safe from Trump's absolute savagery.
Have you listened to his radio show? Great stuff
Cozy af
In fact, I got the last 5 minuets of his time on air that I play before I go to bed. It's the coziest thing imaginable
Based Pence
Knowing Trump and taking into account how credible the Hill is, I would take this with a truck full of salt.
Are there people that really believe this?
God Bless
It is, that isn't photoshopped
If leftists actually read the article, they would see it actually paints Trump in a positive light since he is mocking his VP's views against abortion and gays.
snap crackle pop
What's his name again?
wtf in peach trump now
Joke. The left has 0 humor.Morons.
That's beautiful
Mike "If you like cock you get a shock" Pence
I do too.
What's there to defend? This is great.
Mike "key to kite if you're a sodomite" Pence
>Mike "Zap the Gayness From Your Anus" Pence
Kek I love how it seems to be getting through that when you pay no mind to leftist, you win by default.
I'm gay and me and my fag friends joke about lynching gays all the time, we forget that this truly outrages nobody, people just forgot that they're pretending for cheap political theatre.
This is sensationalism. He doesn't 'want' to hang them, it's just that when he changes the law to make sodomy illegal they are going to be hanged.
Who believes some journalist / cunt / (((anonymous sources))) in the fist place ?
Just aanother slander on Trump n his team.
>it's another the left takes everything literally episode
Wew lads
how can you be mad at pence for that while at the same time want to import hundreds of thousands of people who also want to do that?
>m, it's just that when he changes the law to make sodomy illegal they are going to be hanged.
kek pls give sign
Based Pence
I can't wait until he gets in the oval office
It's something we want.
Well, not hang. Not necessarily. Firing squads work as well.
>Mike "Ambassador of the Capacitor" Pence
Seriously, Trump is truly the left's version of satanic panic.
Somebody needs to do one from metal gear solid with pence as ocelot and the faggot commie cake boy getting electrocuted.
As if anybody can hang gays imagine trying to round them up it would be like herding cats sparkly glittery cats kek
Separately as all know what you call a super vocally anti-gay conservative right?
Out of the closet Kek
The lefty gays have parades the righty ones have pray the gay away camps comp'd
Inb4 something I'm angry something degenerate something something
Shock me, daddy.
>Trump joked
>When visitors came to see Trump after meeting Pence, The New Yorker said, the president asked, "Did Mike make you pray?"
People in this thread are just as bad as leftists who form their opinions through headlines alone without reading the article.
How can you love Hitler and hate gays he was a big fan of a certain burlesque performer that had a little something something extra if you know what I'm saying
>autistically numbered boxes for flawless unpacking
>car battery + jumper cables
Made me kek
Back to r*ddit
yeah this is DISGUSTING!
do you know what rope costs? just curb stomp those fuckers
He probably read a verse from TWO Corinthians!
Pence is a massive globalist, he just has you under his infinite charm and mannerisms.
Don't fall for it, he won't really hang those fags.
it's a good idea
Ok, I will. I'll help them hang all you fags by voting in refugees. Together, with a mass immigration of Muslims, we will kill you all once and for all. J/K lol
How's that joke?
you realize he's a closeted faggot RINO puppet, yes? he'll do anything the multi-nationals want. amnesty for spics, tax cuts for billionaires, and flood the border with white collar indians and chinks
Mike "Use Sodomites As Christmas Lights" Pence
holy fuck i was too busy reading boxes I didn't notice the battery
Lmao neither will any of these LARPING weebs
that's a nice cosplay
32Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Scripture is pretty clear on it.
Lmao it's pretty clear on not wearing cotton with with linen and not obeying the Sabbath and eating fish on Friday do we get to Gass all those fuckers also?
Wtf i love pence now
Holy shit. So this was correct after all.
"a senior campaign official told me what Trumps job description of the vice presidency had been. He told Pence he wanted the most consequential vice president ever, the source recalled of their meeting. Those were his words.
>When a legal scholar pointed out to Trump and Pence in a meeting that even if the case was overturned, many states would legalize abortion on their own, Trump ribbed Pence, according to Mayer.
>"You see? You've wasted all this time and energy on it, and it's not going to end abortion anyway," Trump said, according to Mayer.
Cosplay of what? Pic shamelessly stolen from a faggot killer. Fairly well known, do a reverse search.
Mike "Deus vult 1000 volts" Pence
It did not say "put to death" it do say "worthy of death" ;)
Why defend it? Your President is based, you should feel proud.
no, it's sweetie belle
fucking retard
the guy just LARPED as the dazzlings
how about you read shit your self instead of beliving Wikipedia
It's real
How about we make a deal I'll support sanctity of marriage gays get civil union religious businesses don't have to bake a cake churches don't have to cover birth control if it violates their religious precepts and conservatives leave gays the fuck alone don't do it for me mind you don't really give a shit honestly I'm not gay but I know it's a loser with Generation Z and I want the conservative party to grow. Zealots hijacking the party is what fucked everything up and still does
I wish conservatives had more principles honestly how can you say I support the Constitution and in the same breath be anti-gay what part of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness do they seem to not understand?
I fully agree its degenerate and bad for society but it's also Un fucking American to give a shit about the issue live and let live is what will make us great again but more importantly free again
Mike "if it likes cock, it gets a shock" Pence
Mike "No ohmo" Pence
Mike "Thomas Edison's Electric Medicine" Pence
Any actual proof that he did that?
Got to level with you germanon, I aint got no fucking clue what you're on about. And I'm more prone to believing random 'news' articles than heresay.
Mind pushing off some sauce to go with what you're saying? If only to fucking translate what inane gibber your kraut mind is trying to convey.
it's a real report but the media could be lying, as usual.
I dearly understand your point but since at some point you may realize that there is truly an omnipotent, omniscient creator God then you may or may not realize that we are not really in the position to propose rules.
It is always human thinking they could do better, wiser, more intelligent and know how things work out that cast evil into this world.
Also take a close look how things work.
First they started with women rights
then gay rights
now trans rights
soon pedo rights
Since it is a slippery slope and every time you give them an inch they take two more. Minorities being the useful tool of a globalist, luciferian agenda.
Good one lol
Love pence
Does not need to be defended.
We just need to hang all the mentally Ill faggots.
Bloody leftist cucks
Good morning. I am a spokesperson for the Donald Trump administration and I would like to take a moment to clarify President Trumps statement regarding his commemt about hanging homosexuals. What he intends is to provide affordable health and wellness services for the LGBT community, by making penis enlargment an option to increase monogomous gay marriages and partnerships and to decrease the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Studies show that gay couples prefer partners with larger penises, and being able to have a larger penis would prevent homosexual men from seeking out partners with a larger penis.
Thank you for your time. God bless anerica, and the LGBT community.