Anyone else getting sketchy captchas?

I just got this picture from my hometown. I tried calculating the odds of this happening by chance and it's in the billions-to-one.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sometimes I get ones from the highway I drive on lmao

Do you talk about the rat?

im just replying in hopes i have to fill out a captcha.

shoop shoop doop

It's time to sleepy sleepy

>Non-legacy capcha using faggot

yous a faggot



>there are people who don't use the superior LEGACY captcha

I keep getting the same one maybe 1 out of every 3 times, a pic of cars.

>not having Sup Forums platinum account
Fuck out of here

Have been getting quite obvious CCTV programming captchas

picking out multiple cars from a distance, signs etc


I remember getting a picture of signs that was on an expressway that's 200 miles from my house, which is kinda cool but the fact that out of any place on Earth they chose that for me to select the signs for is pretty amazing.

>not having a Neutronium account
Fucking pleb.

Haven't seen any from Brampton yet

>it's in the billions-to-one.
There isn't even close to a billion cities on Earth

How fucking stupid are You?

They probably geolocate - makes sense because people from an area can distinguish streets signs from other signs better for example.

He's obviously a fucking idiot. The odds are 50/50

Either the captcha is from his city or it isn't

How many signs are there on the planet for captcha to pick from? It's not the city that matters so much, but content of the sign. I talk about Jews quite often.

I've spent the last 3 years using the bloated captcha system. Fml.

Got one of my car once. Convinced captcha is run by Google's pet AI. No problem.

There are millions of signs in your city.

Again, how fucking stupid are you


There are billions of images in recaptcha. The odds of them showing you a picture of your car are slightly lower than them showing one of three police signs in your homecity. Billions to one.

150k people. 1:13,000 odds of them just picking my city. Multiply that by the 1:10,000 or so signs in my city. You're in the billions to one. Leaf education.

I don't even live in Barrie anymore. That's another sketchy thing. It's not geo-location they must have used the old address on my google account.

Keep getting the same captcha over and over

I confirm OP.
In the last month, I've gotten one of highways signs for cities 30 mins away.
I've also gotten, swear, Israeli/Hebrew signs in anti-Israel threads.
Even scarier, I'm my YouTube account, I started getting anti-BDS ad rolls paid for by Israel, informing that Israel isn't like South African apartheid, isn't an ethno state, isn't violent, and is subject to racist smearing online.

Btw, I browse Sup Forums on private mode in Safari, Chrome and Firefox. All get the same eerie captchas. I know that doesn't do shit but still

Me too, the thing with captcha is it still works like the old nigger captcha, if enough people click the wrong pics it fucks up the system.

For your pic related you can click the bottom left three squares and then the bottom left square with the sign on it to fuck google over

By the bottom left of the sign square i should have said the square with broome on it

I got this one during the Troy vs. LSU game

My hometown as well! Is that near St. Vincent street?


Last week I got one with the street corner where I live and the nearest cross street which is 2 blocks away.

I practically had a heart attack and turned off my computer. It scared me that bad. No idea if that is a coincidence or if (((someone))) is letting you know in a subtle way they are watching you.

i used to get a lot of gas station captchas.

I seem to get the same captchas over and over again. They don't appear to be anywhere near me.

those kids are going "over the rainbow"

i.e: becoming programmed to dissociate from reality and make sinful decisions without considering God's will

The only thing those kids are gonna have to do is find the magic sword to kill that final fantasy fucking boss damn son


noticed you can misstype in the word captchas as long as front and back are mostly correct. So i do that to fuck shit. Intentionally mis-click the pics, oddly, you can sometimes select a sign when it asks for a car. fuck these trackers

Your question is "what are the odds that I would see a sign from my city". There are millions of signs in your city. Any one of them would attract your attention. The number of total signs is irrelevant.

Do you honestly not see how you've calculated it wrong?


I swear it had me pick palm trees in front of that hotel the shooter from LV was in.

Yeah they are starting to get kind of weird



>i tried calculating
>I tried

you tried.

I saw this same captcha.

Feds is watching

>calle calle

Nice one m8


me too

OP see above. just conicidence. rest easy.

use legacy capture newfag fuck that tile shit nigger

fags love to train ai


If you're still using this capcha system it's because you're an idiot and I wish all such posts were filtered

About a month ago, I had a capture of a place that I can literally see from my bedroom window

Scared the fuck outta me

Does putting niggers for the second word still work?
