The stock market has NEVER been more overvalued than right now

It's a bigger bubble than 1929.
It's a bigger bubble than the dotcom mania.
It's a bigger bubble than 2008.

Keep buying stocks, Trump morons! The market top is when bankers and the wealthy cash out and sell to the last remaining chumps and fools. Line up to buy your stocks, Drumpsters!

inb4, but muh tax cuts! Sure, just like Obamacare repeal. Any day now...

Other urls found in this thread:–earnings_ratio

Time to load up to 3x short etf's.

Check the P/E of most companies and you will also be shocked

It's an absolute joke

Don't buy any stocks

Where would meme flag OP put his or hers cash then?

Or maybe the market is simply and positively responding to a president who doesn't hate the USA, capitalism and the financial mechanics necessary to sustain growth. Not saying it isn't overvalued but that doesn't really matter. The market is driven by mass perception, and the perception of most people investing is that America is a much better investment under Trump than it was under Bathhouse Barry.

You must have taken 2 bluepills.

Put a sizable amount into $DOG and make a lot when it crashes

When there are no sensible investing opportunities, sit on your cash. Wait for the crash and then come in to buy at low bargain prices.

Basically we're in a boom bust cycle untill this Keynsist socialism falls for good.

Here is a better chart. Im already short the Aussie market and getting squeezed but Im waiting to short the us market

3x lol why not go CFD and get as much leverage as you want?

Any recommendations?

OP is a norwegian. he's betting on a crash. every day that the market makes money he loses it.


stock market is a casino.

your average person is stuck playing the nickle slots. while "accredited investors" and people that buy company equity before the IPO are the house.

the only way to fix this is to regulated it to the point that all speculation is eliminated.

Price earnings ratio.


I like it when NEETs pretend to understand economics.

there is no where else to put extra money as fixed income/bonds are not worth the pennies for the risk. stock market will continue to go higher, as most people chase returns. there will be an eventual correction of course, but not yet.

Your a fucking idiot wow. Price action can tell you a lot of information if your not a retard and also fuck you people can do what they want with their money

How true is it that the longer a correction takes to happen, the worse it will be? It seems everything is a bubble now. However, if you read the news they say that everythings going great, and that the ((((Correction))) cannot even be seen yet, no sign of it.

So what the fuck is going on? If there HAS to be a correction,and we have yet to see one, why is it taking longer? Not to mention the monopolies in just about everything that is productive.

Hindenburg omens are peaking.

>"there's no way it can go higher"
>*goes higher*

Not even remotely true.

it can be true, as all the weak hands are shaken out at the same time. the market doesn't always need to correct in price, as it can also correct in time. if you look at 2015 the market went nowhere, and only edged up at the end of 2016.

(((They))) are delaying it and extracting as much wealth from the middle class as they can before it drops. I feel sorry for the poor saps who bought houses recently.

look into exchange traded funds (ETF). they just buy up the entire market. you can start buying now and just keep making regular purchases and you will always beat stock pickers. with ETFs your basically betting on the entire US economy. dont listen to the guy telling you to get "bargain prices" (aka catching a falling knife) since you obviously dont have any market experience.

>Thinking the president has control over such matters

Jesus Christ how old are you?

In 2008 the world's central banks went ALL IN on creating the biggest bubble in history with zero-percent interest rates for 9 years now, negative interest rats in Europe, massive QE purchases of trillions of dollars and euros of bonds, central banks buying stocks in Japan and Switzerland, the European central bank buying corporate bonds, futures exchanges offering discount packages for central banks to manipulate any and all futures products they wish with infinite money created out of thin air.

Everything is a bubble, its what happened when you keep rates at historical lows for nearly 10 years as well as pumping liquidity into the market.

Its the central bank bubble and they have cornered themselves, either that or they are sabotaging the global economy

Are you retarded? Economics is in a lot part psychology you fucking leaf. People believe he's going to reduce taxes, prices are going to fall even before he enacts the new tax plan.
I hope you know what's causing those bubbles.

When has the "mainstream news" EVER in HISTORY properly warned the public to a major stock market crisis?

Is this really your question?

Do you see how fucking stupid it is?

This man knows whats up.

While Im here soybean is looking like a good long soon, probably go in next week. Im also long natural gas and silver

trust funds everything else is a meme at this point

This is only true in the short term my plumber friend.

That's some nice volatility user.

You just got played by the whales.

Come to biz we teach you how to get enough gainz for lambos and unlimited sex

(Ps bitbean is the answer)

>Thinks I said or implied "control"
>Doesn't understand the importance of mass psychology among investors

As for your question, I don't tell my age to kikes, kike.

Retail is gonna BTFO

Big deflationa reflation cycle to come this time led by the 3rd industrial revolution.

Metals and miners to see those gainz

They've done well out of the meme coins.

Globalist probably. Sovereign debt is a hurdle to globalism at least in the case of the EU it is.

It's gonna be horrendous.

Nope. It's the new normal, this is going to the moon!

they say a bubble bursts every 8-10 years. but it could honestly just be a trump bubble since they think he will be so pro-business. most of the stock gains so far can be attributed to his anticipated tax cuts. stocks may edge lower once companies start releasing earnings with the new tax rates. but who knows trump may have a bunch of other shit in mind for improving business.

Volatility is shit though at the moment same with volume... its feeling very toppy

There are hundreds of millions of sq. ft. empty retail space and it is only going to get worse.

Bloody Leaf is in charge of BankOfEngland kept rates low and asset price bubbles mean hosu prices are insane.

Faggot. If the rich and powerful take their money out its a good thing. We rebuild the system without them

if you can predict markets why aren't you rich?

>Copying and pasting a response from a god damn poltard when he realizes how stupid he is

I already responded to him.

Ok and sorry for sperging out, I guess I can agree on that.
Check the picture on this post:It's the socialist keynsian economic system. Basically it never balances the interest rates to an equalibrium, not even close to it.

yea if your chart shows anything it's that the market still has room to grow before reaching the breaking point.

It's even worse than what they are telling people.

Massive asset price collapse soon.

I don't think there is anything left to "pop" the bubble

Everything is propped up by the FED

It's a completely artificial market and we know the FED rate will never increase substantially

Cheap money and trillions in derivatives

It's gotten so bad where I am they are actually thinking about kicking out the few remaining stores at a mall and turning it into a housing area for these supposed millennials that have all kinds of money.

>They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well I'm the doctor, ray and all you're holding is a couple of pears. Kasper knew this

Because no-one is born with knowledge.

What evidence can you show me that would prove me wrong?
Have we not had a massive credit-fueled bubble since the last crisis?
How has regulation changed?

What about soybean makes you think it's a good long?

>What evidence can you show me that would prove me wrong?
The fact that you claim to know what will happen with certainty, yet you're not rich since you've never capitalized on said market knowledge, retard.

>things are going great but this is BAD and you should FEEL BAD because Trump reasons

The absolute state of leftist trolls

About fucking time.
In the UK it's terribel

>Landlords encouraged to hoard property.
>Asset price spike.
>cheap credit.
>Tax incentives for baby-boomers and twats to gamble with banker money

Credit card delinquency rose for the third straight month in September, data from JPMorgan Chase & Co. and card issuer Discover Financial Services suggested on Monday.

September delinquencies for JPMorgan rose 1.22 percent, while those at Discover Financial were up 1.64 percent from August. Those at Bank of America also rose 1.56 percent the second rise in three months.

Credit quality at several banks appears to be deteriorating as lenders target consumers with worse credit ratings to fuel revenue growth at a time when low interest rates are quashing their returns on other loans.

Trump's an etatist. He said he wants to run the goverment like a company. That means he's probably going to have goverment run job programs ( hopefully not ) . That could be something that brings it down. Honestly I am pretty amazed at Trump so far economically.
Makes me still wanna immigrate there even with the niggers and liberals.

>yfw crash tomorrow

Just be ready to trade when it cracks. You can protect yourself at the very least because you will probably be unemployed at the end of this.

Eurobros should be feeling nervous because 1.1 billion in shorts got put on Italian banks who are going to be the first domino in the European economic house of cards and possibly the global economy

>lenders target consumers with worse credit ratings to fuel revenue growth
>car commercials offering 7 and 8 year loans
Everything is awesome!

>PNC in Pittsburgh Safe
Fuck all you BoA and JP Morgan shills

Holy fuck that's frightening. I wonder if this is gonna lead to some sort of "Standard Oil Trustbusting" with the banks?

When did I say I was 100 percent certain?
>Burger Logic.
>yet you're not rich
Burger logic 2.0: Only Rich people should be listened to.
>since you've never capitalized on said market knowledge, retard.
An assumption based on what?

Again, lets deal with the upcoming recession and your reasoning why it WON'T be horrendous?

Yep I agree kaynsian economics is trash.


Oh yeah the Car PCP deals have even been cited as terrible by the BoE in the UK.

Debt increasing and no wage rises.
Crashy crashy.

Yea it's basically what you said in a shortcut. Basically the jews are most of the globalist, which run the banks, which gain the most due to the bust and boom cycle.

>Just be ready to trade when it cracks. You can protect yourself at the very least because you will probably be unemployed at the end of this.
Have one asset with no debt
Buy Gold?

Automation when?

>Eurobros should be feeling nervous because 1.1 billion in shorts got put on Italian banks who are going to be the first domino in the European economic house of cards and possibly the global economy
Mama MIA!!

When you make a statement such as "It's gonna be horrendous.", that does not leave much room for interpretation and implies certainty.

>Only Rich people should be listened to.
Not necessarily, but more so than britpoors.

>why it WON'T be horrendous?
I never claimed I know how it will be, so i position myself accordingly for either outcome.

That Lego-movie is pretty red-pilled.
>In b4 muh commie

It isnt really a bubble like the others were, though.

The higher value of stocks simply comes from money losing its value compared to stocks due to no interest or even negative interest, while shares still generate money that can keep up with the inflation.

The JewFed and JeWall Street have been bubbling it once again.

Didn't you just increase rates?
What would force rate rises?

Every time I look at the market and see it up I swear I hear the Everything is Awesome song in my head..been that way for months.

where i'm at they've been building apartment buildings nonstop since 2010 and when they finish each building their "now leasing!" signs never get taken down. i also heard a story about how LA has the most apartment vacancies in like the last 20 years with a surging homeless population. ever since the 2008 collapse there has been a surge in renters and im waiting for more stories to start coming out about how there are more apartments than people to fill them. rents will take a nose dive and make room for niggers to move into luxury apartments which will drive the millenials back out into the suburbs.

I really want the market, but especially the housing market, to collapse.

I missed out on 2008's crash to get some cheap real estate :(

Part of it is Trump and the policies he's trying to push like Repeal and Replace, Tax Reform, and an Infrastructure plan. imo all three are meant to keep the economy running better in preparation for a crash. The last part would provide longer term growth and keep unemployment down as the crash begins and Trump could ramp it up as the crash gets worse. Politically, Trump lives or dies with a good economy.

As for the issue about Central Banks, QE, and Low Interest Rates, I have no idea where that's going, but I remember back in the 2008 crash, it felt like the end of the world and every CB was doing anything and everything it could to hold off another Great Depression. I have a feeling that Trump's push for stronger National Borders and potential Trade Wars are all part of a platform that anticipates a break down in the international economic order. It may not go down that way, but it's hard to imagine that it won't given how things look.

It's pretty scary just waiting for the sky to fall tbqh.

But your argument against my point about it being horrendous wasn't the more nuanced point you have made here it was essentially
>waaah, you poor britfag so no listen to you waaah.

>for either outcome.
what other outcomes do you envision?

Its breaking above a 5 year trendline that has acted as a price ceiling/resistance, daily and weekly ichimoku clouds converge on this point also so its a decisive point for the down trend. So far its cleared daily ichimoku clouds but I think its going to pull back on the weekly clouds so thats why I am waiting, even with strong output numbers from Brazil price is still bullish. I also read there is concern over wealth her in Brazil farming wise.

I would love to teach pol how to get started trading but I cant risk being back traced with all the government agencies that lurk here

Because I cannot see how the market is reflecting the real-world when we can see the fundamentals are so screwed

Like in 2008 the house of cards will fall. Only this time it will be much worse I fear.


I wonder how much time we have. I want to save about 10k dollars and put it in gold.

I wonder if Trump knows about Austrian economics, I wonder if he knows what needs to be done...

well golds going up again every time gold titillates the market crashes.

>I have no idea where that's going
they will start raising interest rates once they feel the economy is running too hot.

Gold and bitcoin

When this crash comes say goodbye to USD forever and god forbid you hold any relatively large amount of it

What he knows, he knows damn well.

>The absolute state of leftist trolls
The chart shows the price of stocks divided by the inflation-adjusted 10-year average earnings of stocks. The denominator is also adjusted by a factor to account for margin = corporate profits / GDP. So what the chart shows is how massively overvalued stock prices are in relation to corporate earnings.

Rent is fucking insane. 3bd 2.5 bathroom apartment I left in 2007 was $925/mo. It is now $1400 - $1660/mo.

Otc clearing

Gold is good, personally I like silvers potential due to how much the price is suppressed but recent developments around gold tell me its going to be the real winner with all the central bank buying from China and Russia, seems they are looking to side step the dollar in a big way. Dont hold paper gold/silver you need the billions on you. Because the ratio of real gold to paper is something like 100 to 1 so not many will get the gold when they wanna cash out

why not also trade the downside of equities?

What is the effect of reducing circulation of a finite money supply

m8, im sitting in a 1BR 1BA for 1550/mo and it's going up to 1600 at the end of october. also, im in the cheapest apartment in my area. if i went to another building nearby it would be 2200 for a 1BR 1BA.

>The higher value of stocks simply comes from money losing its value compared to stocks due to no interest or even negative interest, while shares still generate money that can keep up with the inflation.
Please read the article linked to at the top. Hussman challenges the argument that these valuations make sense because of low interest rates. He says we have low interest rates AND low economic growth rates, so there should be no valuation premiums. If we had low interest rates and normal economic growth rates, then the argument (low interest rates = high PE ratios) would be valid.

How is a high ratio of corporate profits to GDP mean stocks are overvaleud?

Some (((con man))) and the (((Federal Reserve))) want you to get out of stocks by selling them too you.

HINT: On average, the fellows who hung on their stocks after black Friday regained their wealth. The (((people))) who got rich because they knew about the planned crash? Bankers.


Kek. OP has watched the big short and thinks hes the next Michael Burry