Defend this

fuck america desu

Other urls found in this thread:


>hiding your malaysian flag
kys faggot

rebut your own strawman, nigger

fake news

Nope, it's what actually happened

Seems like an accurate depiction of the average r/t_d user's train of thought, what's your point?

2party needs fixing

Fixing how? And why? There are drawbacks to having a spam of different parties too.

How's that Euro doing?

Fuck off, Mike. You Malaysian filth


Now draw lewds.
I will wait.

the uniparty doesnt care how u vote, ya'll get the same results forever

Okay, but that's not that much better or worse than having power divided up between 50 gorillion parties like you do in Europe.

power is still divided between interest groups, and it's even less transparent, people don't know if someone is ourguy, a neocon or some fag, all they see is "R"

>anti trump comic with trump as a girl
wtf is wrong with liberals jesus

Okay...but that doesn't change the fact that dividing up power between 50 different parties has historically never worked. It's ineffective. In a two party system, yes, both parties can be shit, but they have a greater potential to make change since they don't have to run around compromising on platforms and giving ground to 49 other parties.


maldraw is a hardcore nationalist

Go talk to yourself on twitter malcuck, cant believe your still but thirst and poor, ahahahahaha.

you're also trapped with shit factions forever so as to not split the vote

if poland had the same system as the US, they'd never get a based government and the social-democrats (commies actually) would still be one of the two main parties

you can get major renewal without two party nonsense, and you know what you're getting, candidates are openly nationalist or conservative or whatever, and people can pick what they like instead of being forced to choose between random R and random D

If Austria was a two-party system, the cuckservatives would have 56% of the seats and nationalists would likely not exist

What shitty drawings, buy a drawing tablet, I forgot youre that poor Malaysian faggot that cant even afford a bag of rice lol.

its funny

M8, that's not a problem with the political system if people here don't want to look into what exact policies a candidate stands for. Also, having a two party system doesn't even mean that third parties can't win seats. Furthermore, Poland is a different political climate from Western Europe and North America. All I'm saying is that spam-party systems wouldn't fix anything here.

1k+ Followers that are bots, walls of texts that no one reads, not a single like or rt to save his life, sad. Sup Forums trolled this fag out of his sanity lol.

kek had no idea this faggot really does just talk to himself on twitter
Almost feel bad for him now

all of his followers are bots, this fag bit the hand that was going to feed him. now hes peddling to liberals that give a shit about him lol.

>all of his followers are bots,

you would know malcuck, you paid for them. half are accounts without avatars the other accounts are years old with no posts. show you real flag faggot, you wont because youre a coward. run along and keep talking to yourself skitzo.

theres your proof, thousand of followers without a single like, even if they were real your art is so shitty that no one would bother giving you a dime lol.

So a small obscure account doesn't have thousands of interactions. Really makes you think

it doesnt even have 1 like, i have a meme account with 150 followers and still get interactions. you played yourself malcuck, you betrayed Sup Forums and even liberals know you were a wannabe nazi and wont give you shekels. your email is [email protected] for fuck sake, if you would have been a bit less autistic and stopped spamming your comics all the time, you would have had some patreon bux.

This is what leftists actually believe

I'm not reading all that shit. Post a tldr

More like mentally ill
>omg i hate trump so much fuck drumpft
>ima draw him as a girl so I can fit xir in my long list of gender bent historical characters
I'm willing to bet $20 this tranny drew Hitler as a girl too

It did
Trymp sold out and betrayed his base


Not voting guac bowls was a mistake!

...Clearly, you listened to what the MSM said about President Trump, rather than what he actually said (and you wanted the slander to be true). For kicks, I'll go through it sentence by sentence.
>Kicking out Non-Whites
Illegals. He promised to deport illegals. Not Hispanics, not Muslims, or any other race. People who had committed a crime.
>Create a white ethnostate.
He said nothing of the sort.
>Putting the Clintons in prison.
I'm a bit fuzzy, did he promise to jail her, or see her investigated? Either way, I'll go with you on that one, it appears that justice hasn't been done.
>No more Blacks and Jews and Spics
See "Kicking out Non-Whites," also, Trump was not racist even once during the campaign. He did not demean anyone on the basis of their race.
He was quite anti-war during his campaign, and hasn't necessarily reversed that position at this point.
>Increasing the white populace
>Affirmative action for whites
>Make America White Again
>Mexico will build the wall because we threaten war
In order: Never said it, outright falsehood or a misquote, leftist propaganda which you've taken as fact, and a complete misunderstanding of what he intended.

Elaborating on that last one, he planned/plans to use economic pressure to get them to fund the wall, no military campaign needed.

t. /t_d/

Forgot one
>Saving Russia
Trump wanted to have a friendly relationship with Russia, nothing more. Unless you're trying to imply that there was something to that conspiracy theory?

That was panel 2, let's do panel 4 as well!
>I take back the stuff about Hillary
Actually, I agree somewhat, while it would have been bad form to go after her the same way he had during the campaign, any and all retractions or praise should never have happened. She's scum and everybody knows it.
>I love Jews, my daughter celebrates hannukkah, Israel is greatest ally
He never said anything against them (that I remember), we all knew his daughter had married a practicing Jew, and one of his promises was to move the embassy to Jerusalem (A promise he seems to have backed off on)
>Blahblah affirmative action
I don't remember him saying something like that, but if you'll provide a link, I'll gladly admit I'm wrong.
>I disavow white supremacists and the far right
I'm pretty sure he, at worst, talked about the Alt-Right. (This is an unpopular opinion, but as a libertarian, I'd suggest we should have just firebombed Charlottesville. I don't care for people LARPing as National Socialists any more than I like watching them LARP as militant Communists. Statism is shit.)
>Europe is wonderful
I don't remember him saying that either, and even if he had, he hasn't revoked his promise of a trade deal for the UK. (Which drastically reduces the EU's bargaining power with the UK)
>#Not all muslims
Yeah, that's just a matter of practicality. It's illegal for the government to discriminate based on religion (Nevermind that Islam is also a political system, it's like calling Taliban membership okay if you ask me) therefore he has to prioritize and try to word things in such a way that it'll get past the Supreme Court.
>A stronger fence
I don't give a shit what it looks like, just as long as it's a hell of a lot harder to get across. (I'm just sad mines were always off the table.)

youre not helping anyone by going full 1488. Get real.