The EU

I like the EU, I just wish it protected its borders properly.

We need an EU that respects every national democracy and sovereignty. It should be a union of free trade and co-operation, but not a country. WE'RE NOT A COUNTRY. We're a union of independent, collaborating states.

And we need a proper border policy, we can't allow people to illegally cross the Mediterranean, that's ridiculous. If their countries are war torn, that's their problem. We can even offer assistance to those locations if needed - BUT WE SHOULDN'T ALLOW THEM INTO EUROPE.

Does anybody else know this feel?

I feel you're ignorant about what the EU actually is. You say you like it then and then go forth to talk about what we need being exactly what the EU has come out against. The EU want to be a country, they're thinking is that in the future they'll sit with the US and Russia on the world stage. The issue is that you can't bring together 27 European countries like that without stifling culture and freedom.

Sure. I like being to travel easily to the neighbour countries and not having to change money. But all recent terror attacks show we can't just let millions of undocumented people in. And I'm also deeply suspicious of Brussels tries to grab more power. They should be reined in.

The European Union is a disgusting monstrosity that, simply put, destroys nation states.
A unified Europe will kill Europe. There will be no Germany, no France, no Britain, no Sweden or any other nation. Just Europe.
A hideous bloated mass whose singular purpose would be, and is, to put down and stifle any hope of European glory, progress or international influence.
It will, and does, collapse any chance for European nations to look outside of Europe with any degree of ambition.
No matter the form, a unified Europe will by definition destroy everything true Europeans should value, cherish and respect.

Benefits of the EU that we stand to lose:
>The single market, which has made us all richer
>The customs union
>Euratom, the European market for nuclear energy, which it looks like we will come out of with Brexit, which will harm our nuclear energy industry
>The European Space Agency

Yes the EU isn't perfect, I agree, but some of these things are big benefits to us

>says he likes the EU
>goes on to explain everything that we need in a union which the EU is actively working against

None of that is true, and any of that besides the single market is still up in the air. We could easily lose that all and still be much better off thanks to getting our payments back in our pockets. The single market has made us all poorer.

Youre all butt fucking faggots.

"Ever closer political union between the peoples of Europe" It's been there from the start.
>We need an EU that respects every national democracy and sovereignty.
Then, in a legal sense, you have to end the EU you have first.

>nOnE oF tHaT iS tRuE
>i DoN't WoRk In NuClEaR eNeRgY sO wHo CaReS rIgHt?

Even if I did work in nuclear energy, a few jobs aren't as important as sovereignty.


The EU is your country, brother
don't listen to the (((anglo)))

So you don't actually like the EU, you just want to like the manifestation of it that you've created in your head?

>lEt'S dEsTrOy OuR hIgH tEcH eCoNoMy WhIcH iS tHe OnLy WaY dEvElOpEd CoUnTrIeS wILl SuRvIvE iN tHe FuTuRe, JuSt BeCaUsE i'M aN eMaScUlAtEd AuTiSt WiTh No PoWeR iN tHe WoRlD

It's become a bit bloated though. But with the rise of moderate right in europe they'll probably start being more strict with their border policies.


>unironically schilling for the eu on Sup Forums

Why did you attempt to make a serious thread then resort to childish insults when faced with legitimate counter-arguments?


Grow up, newfriend

>i WaNt To FeEl PoWeRfUl BeHiNd My CoMpUtEr!
>wHo NeEdS jOb AnYwAY!
>gRuG WaNt To StAy HoMe AnD fUcK aNiMe PiLlOw!

>projecting this hard

Everybody knows that only alphas are confident enough in their sexuality to have an anime pillow.

Its 2 late to fix the EU.

With Austrian voting result its pretty much obvious now EU will split into Merkelreich and Intermarium.

>I like being to travel easily to the neighbour countries and not having to change money
Why? That was part of the fun of traveling to another country, you fucking millenial faggot.

The boarders should go back up. It was a mistake to allow unregulated movement in the Eurozone.

>with based v4

>EvErYoNe WhO hAs VaLiD aRgUmEnTs Is PrOjEcTiNg!

And this is Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemen.

I don't even need to make an argument. Autistic, strange, socially dysfunctional people who have never held a job in their entire lives.


This sounds like a russian living in UK...stop with your propaganda. WE need moar UN not less to stop the commies from taking over democracy