Well known journalist blown to smithereens.
This is why you take precautions before you open you mouth, learn from stupid people or learn the hard way.
> Who is this person?
>Her Blog
Well known journalist blown to smithereens.
This is why you take precautions before you open you mouth, learn from stupid people or learn the hard way.
> Who is this person?
>Her Blog
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We should make a big list of journalist that post blatant lies
I'm sure there is a list somewhere, can't be bothered at the moment
Pic Related - Prime Ministers Tweet
FYI PM here is the highest position in the government.
She was a cunt, but I don't think that she should have been blown to bits.
Here's this /maltabros/
Taret m'alla.
dammmm is that her torso?
Looks like it.
Three whole Maltese on the same board? Gotta be a fluke.
Report things wrong, get the bomb
We don't get much car bombs here and it's kinda of a big.. oh wait
I'm more disturbed by the fact that the PM raped the word "injured" in his comments. As if the word "imweġġa" ceased to exist.
So what did she do wrong? Report about maffia stuff?
A legendary post
She exposed some corruption but was mostly known to be a vile shit.
Yeah this was right after he died right?
Being nosy, snobby and a cunt.
If a Maltese actual did this I wouldn't be surprised to be honest due to connections and shit
When you live on a tiny city island word spreads at light speeds, 1 minutes your taking a shit the other minute everyone fucking knows. Therefore being nosy and a cunt worsens the effects and ends up in loose ends being tied up,
What occurred
Why would a foreigner blow her up?
I believe so, although he was a commieshit he was a most impressive leader who actually managed to keep our economy afloat during transition from the English rulership to independence.
Possible panama connections? Who knows which is why I implied quite certainly a Maltese did it.
That's very true. No one is perfect but he more than helped kick start Malta as we know it.
and said
Also apart from alleging that the government was corrupt, she lately also wrote a lot against the new Opposition Party Leader. Even alleging some stuff about him, which made him to file multiple libel cases against her.
rip in rigatoni
Unlikely. But not impossible.
She ate libels like pastizzi lol.
so, did the Opposition leader do it /maltabros/?
>my sides
I'm done
>posting in a malta thread
kissirt l'alla
torn so.
Mela spiċċa bħal Daphne.
She was half the person she used to be
Is Malta the greatest country on earth?
No, we need to get rid of the gay marriage bullshittery
trid liebes erba pari rose-tinted glasses kugin dal pajjiz mohxi, hadd ma jati kaz lambjent, ligi kulhadd johoda fidejh ax pulizija alxej, kwazi third world country u igri naffordja nitlaq.
We can be better.
Billi titlaq m'hu se ssolvi xejn.
wasalt f konkluzjoni li jaqblilna naqbzu l vapur dawk minna li kuxxjenti u kapaci nkunu nies sura ax qatali qalbi dal pajjiz. hlief statistici negativi fuq dal pajjiz li jibqaw jizdiedu ma nismax u mux ha nkun jien li namel differenza.
karozzi jizdiedu, obezita tizdied, kera tizdied, paga ma titlax, gibsmedats kemm alla halaq kuljum b xi glieda kwazi fatali lejn bugibba u paceville, nies li nahdem mahhom kolla jsuqu bil mobile f wiccom u jixorbu u jarmu mit tieqa umbad igergru ax l warden amel xolu, ma tistax tibdila dil kultura, tahraba trid.
Yeah I fucking hate the Maltese mindset too. I was being sarcastic l ewwel. This country has become an overbuilt, traffic clogged shithole.
Enjoy it until it sinks king
Għandek mitt elf raġun, pero minn naħa l-oħra
ħasra tara l-pajjiż jispiċċa miżbla. Sa kemm il-
PN u l-PL jibgħu fil-poter, fuq din it-triq se
Arabic speaker here, I wanna learn your language so bad! Not many resources out there though
not really. lurk moar.
Agreed, we do lurk until happenings
Also, that car fucking flew.
Most definitely not a tiny amount of explosives.
aren't you burgers ashamed you learn no more than one language?
kif ha tibdel kultura shieha ta pajjiz hlief b dittatur, li ma narahhiex possibli fdaz zmien meta qas biss l awtoritajiet mhawn kompetenti?
Who wanted her dead made sure she dies.
They didn't want to happen what happened
last year in Aldo Moro street.
Jien għalhekk illi b' il-PN u l-PL m'aħna
sejrin imkien. Kieku nispiċċaw taħt xi
tip ta' dittatorjat serja, l- bqija tal-
awtoritajiet serji jkollhom ikunu. Imma......
what about it interests you so much? it's sadly a dying language despite the growing population we're headed towards unsustainability, possible mass-migration and death of a culture in a not so distant future.
Growing population due to foreigners.
which is sadly not benefiting our culture or anything else besides cheap labor from what I've witnessed
i wish this would happen to every single scumsucking (((journalist))) on earth
Increased traffic jams and accidents, more
excuses to keep building, cheap labour, and
the replacement of the Maltese since we're
barely breeding while them are doing the
Not to mention criminality.
What's going on exactly? I thought the Maltese chocolate land was chill.
The slow death of a nation.
You have the weirdest written language I have ever seen. It looks like someone fell asleep on the keyboard
Can't really blame you on that to be honest.
Maltese translation:
Ma nistax intik tort biex inkun onest.
Well call for the Knights.
Oh, you have no idea how much I want them
to get their shit together and take us back.
drastic increase in crime from bulgarians, hungarian kangz and pretty much every asylum seeker nationality ever, increased road accidents due to distracted driving, practically no law enforcement for ANYTHING, you could report a crime and they'd forget to file your incident, as once happened to friend of mine, they fucking forgot to answer an emergency call for a stolen motorbike and I've had similar experiences myself. illegal construction EVERYWHERE, litter everywhere, obesity rates among the worst and skyrocketing. There's so much wrong with this country you'd have to be red-pilled and living here to see it unfortunately, which is beyond scarce of a quality.
english keyboards lack most of our most-used letters as well, we typically write in dialectic slang so to speak.
fresh meme
Ħaqq Alla ħa toqtolni.
Well i'd guess your country would have been lax due to its long time isolation. But it would either need to wake up and get things done or be drowned in degenerates.
Unfortunately things gets worse before it becomes better. Goodluck Malbro.
I thought that was her torso.. jesus christ that leg is massive or is it just me?
That must be the torso.
looks like a torso and a foot
inb4 ghost sightings in the area.
the degeneracy stems primarily from our people themselves, frankly. I've met more hard-working wetbacks than nationals in my life despite the increase in crime from other coons.
Didn't someone crucify her dog at her house in Bidnija? dog ghosts are the shit
Complacency is the death of progress. Your people simply had it too good that they turn to things of no meaning to fill their time.
Really? That's news to me. I do know that her
front door was burned once.
I think so cannot confirm however can't find anything about it
could be fake news
I wouldn't be surprised.
>Legendary quality virtue signaling
Image related
I love it when something like this happens in our country. All everybody talks about is Daphne. Feels /comfy/ desu
generic thoughtsandprayers meaningless posts
Can't wait till I hear about it on the bus tomorrow.
She was a vile cunt, but blowing her up was
not the best idea.
zobb ta xjuh fuq tallinja mill Isla ghax jien noqghod l fgura u naqbad il 1 ha jeqirduh l Alla.
Ha nerda tal linja biex immur ix xoghol ghandi karozza ghand mechanic ghax infqajt go tal learners foxx hajjti
Gon be good
Ismani, għandek ġranet issa tmur fejn tmur se tisma fuq is-saħħara tal-Bidnija. Għanke loki pubbliku se jkellmek fuqha.
Anzi ma tajjrukx m'Alla bħal Daphne.
why would malta of all places take migrants? They go london on one city and your culture no longer exists
Liberal poison.
What are you talking about user?
It sounds like his country is perfectly ancap.
Its functioning as intended.
eu won't lend us money if we don't
I like this, I think it should be legal to execute journalists for lying.
maltese can still survive if you migrate to the us and establish an enclave
yeah we'd need power armour to compensate for our manlet genes
manlet genes?
No we have beerbelly chad genes
i blame the pastizzi, unregulated teenage drinking and of course shitty parents for the beer bellies but the maltese male average is 5'7.
Virtue signaling normie had no idea who is was talking about, bitch caught I'm done lmfao
Carlos WTF stop it
malta labour shill in full force I see
Of course it's the Panama papers you fucking mong all news outlets are talking bout it
Let me guess, Sicilian without a doubt.
No it could be more then just panama papers as she was involved with some russian mafia shit aswell.
Man this woman should have seen it coming from the fucking horizon you dont just deal with this shit and not expect consequences