What did she mean by this?

what did she mean by this?


non meme answers

>China, Europe
>where the neckbeard, socially inexperienced virgin stereotype of an IT worker doesn't reallly exist

Also what is this perceived drop of quality in silicon valley? I don't like to admit it but like 99% of all hit tech, websites, apps, etc. comes out of the US and specifically California.

Some bitter roastie who is being held back in her menial IT job by "kissless virgins" who undoubtedly know how to do more than reset passwords and type up shitty monologues on reddit.

shhhh, you'll break people's immersion

I work in tech. While the virgin neckbeard stereotype may not be true (most of the people I meet are married and have kids) they sure have "nerdy" interests (which are mainstream now anyway).
From all the sw devs I have met though, there are only 2 women.

She's posting what a lot of women honestly think about the industry but normally wouldn't have the spine to admit. However, she's seemingly completely unaware that the industry is propped up by these autists.

>sexual activity and social skills now dictates how good someone is at a job that requires no sexual activity or social skills

almonds = activated

>women with job in IT can't think outside of pussy or vocal cords
Really makes my dick consider antivirus

As someone who obviously doesn't do any of the technical heavy lifting in her job, she obviously thinks that most of it entails high level and UI design in meetings.


this is some shitposter from here that managed to get in with SRS, no woman is that intelligent

>see the industry boom
more like kick all the working people out, because I want to talk 1/3 of my working time over useless shit
>see the industry fail

I don't know why she thinks that the pioneers of the industry weren't neckbeards or autists. The guy on the left of pic related is Ken Thompson, creator of Unix. He doesn't look like much of a Chad. Many such cases!

>von Neumann was a normal guy, who went out and partied on the weekends

what the fuck? women are so fucking stupid its not even funny

This is how the modern women. Men die in wars protecting their communities=women complain their great grandmas couldn't wear pants only skirts. Men create all modern technology=women throw a tantrum until white men are kicked out of their jobs and replaced by Jamal and Stacy.

They won't stop until soygoys man up and put them in their place. Men are fucking pussies for letting these women walk all over them.

>neckbeards don't exist in Europe and Asia


>Talks about how to make the IT industry "boom"
>Was "booming" just fine until SJWs got into it for the cushy jobs
Women in the industry has shackled IT into deadlock status.

>At Princeton Von Neumann received complaints for regularly playing extremely loud German march music on his gramophone, which distracted those in neighboring offices, including Albert Einstein, from their work.
I bet this girl would love that, she'd complain to HR and get him fired in a heartbeat.

TLDR hire women who show up 3/5 days a week and spend an hour a day telling their kid to walk the dog.

Give gossipy women the power to view all the text messages on company phones of sales staff fucking half the married hens in the cubes instead of the guy who will do anything to not have to talk to people during the day.

>stemlets WILL defend this
STEM must be destroyed for the good of humanity

This, pic related had the right idea about STEM

>b-but technology has made our lives SO much BETTER :((((((

>Why won't Chad get a job that pays well and marry me?

This is why the concept of Beta Uprising should never be forgotten.

This is how the view anyone who isn't a Chad. They think them less than human. They don't want them working or contributing to society in any way shape or form. They want them dead

further proof that women worry less about work productivity and more about whether their job gets any hot guys in that they can fuck and get fired after they refuse to date after their one night stand.

>tfw the rise of antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea is one of the few things that gives me hope for the future

i run a small business, and I hire the most qualifed people for the position, regardless of anything else.
can someone honestly afford not to?

Proof that women care more about socializing on the job or what their friends think of their career instead of getting the work done.

What about competent women that just want to work without creepy passive aggressive behavior from male coworkers, because they exist.


probably some fag who hasn't accepted he is bad at programming