Drugs are bad but "young" people have to experiment it

>Drugs are bad but "young" people have to experiment it.
>A wife was murdered by junkies but is enough reason to be considered a villain
>Strong independent woman of color wants to be more than a hacker but these white men don't want her to be an agent
>Ex-gf but still need ex-bf despite sleeping with other men.
>Waahh working for the president is hard work, that's why we need drugs, not because im a woman and this is too tiring for me despite having a man working 24/7 with the president but never complained nor taken drugs.
>Conservatives are bad, president wanted to get rid of junkies, he wanted to make the world great again.
>Say it with me Madame President.
>implying everyone learn their lesson and won't take any drugs again

I wanted to like it but these things didn't let me. I can't enjoy a movie anymore without those subtle propagandas

I've also become really touchy about media. What can you do. The marxist brainwashing rubbish is everywhere. It's been three generations of this

and the wholesome 1950's aesthetic is the theme for bad guys hideout

i liked the aesthetics, is very cloche but still enjoyable despite how overly used that was. Also to add how obnoxious was having Elton John there, kicking ass which i guess is comical because he is gay.

>I can't enjoy a movie anymore without those subtle propagandas

Every single movie and TV show is propaganda like this.
I am in full on they live mode and cannot help but see the black and white text behind everything.

I cannot enjoy anything anymore.

The president did nothing wrong though?
Since taking drugs is illegal he shouldn't be charged over that. It's not like he forced them to take the drugs

i never implied he did something wrong, but the movie blamed him because he didn't want to negotiate with terrorist plus morally getting rid of junkies

>Say it with me Madame President.
My eyes still haven't rolled back into their normal position.

mfw when the president did nothing wrong and still went to jail somehow. Feel bad they killed best character Whiskey. He was the real hero of the movie

Maybe the brits were the bad guys all along.

I tried marijuana so i could legitimately discuss it.

I know I'm going to sound stupid for asking this, but has Trump said ANYTHING about drugs? I follow the news religiously, even liberal rags (Know thine enemy) and haven't heard him say anything about wiping out junkies, etc. These people are so bad at satire and figuring out what they dislike about a person it gets ridiculous, especially considering all the silly, meme-worthy things Trump actually does do that even we mock him for.

i am surprised the princess of sweden wasn't dating a black man, though she was friends with a black and an arab, gotta fill the quota there

Yeah same. Try going back decades for movies.

The first one ended in sodomy between swedish princess and a british wigger. What did you expect the second was going to be? Based?

Most of the media we are seeing is residual from the Hillary timeline.
Everything on screen now was written in 2016,produced late 16-early 17
Which is why EVERYTHING
is Trans /Her turn / kill whitey.
The next 18months of pedowood will determine
>if the media business as we now know it survives.

The first one made an anal joke in theater, and my gf took me home and let me buttfuck her because she was so turned on by it.

In the DVD release, they edited that part out.

I found an unedited one on TPB and when my new gf saw it she said "I bet you want to try that sometime."

So we did. I think they edited the movie because it was causing all these girls to accept getting buttfucked.

Why would anyone even bother watching new movies nowadays
It's all shit besides for couple low-budget horror movies
Only new(at the time when I watched it) movie I liked in last 5 years was Gone Girl

Namefags: not even once

Sorry that you are such a faggot that you don't even want to look at statue-ass.

He declared the Opioid Crisis as an official National Emergency in August, even CNN reported on it without shitting on him too much.

That film really wasnt as good as the first one, the characters were just meh

They Live! I forgot about that gem starring Rowdy Roddy Piper.

He's talking about your desire to practice gay sex with your cover story gf. Your dick isn't meant to be covered in shit.

Too bad Whiskey/Burt Reynolds died; would've been a great sequel.

>main character actually had a friend named Tyrone

Are you telling me you don't like buttfucking your girlfriend?

>no gf

Oh, sorry about that. Makes sense though.

i still think him dying was a bit too much

Behold A Pale Horse book , AIDS is on the street in the Drugs !

The first one had some redpilled characters, who they killed all because "waah rich people bad, cant let rich people win : the movie". That head explosion thingy made me want to walk out.