This is why female teachers keep "raping" their male students

Most of these teachers are fairly attractive, especially for their age. Many are married. Why the hell are female teachers hooking up with guys half their age with nothing to offer? They have no money. No career. Can't offer commitment. Can't offer security. Can't offer any emotional support. Have nothing in common. They have nothing that society tells us women should want - in others words, beta traits.

That's because, as red pill tells us, none of that actually matters to women. And these guys are red pilled as fuck, they just don't know it. To understand this, you have to look at it from the female teacher's perspective. Although she is attractive, she is in an environment that will bring out all of her insecurities. Ever wonder why jacked bodybuilders always think they're too small even though their bigger than 99 percent of the population? It's because they surround themselves with that other 1 percent.
So that teacher has to be surrounded everyday by hundreds of girls that are half her age - younger, prettier, and more desired. Now the male student, while just a normal guy, is very alpha in his environment. He might be very athletic, might be very popular and outgoing with lots of friends, or just a cute guy that attracts many girls. He's dating and talking to so many girls without any sense of responsibility or commitment.

So the guy offers her something she isn't getting, and that's validation. That's excitement. She knows the guy is basically a kid, and wants nothing more than sex. She knows he's in his sexual prime and his hormones are raging, and that there will never be anything more. She knows she can never be with him. She knows he doesn't truly love her, or even know what love is yet. And that's why she wants it so bad.

TL;DR women are children, alpha fucks

Other urls found in this thread:

Most studies into the minds of these women point to a power fantasy. They want to be the sexy teacher from the music videos they watched as young women. The male target is just whoever they wanted to fulfill that fantasy.

Once again Red pill retards need to invent a narrative to justify their failed ideology.

I Knew it, its over for women, its time for the alphas to rise and reclaim our homelands from feminist liberal whores.


OP thinks he discovered something

> no shit, OP

>tell women they'd fuck around no problem
>tell them they'll lie without a second thought
>tell men they waste their time hanging out with women
>tell men women are children
>get called insecure and a jerk
>relationships falling apart all around me while I pursue my own interests and am not a blubbering emotional wreck like every guy I know

Because they want young dick
>She knows he's in his sexual prime and his hormones are raging, and that there will never be anything more
This sums it up

"redpill" means holocaust denial, not embarrassing anti-women shit

The two teachers in pic related had a 3 way with a student.

Imagine being a young high school boy and getting to fuck 2 hot married teachers. Life isn't fair.

Women desire social status. That's literally all they care about. Within a school environment, certain boys will have a high social status, by sleeping with them, women feel like they have obtained a high social status.

I wish i could have fugged a hot teacher

Wasted trips

Red Pill

>To open someone's eyes and mind to the secret truth of something important.

>A reference to the film The Matrix, in which Neo takes a red pill to learn the ugly truth about his existence.

He will probably have problems that will manifest themselves later in life. Everything has drawbacks. Good on him, though.

>be sexy teacher
>fug student
>get AIDS
>go to prison for lesbies
>get more AIDS
>AIDS^2 kills you before your 4 month sentence is over

Redpill means truth that goes against current accepted emotionally driven "knowledge".

The FIRST memetic use of "redpill" online was holocaust denial. That is the Sup Forums meme. MgGoy divide and conquer bullshit appropriated the term to mean "sensationalized sexual agitation propaganda directed at isolated internet autistic virgins"

They're mostly hooking up with black boys cause their white husbands can't lay it down

You are a fucking idiot. Even realizing that Santa Claus is not real is a red pill.

Seek help.

autism-the thread

Well, Sup Forums is autism: the board, so what the fuck did you expect?

Your concern for my mental wellbeing is touching, but misplaced



fucks sakes dude. everything with a woman is to do with self-esteem.
a female teacher is surrounded by 16 year old girls with tight bodies and perky tits, who all the boys are trying to get to even glimpse at their cocks.
the teacher is jealous of this and by seducing a boy who would fuck a misshapen loaf of bread, she can feel that she has one up on the fresh women. the boys desired her instead of those "girls" so she raises up the dominance hierarchy.

it is pretty simple shit, i didn't even read your OP

You are like that FinnLauren autist but your obsession is the holocaust. Both of you make me uncomfortable. Fucking psychos.

an evil spirit of lust has infected these women.
They have been given over to it. If they don't turn away from it or if will destroy them.


Just don't have teachers under 35 teaching grades 9-12. Put the younger teachers with the younger kids.

gr8 post
The issue I have with it is you're starting from the assumption that they're normal, healthy females.
They're not.
They're sick rapists,
I know there is debate because muh male consent but let me ask you this
Imagine you're hot for teacher, she keeps you after school, makes you horny, rides your lil inexperienced pecker and basically uses her sexual prowess to make your 14yo peepee shoot inside her, and now she's pregnant, and doesn't believe in abortion
Now is it rape?
The rapist isn't sexually attracted to the victim in the way you and I are attracted to the opposite sex, they're attracted the way a cat is attracted to a mouse
They're not getting off on the person, they're getting off on exploiting their position of power to it's maximum
They're Harvey Weinstien without the disgusting fat jewish body.

Where are these studies

There is something about teaching that attracts the worse kind of people

>They're mostly hooking up with black boys cause their white husbands can't lay it down
Congratulations, sir. You used two niggerisms in one short sentence fragment. I hope you're black, because you sure talk like it

are you lecturing me?
i was fucking teachers before you was born son

Youre only seeing those because they get clicks

Its bias

A hot fem teacher banging a teen kid gets clicks , other amalgamations wouldnt be news worthy or clickbait

>The issue I have with it is you're starting from the assumption that they're normal, healthy females. They're not.

Your unicorn fallacy will bite you in the ass some day. AWALT. I have warned you.

This plus the factor of the type of mongoloid that pursues an Education degree.

Only the laziest and emotionally stunted individuals seek to be teachers

>Most studies
Nice source(s). OP is right, women only (and always) want validation. For them, sexual promiscuity/conquest in the form of competing with females that are 10 years their juniors is the validation they need to carry on.

Probably true but they're still pedos and should still hang, especially if they want gender equality.

Is this a ''bad'' teach, as well ?

>He will probably have problems that will manifest themselves later in life.

>fuck attractive women
>develop problems

seems fishy

true, real teachers simply end up teaching, outside of school

it's not fishy if the pussy is

I mean...maybe.

But it's more like becoming a teacher is way too fucking easy, literally the easiest profession to enter, so it attracts dumb, mentally unstable washed up party girls. And being a teacher in some small town is BORING AS FUCK so their stupidity gets the best of them. That's it.

RAPE? What the fuck brehs

Never thought about it that way, have a bump OP. A good break from the usual shill threads.

Pretty good point OP


Well said OP

Yep, the teacher is driven by younger competition, and that fact it is forbidden to have sex with students. Those two things drive a women's sex desire wild.

Just read some stories about guys who fucked their female teachers when they were like 13 and how they ended up

>gets taken advantage of sexually by an authority figure
>no problem


Women are the reflection of man's own hubris in extreme form

And besides that, students are genuinely attracted to young female teachers, it's simply biological. Putting someone in prison for that is retarded.

Rape used to make women worthless.

Yes, iirc.

OP, they're just mentally unstable -- who were able to get a teaching cert because they're basically no standards and it guarantees a job, so teaching attracts all kind of low-capacity mentally unstable whores

>Why the hell are female teachers hooking up with guys half their age with nothing to offer? They have no money. No career. Can't offer commitment. Can't offer security. Can't offer any emotional support. Have nothing in common.

THEY WANT THE YOUNG DICK. How hard is that for you to figure out?

even so, only females with a severe case of arrested development would succumb to this. women with diminished capacity who seek to fuck their students should be screened out during psych evaluation -- arrested development & low impulse control should be teased out quite easily

Based Shark Soup user.
very true.

So long as the teacher is a hottie and not married i think it should be legal

Who cares when the only redpilled sexual relationship is grown men ripping preteen hymen or being sensually breastfed by titcows?

Teacher of the millenium right here boys.

i'd believe this if it wasn't for the fact that high school guys are terrible at the sex and have tiny dicks. its about finally get a chance to be prom queen who got the attention of the popular guys in high school. purely psychological.

>ackchually, Female teachers have sex with students because they're vapid whores

Stop the fucking press

Lol wut? Are you some kind of dick expert?

tfw I live right by where that happened.

Men want sex
Women want attention

Imagine what kind of attention you're going to get when you're kinda hot in a room full of teenage dirt bags with raging hard ons all day ever day.

Women will do whatever it takes to get attention

high school bros aren't into foreplay, they stick their dicks into dry vaginas, hence teen girls rarely orgasm

>3 way with 2 hot teachers
>teenager lasts 10 seconds

teenager narcs out the teachers to save face

Not sure that you quite made the connection between the teacher in High School unable to land the alpha male as a student, and that same teacher now able to land the alpha male as teacher. Competing with High School girls, but this time, winning.

>i'd believe this if it wasn't for the fact that high school guys are terrible at the sex and have tiny dicks
Ummm they're not having sex with the chess club sweetie, they're fucking 10/10 football team alphas

Like two bags of sand, huh.

wake me up for twister nakid.

being alpha and playing a fucking game isn't the same as being able to fuck with some competency

Go fuck yourself Pajeet and stop posting porn here.

I'm so jelly of those kids. I never had a hot teacher, aunt or doctor or anything like that. They were all fat or old hags

You realize the guys on the football team are fucking all the girls in their class too right? Theyre the Chad Thundercocks of the future. Why are you so bitter?

Basically this. You can tell who was a virgin in high school (or is still a virgin) by them responding with "nice" in everyone of these threads.

The only people that think fucking used up roasties in their 30s that have to cake on make-up to look mildy attractive are the guys that never got to experience prime, teenage pussy in their youth.

Hooking up will older women is degenerate.

All those newfags

Interesting hypothesis op

Fuck off retard Mongol.

Marketing. It wasn't a jew trick. Plus relationships are a priority for a lot of cucks so the change to becoming a non cuck would be fundamental as well as benefits extending to every aspect of life.

these things happen as frequently now as they did in the past, the sole difference is that teachers get caught because of modern technology. in my podunk montana high school the earth science teacher used to look at some of the male students with bedroom eyes. i was too naive to think she was anything but weird. now i get what was going on. this was all pre-cell phones.

>posts photo of litteral faggot

Tell that to this guy

>earth science
The fuck is that? Geography?!?

These students need to start posting vids... Where the fuck were these teachers when I was in school ??

Saved. Women are like children, but even worse than that. They don't contribute anything at all to society, and they're just walking venom. Pic related.


You read way too much into this

This phenomena is just evolutionary biology in action:
Youn up and coming sexually viable male homo sapiens have not established dominance within the troop
Therefore the only pool of viable breeding partners are the ones which the alpha males in the troop do not value: Ugly females and good looking 30+ year old females

Don't disagree with most of your premise but I always want to see pictures of these rapists when THEY were in high school. I would wager dollars to donuts that these are all "ugly ducklings" that were weird, awkward high school girls that lusted over chads but never got them. Then they finally grow into their bodies, figure out how to make themselves hot in college and return to high school. They're now pursued by chads and want to complete a fantasy they've always had.

Always been my theory and unattractive high school girls turn into hot sluts all the time.

This minus the NAWALT bullshit

They are in fact very typical women, perfectly healthy mentally

They are doing what women have done since the dawn of time when their sexual agency wasn't supresses my men and the society they build:

Fuck whomever they want when they want and where they want , according to their pesky female whim.

Remeber "Principles" "honor" "morals" is a purely male invention.
Women one the other hand..their mind working and emotional maturity is that of a dog
See that pillow over there? Wanna fuck it! So let's go and hump it in front of the whole family

>or even know what love is yet
what is love?

Yeah all my teachers were either old hags or balding beta males.

Umbrella term for geology/geography/geophysics/geochemisty etc.
t. geology student

>with nothing to offer?
Wrong, they can offer exactly what they need. They already have financial stability and a cuck husband for emotional support commitment etc. What they are looking for is a good dicking, by some buff teenage protochad bull

Bitter? Whatever, fellow Ameribro.

I went to a school where one of the teacher disappeared
I later found out that his wife who was also a teacher had cheated on him with one of her students
I pitted him as he appeared to be dead inside

It is probably a white woman thing, to go after the young just like men.

It could be because they have higher T.

A study found that feminist women have higher T that non-feminist women and that western women have higher T than non-western women.

They cheated with black students. You can't resist BBC.

Fucking kid should've kept his mouth shut -- he had it made.

newfag with a meme flag..

I think part of this is that they most likely get attention from the young guys and they like that. They probably do not get it at home and young guys will fuck anything . Plus it is taboo, which makes it hotter for them

baby don't hurt me