Something that is quite confusing to me is the war on tobacco. In the media, on the fags themselves and everywhere we look. Who puts advertisements on TV which tell us to stop smoking? Who pays for that and who benefits from it?
Is it just the ((governement)) prohibiting it because it wants to prohibit all the things? Why would it be bad if people get sick more often and buy medicine? or has the tobacco industry became too influential?
War on tobacco
Yea, all of that is definitely pretty suspicious. There's this massive fucking push behind anti-smoking shit, and I struggle to believe it's really being done from a genuine concern for my health and wellbeing
Why do you shills come here? Do you think anybody will buy your shit?
Let's say you have free healthcare. The government pays for that.
Then you have cigarettes, these give rise to many health problems. when you have health problems you go to the hospital. This costs the government money, lots of money.
If the government can make people smoke less then fewer people will have health problems, fewer people will need medical treatment and that will in the long term cost the government less money, which is good.
I've tried to use very simple language here, I'm happy to answer any questions you might have.
The anti tobacco campaign is run by the tobacco companies as a result of a lawsuit
I've researched this somewhat. The American anti-smoking ads are a majority paid for by tobacco companies because they lost a lawsuit and now have to pay for so many anti-smoking PSA. Being the crafty fucks they are they make the ads purposely cringy and curious about smoking.
>i talk small words, goyim. i will answer all ur questions
Digits don't lie
When did this lawsuit take place?
What if your country does not have free healthcare?
Then fuck you
Not everything is some fucking conspiracy. Smoking is legitimately really bad for you. There's money to make anti-smoking ads because of the massive amounts of class-action lawsuits that have been won against cigarette companies.
You're welcome to think it's all nonsense perpetrated by (((them))) but I'll be laffin when you're breathing through a plastic tube in your throat.
my dick's so fucking hard i can't wait to go to class
Funded by, not ran by. Big difference. Tobacco is about the only product the government taxes and makes more than the company selling, and is forced to pay for advertising against themself.
Free market, right?
CEOs watched us influencing the election, now they try to use us to shill for their tabacco products. Just like gold coin producer make good money with the "financial crisis the world ends" guys.
Damn those crafty jews, fabricating out of whole cloth the crazy idea that inhaling burning hot plant matter and holding it in your lungs 20 times a day might be bad for you
Why hook people on a herb that needs to be farmed when an electronic device with 10 ml of feelgood liquid does the same?
It's "run by"
Well, it started under FDR. Was it because the farmers and tobacco industries were conservative?
The governement raise the cigarettes price to make public healthcare more cost effective (if tax do reduce tobacco usage) in the long run.
And make money in the meanwhile thanks to the taxes
Late 90s. Cost of a pack of cigs was $3, price has gone up to about $7, all of which are taxes increasing the price. Some states have it even worse, $12 for a pack of cigarettes.
With Obama, it got even worse. Nigger bummed cigs his whole life but to virtue signal, signed legislation increasing taxes early in his first term.
The government used tobacco as a scapegoat to avoid any lawsuits over asbestos. No, it was the cigarettes goyim, not the toxic environment the government created with asbestos and spraying dioxin over your neighborhood that caused cancer. Oh you never smoked, then it was second hand smoke from 30 miles away that caused it!
good thread. I've always wondered the same.
Philip Morris paid for the "truth" campaign and regulations because they could take the hits but their smaller competition couldnt and went out of business. dumb burger
Why don't cunts ban niggers then? They cause even more harm to citizens' health, not to mention all the welfare that they suck out of the govn-t.
Checkmate, bullied retards
Early 60s, price of a pack was ten cents. When I was deployed in the early 90s a carton was a buck. Cigarettes cost a penny apiece to produce.
>Let's say you have free healthcare. The government pays for that.
The taxpayer pays for the government.
>Why would it be bad if people get sick more often and buy medicine?
Because healthy people end up paying for their cancer treatment.
Only if you have government funded healthcare
Doesn't matter what kind of healthcare system you have. It's more money wasted, less taxes paid, less wealth produced.
inb4 broken window fallacy
Anti-tobacco ads are indeed funded by Big Tobacco. They are anything but "anti" tobacco. Remember the ones with the cats and funky beats? I ran out and bought a pack of Marlboro's immediately.
because smoking is bad u retard
who the fuck would want their children to rot away, when everything you did bringing them up, was to keep them out of harms way.
Just imagine the feels, that your child is addicted to some shit, that will inevitably ruin their life, and all you can do is listen to their cognitive dissonance.
There is a HUGE political incentive to get rid of tobacco, and for that matter, every and any degenerative behavior
What if I do it on average four times a week? A pack lasts me more than a month and I never get cravings. Even when I stop for a month or more just due to not wanting one.
grow your own, it's as healthy as inhaling ash particles can be.
...wait a moment, I'm pretty sure there was a thread earlier about Irelands demise. How can he still post from there if it ceased to exist?!
woooo, I'm a ghooost
>tobacco was a cheap was of relieving stress...
Can't have that now can we? Who's going to impulsively buy all our shit if everyone is happy to puff away on a 5cent stick made of dried leafs...
>"But muh healthcare costs!"
Lung cancer kills relatively quickly and, though there is costs associated with it, it is cheaper than many of the other leading causes of death. In fact, killing people off when they are around the age of retirement (which is what smoking does) is actually a "best practise" of sorts. That is, if we are talking about saving the government as much money as possible.
The truth is simple, you can't raise taxes on smoking if everyone things its an acceptable behavior. If the government gave a shit about keeping you alive, they'd outlaw tobacco. However, keeping you alive isn't what they are trying to do. They want to raise funds for their vacation pay, and they can only do that with "special tax" (Attempting to raise income or basic sales tax would cause a hissy fit in the general population). However, they can't just raise the taxes on shit you like so they make the majority of people not like it, and then triple the taxes for those who do.
Stupid. Big cost is when peole are old. Smokers dont get old. People die from smoking. Less costs.
The reason might be tobacco rises testosterone.
Lung cancer treatment costs money.
Can't you just buy a pipe and have a significantly less chance of developing lung cancer? Same for E-Cigs.
Not really. You usually get diagnosed too late and then die a year or two later after spending a few months in hospice... Far cheaper than a single hip replacement, if I had to guess.
The indians used tobacco sparingly, it was like a once a week or few times a month thing. And they did not inhale, they smoked it like you would smoke a cigar. They said the europeans abuse tobacco and indians abuse alcohol.
Nicotine isn't very addictive. Alcohol is much worse since it's physically dependent.
u dont know shit about what natives did. different tribes had different behavior. egg head lib.
Quitting smoking is a joke, especially with the gum and patches they offer. Its just people do it out of habit so they think they're addicted. Unless you're W/D'ing from benzos, alcohol or opiates, "addiction" is a fucking meme.
but people want to take those little 5 minute breaks at work to go smoke and take their mind off work for a second, that's the real addiction.
Smoking a pipe isn't the same thing as smoking a cigarette. You really don't inhale the smoke of a pipe (or cigar for that matter). You might as well not smoke anything if you are thinking about smoking a pipe.
As for e-cigs, it's health benefits are debatable. I don't know enough about them to say for sure, but from what I've read they have similar rates of non-cancer related issues. Essentially they are just are irritating to your lungs, but don't contain the cancer causing chemicals.
In theory, this would be worse for healthcare costs as it would lead to chronic illnesses and not terminal illnesses.
Let's take Canada's exemple: less and less people are smoking, yet, the taxes on cigarettes rises 3 times every year (provincial, federal, then the companies themselves), our health services keep dropping, wait time keeps rising, etc, etc.
The fact that people smoking creates a bigger array of individuals in need of healthcare being the main reason for the war on tobacco is just a cope out: gov't is making a shitload of money off of it. And that's it.
Don't know how it is in other countries but this is why USA has anti tobacco. The tobacco companies actually love this because bad advertisement is better than no advertisement.
>muh healthcare costs
the war on tobacco gave rise to the obesity epidemic, which has made costs skyrocket
Actually I am 1/8th apache indian you piece of shit
>not being 1/64th Cherokee
please give us more of this beautiful FEMALE (male)
rabbi goldstein doesnt wants you to have any fun in your life
cigarettes are bad!
alcohol is bad!!
now buy my new iphone with all the money you saved by quitting smoking
good goy
Because big tobacco is one of the last major industries that is not controlled by Jews.