We may never know his motivation

We may never know his motivation.

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Islam is a religion of peace goyim. Don't be a racist!

Whats with the vest?

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.


so much workplace violence

Government has an obligation to protect it's prisoners, even though everyone wants that nigger dead.

Nice try but it has to be a leaf flag. Sorry

prevents assassination attempts

wait what? How come didn't I hear about this?

It's an islamophobiaproof vest.



get a load of those islamophobic racists

>Why didn't the MSM tell me Muslims were evil!

A souvenir of his failure.

>MFW prisoners and criminals are given more rights and protections then the civilian.

when the fuck did this happen? never heard of this. is the news covering up terrorist attacks now?

Bloody mudslimes youtu.be/CSKbWI1pUHQ

Oh they covered it for about a day and then silence
>Jake Tapper tweeted 'thank god he used a bomb instead of guns!'


I guess because there were no deaths... But still compare this shit with charlottesville. It's amazing how the media frames the issues that we are meant to care about

To reduce the damage when he randomly explodes


Oy vey, anudda terrorist?

I think his motivation might have been peace on earth and co-existence of all people and religions.

White, right wing extremists tries to bomb an airport but you didn't hear about it. Why do you assume he is a terrorists but white terrorists like this receive media blackout?


Poor homeless man peacefully cooking kebab in his pressure-cookers

I remember a book i read - it depicted some anarchic society where "prison" sentence was solved by a fact that there were a small bunch of people who vowed to give sanctuary to lunatics and other such fucks on a small island - so it works like that - if you do some shit and it gets known you will run as fast to be locked up in an island cause otherwise you get your ass killed (or beat if it something smaller) - the more sicker shit you've committed to more people will be out there and the longer they will remember it - so the longer you stay in prison - and if you commited somethins so sick no one wants to give you sanctuary then well fuck you
seems like a pretty good self organizing system
though where would you find some dedicated people who'd even bother to give any sanctuary to fuckers