Does anyone else feel exhausted?
What about a tiredness that sleep can't fix?
Get in here and discuss why we might all feel this way!
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Not a sage, I'm legitimately serious about being depressed and I was wondering if I could talk to some people on here about it and how to beat it.
I work 50 hours a week and have 4 kids.. I'm always fucking tired
get DECENT sleep you leaf shitfuck, like don't go to sleep at 03:00 in the night and stay in your bed until 14:00 next day you lazy fucking leafshit
What's the point? It's not like I have a job or a education.
Life is exhausting, kids are exhausting, and I don't have time to get depressed. Stop self loathing
>woahoahwoah im tired!
>must be depression n shiet!
Idk leaf I'm in the same boat. I think reading so much about how FUCKED THIS GAY EARTH IS makes you feel like nothing is even worth it. I hardly do drugs anymore, I don't try and date. I can get a job at 20$ an hour and yet I just don't. My eyes always hurt and my face is always tired. I hate everything and yet desire everything. I want to die but I'm scared of dying. It's all so tiresome and yet all I do is lay in bed and browse pol
I would say that you aren't depressed, but focused like a laser. Living that way 24/7 takes a toll on your body.
Starting lifting and setting goals, leaf. You have to give your life purpose not the other way around.
I can't get a job at anything above $11, and that's in CAD. Be thankful you're not in Canada.
I already do lift, I shoulder pressed 1pl8 the other day, and deadlifted 3pl8 the day before.
How so? What should I do to fix that then? I don't wanna go to a shrink because I'm in the process of applying to the military.
>I can get a job at 20$ an hour and yet I just don't.
Try living in an area where "good" factory jobs pay $10/hr. and start temp to hire. But, we all have equal access to opportunity, surely there's no need to blame terrible trade deals or the devaluation of labour?
Drop the porn you mothercucking piece of white trash.
Start lifting, fix your diet, go outside bitch. I bet your mother hang herself for seeing how big of a low-life you fucking are.
We're all in unnatural state, overstimulation can't be healthy for your mind, you worthless fuck.
I wake up at 5am, back from work at 6pm, eat dinner rest for 30 minutes, and jump to my improvised gym to fucking lift so I can rip your throat with bare hands in the incoming race war. When I go back, I jump under cold shower it will be 9pm by this time, so I can just chill
>What should I do to fix that then?
You don't.
>Start lifting
already do that
How do you have the energy to do everything?
Here's the problem you fucking dipshit, get a job!!
I'm starting to feel it. Last couple of days have been bad, started couple of weeks ago.
I'm at a point where I want to leave my girlfriend because she has brown eyes and find a blue eyed girl. I'm 25 and don't want brown eyed children all of a sudden. It has blackpilled me badly. I love her, and she loves me, but I can't stop thinking about continuing the blue eyes to my future kids... She is white but has brown eyes, what are the chances of getting brown eyes babies?? Fucking Sup Forums and Voat has ruined me.
Can't you fucking read? If you constantly throw energy out for garbage hobbies like addictions, games, socializating, then what the fuck zero, like you expect to achieve? I can fucking sense your low T level from here beta boy.
Accumulate your energy by cutting of major part of your daily doses of dopamine. Lack of dopamine causes no motivation, no energy. If you still don't know what's going on, you better fucking die. People like you would hang on my streets
I count as success each day I manage to not kill myself. Everything physically hurts so much.
Brown hair/Blonde as a child. blue eyes, german surname here. My son has blue eyes and similar color hair to mine. Mother is brown/black hair and brown/green eyes
He's gonna be a CHAD, he's social, friendly and very smart, profits from a nanny every day oposed to a daycare, with both parents at home watching the nanny like a fucking hawk with 8 cameras inside and 8 cameras outside. She's not allowed to drive him.
If you're actually feeling down, go see someone. Pol probably isn't the best place
Need a therapist bro, we can't have you holding the team down.
I cook new stuff every day. I also read and do some light exercise.
It helps.
Oh, and by the way, if you happen to suffer from dandruff, or from thinning hair, try cutting back on the masturbation; going from fapping to 5+ times a day on average to once a week really helped. Not only with the hair thing, too - I didn't feel so tired all the time as well since I had a higher quality of sleep.
Clean up your diet and work out regularly. Supplement with Vitamin D, 5000 iu daily. If you still feel tired all the time see a doctor.
>b-b-but I can't game nine hours per day if I do that plus I like to jerk off two to three hours in the evening plus...
Nah fuck off cunt, do what I said and it'll work in 99% of cases
So brown mother eyes don't always dominate the childs eye colour?
I have no idea whether that is all thatrelevant to the thread, but I had to take some calcium supplements, and my eyes have basically been stuck with two blood vessels permanently sticking out like a sore thumb (like in pic related). My eyes might be redder when I'm waking up, but these two vessels never go away on their own. They may shrink a little, but they never go away completely; they're an eyesore.
Is there a cure for this? I don't really have any problems with my vision otherwise, it's just a cosmetic problem.
dopamine is built by UV light from the Sun via the eye
get out into the morning SUNLIGHT barefoot
Use ClearEyes or some eye whiting eye drop
I'd say go to your family doctor/General Practitioner or what ever you may call it.
You'd be very surprised what regularly working out can do for you. In high school football we had 5 am practices and had workouts during 4th period, which was around noonish and I was never all that tired. Had plenty of energy to get my work done. Slept great too
stop drinking tap water
stop watching porn
pray once in the morning and once before going to sleep
I can't really remember when it was everything became like this,I think it started at around 9 y/o.
Everything was/is just shit,and no amount of effort or kicking I put into anything seems to make a difference,the closest to happiness I get is sleeping or a happening.
I think a trigger for it starting was just that I'm very empathetic and actually give a fuck concerning people,their lives and their pain;I want to help make it better for everyone.
I haven't seen a true good act in a very long time,can't even remember anymore.
It's always self-interest and generally evil shit coming first and being prevalent,and you know what? There will probably be people calling me a snowflake or a faggot for this,and they might be able to roll with all the shit and it being normalized but I just can't;and I guess that's that;I've come as close as I can to accepting it.
I'm so fucking tired.
I don't know what happened or when but my empathy has mostly stopped and I only seem to have sympathy for very young children,sick & terminal people and animals.
My family claims to have it and then follows up by saying it's hereditary for us.
Depression is classified as an illness,I was always wondering if it was just a reaction to how everything is or could be but won't.
Nothing seems to help long-term;working out,eating right,talking to normies;I've never tried meds for it,but seeing my shitty family pop them like candies and seeing no difference really doesn't give any me any inclination to try.
If any Anons tried antidepressants or alternatives a response would be welcomed.
>'What about a tiredness that sleep can't fix?'
That really resonated with me,OP.
That sounds a bit dangerous IMO. Are there any dangers
That's probably the for the best.
I was hoping for some non-medicinal advice (e.g. sleep more, blink more, etc.), that's why I asked on here first.
Yes, I'm going to fail all of my community college classes because of it. I have no motivation to do anything, been in bed literally all day. Feel tired all of the time, and it never abates. My 3 brothers and sisters all have master's degrees and one makes over $10k per month and here I am failing at fucking community college and being a fucking disgrace to my family. Never had a girl despite Chad looks. Always had women chasing after me through hs and first year of college, probably over 30 of them but I'm such a sad loser all I could do was kiss/makeout with a few of them.
Everything is shit, badly want to kms but it would break my parent's heart. What should I do Sup Forums?
danger with using these drops?*
Get yourself in shape and find out what the point of your life is. Of course you dont feel any urgency when there is no carrot infront of you. Find out what the carrot is and then take action to improve. Read Nietszhe
If your siblings are doing well, then clearly you have the intellectual capacity. Perhaps you don't like your classes? Also take the exercise/diet/sleep advice already posted. Think of what's naturally compatible with the human body i.e. no artificial crap, sugar drinks, and sitting around neeting all day. Then reverse what's not natural.
If you have chad looks, get a girl on a date. When you get her to the kiss phase, push the envelope by grabbing her, and, if she responds positively, whip out your dick and get it going.
Oh god, I had forgotten about that site. Thanks for reminding me.
Easy to say in a country that doesn't have winter six months of the year.
Why do you think Canadians drink so heavily?
Are you me?
Exact same circumstances, down to heredity depression.
I tried antidepressants. Five kinds of them. Doctors are happy to throw unproven SSRIs at people and hope they stick.
They helped my brother, and some folks, but not me. One even sent me to the emergency room because the idiot doctor didn't check to see if it would adversely affect my already low blood pressure, and I blacked out.
Good times.
I'd say try SSRIs if you want. They can work for some people. What worked for me in the end is weed and Buddhism. And even then it's a lifelong battle.
I've considered suicide pretty much every day since I was 16. You get used to it, until eventually you die.